Old Joey isn't looking too good boys
Looks more and more depressed in every video
Old Joey isn't looking too good boys
Looks more and more depressed in every video
Alex Jones has really let himself go
His trolls in the comments depress him.
He'll rant about it in his videos now and again.
I wish he wouldn't be so bothered by obvious trolls but it hurts him.
I've never seen one person eat such gross amount of food. How the fuck is he not dead?
His "meat mountain" challenge video was really bad. He put almost 0 effort into it.
I think he is getting burnt out muchacho
Sad, I like the guy
Joey MAD
>doesn't even eat it
It is right after he claimed to go on a diet.
But right after the challenge, he started doing videos with two items of food unlike his usual one.
I wonder what's gotten into him?
What is there to like about him? He's glutony embodied.
ReviewBrah stole his soul.
At least he wasn't betrayed by Taco Bell like poor ReviewBrah