What was his goddamned problem?

What was his goddamned problem?

Nothing. He made his case clear that his existence was strictly to give the righteous reason to act.

He was Gary Oldman acting in a Luc Besson movie.

muh favorite

god I love that scene

What is some other /sick-kino/? Movies you watch when you're sick. This and Knight's Tale come to mind.

Princess Bride is such obvious sickkino it's bookended by and old man telling it to his sick grandson.

It's also the most subtle Christmas movie ever made.

bring back the multipass meme

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Conan, Willow or Fellowship, they always manage to make me feel comfy when sick.

Why is this movie so good?

he wanted britain to succeed now that he was on top of the circus

Excellent fucking taste all round.

He was a cute villain acting as a plot-intermediary in a larger threat.

Fun fact: Zorg says "I know" three times, each time, his violence escalates.

-pushing Ian Holm out of his office
-killing his aide via remote, who has failed him
-personally gunning down a landing crew at the larger ship which has received his small craft

This sets up a COMEUPPANCE, delivered very rhythmically with the "oh, no!" when the bomb re-activates.

I swear I'm the only person who has appreciated this comeuppance-rhythm throughout the film. My spacing does not invalidate the rightness of my observations, and if you would point to such, then you are a dog-fucking pederast.

I don't think it was. He was the Lex Luthor of his Universe. The people that agree with an antagonist, usually don't have a life worth living.

holy shit, that's gary oldman?

He was only right in that his existence served as a fable that he was on the wrong side of. Whether he meant it or not it turned out to be true.


He just wanted a meat popsicle.

Did he even realize that Mr Shadow was planning to wipe everyone around?



zorg did nothing wrong

He literally grabbed the wrong box, that's a pretty big fuck up.

Also he broke a glass for no reason. And he nearly choked on a cherry.

No. He thought Mr. Shadow was going to cause destruction, disorder, and chaos. He's an advanced weapons manufacture/dealer. That's like being a successful farmer during a famine.

And less we not forget the ONLY reason the United States got out of the Great Depression and became a world leader was because of Hitler. Ironically, he did more to help the U.S. than anything else in history (with maybe the exception of slavery as cotton was that century's oil boom).


But how did he get in contact with Mr Shadow before he took shape?

This movie has many issues with characters somehow knowing things through magic.

Yeah, have to admit, that part didn't make much sense. Mr Shadow was clearly shown being born. And it didn't have the ability to communicate until after it gathered the satellites. Giant pothole there.

But we're talking about a movie that assembled a woman from a giant metal duck alien with nothing but a charred hand (she even remembers who attacked her!).

But seriously, who cares. The entire movie could've been Ruby Rod taking a shit and still would've been worth it just to see that scene with the robber waiting at Korban's door. I have never laughed so hard in my life.


> A cherry

You cant take this movie seriously. Its somehow a great comedy so fuck the plotholes.

>But we're talking about a movie that assembled a woman from a giant metal duck alien
It was the sarcophagus hand, which through the miracle of plot holes, was holding a handle of some sort. Mondowhawan hands are nothing but angles.

He gave an entire speech about it before he stated chocking, weren't you listening?

The fucking thug asshole on a bike from Friday is president in it. President of.. the world or whatever? And Brion James plays an incompetent general.

This movie is pure fun, not some deep message.

I saw this movie at the theater for it's 20th anniversary, and everyone laughed hysterically whenever this guy came on screen.
So much so that you couldn't hear what he was even saying.
Is he really that funny?

>President of.. the world
Globalism is coming.

>blah blah
>reddit spacing
fuck off

>Sup Forumsshit again


he's basically the personification of a darkly wacky adult comics/heavy metal character. it's a very specific character, tonally speaking, and I can't really think of a better example