/got/ 7 good men edition


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Honest question. What does "break the wheel" mean?
It obviously doesn't mean ending monarchy or bringing democracy, as Dany intends to rule as queen.
And given her promise to let Yara remain in charge of the iron islands, and her offer to give Jon the old Warden of the North role if he bends the knee, it clearly doesn't mean an end to feudalism ether, as she will leave the historically powerful families as lords to rule over the plebs.
Also, given that Dany believes she can have no children, she clearly doesn't plan on "breaking the wheel" by establishing an everlasting Targ dynasty that cannot possibly be overthrown, and using it's unstoppable power to end the wars over the crown in Westeros.
What does it mean?

>Executes captives
>Doesn't keep the most important captives as hostages
Dany is a moron.

nth for Edmure

once more

jon is the best fighter in westeros

jorah got BTFO by some random lanklet dothraki and needed dario to save him
he also got BTFO in the arena

Why doesn't LF realize Bran knows shit he shouldn't know by now? Why go after Arya when the real threat is Bran who knows what you're doing, because in the show, you apparently can't fool the old gods.

the LF plot has been shit since they stopped having books.

>getting the band back together
>trying to be subtle while shouting hints at the audience
>cersei "We're going to trick them by not going north" lannister

What do you rate this episode?