Who is the bigger scumbag?
Walt. name one (1) thing Tony did that was wrong
I don't know, at least Tony enjoys what he does. Walt is a neverending drama and self-pity generator. Maybe he should have gone and seen a therapist.
Walt for willfully sabotaging his and his families' own safety. When he was set up by Gus in that state of the art facility all he had to do was punch the clock from 9-5 and rake in untold millions. Instead he fucked it all up.
only thing walt did wrong was marrying skyler
>incurable cancer
>said fuck it and made 7 billion dollars by the end
youre wrong faggot
>tony is a scumbag
since fucking when.
>>said fuck it and made 7 billion dollars by the end
And he was miserable during the entire show, bar a couple of displays of "power". He couldn't even get his dick wet if it wasn't with Skylord.
The beginning of the series