Mad Queen edition
/got/ general
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first for harrenhal
what WAS his problem?
Dickon more like Dickburnt kek
Am I just depraved or was Arya implying that Sansa wanted Jon's cock rather than his titles/authority?
>how could you even say such a thing?
>is it just me or does her " I am not here to murder " sound a little insincere when followed by "bend the knee or die" #got7 #madqueen2
Nikolaj is /ourguy/
he forgot the goomba makeup to go with the shrunken head
>robert remembers the first man he killed was a tarly whom he refers to as "stupid boy"
>randyll calls dickon a "stupid boy"
Who has a more advanced civilization, westeros or the free cities?
Eat my ass you doubting fags, TWoW 2018 is happening
try harder
Do you think the audience is ready for the true king to come home?
Rip in peace Rickon.
She was implying that Sansa secretly wanted Jon to never come back because she loves the power and nice things that come with being a ruler.
First for the one true Azor Ahai
It's possible. Arya definitely wants to ride Longclaw though.
There doesn't seem to be any difference between the two, but the free cities are probably more productive due to slavery.
>inb4 benis joke
>jon and gendry compare appearances just like robert and ned in episode one
Could this party beat the Twenty Goodmen?
He really is. Asking the serious questions.
Which of this anime season's assassin lolis is stronger, Arya or Chise?
Just rewatched. Arya was asking about what happens if he didn't come back.
Come on user, no one beats House Goodmen.
Who else here can't wait to see the devastated normies when viserion gets rekt next episode?
The series was at its best when Tyrion was hand.
yes, always has been
Twintee Goodman is the best swordsman beyond the wall.
So, no.
>TWoW 2018 is happening
I thought it was TWoW 2016?
are you the fag with the dickon thread up?
Eat my ass you fags, this was taken in June last year when he begged for more time and suggested he may need another book
Your initial thoughts on this scene?
The series was at its best when Tywin was alive.
No, they're just 6 pretty decent men, each is worth half a good man
But they do have Jorah, who is a bear island man, and equal to two good men.
The flaming sword is shown with beric in the preview for next episode....
Why exactly is Arya suddenly mad at Sansa?
So right the fuck now?
it was pretty good up until the last season or two when it was all fucking talk felt like beyond seeing that annoying bastard get shitface barked
But he's the hand right now user :^)
fist of the first men took 2 episodes. this is gonna get a half?
Stark women are born cunts
Westeros on account of the Citadel. Slavery also tends to retard technological advancement. So that is another thing in favor of Westeros.
Jaime is /ourguy/ already, so it makes sense that NCW would be as well.
I hope Jon gets it
Because Arya cares about Jon and Sansa is letting the northern lords shit on him and doubt him.
She thinks Sansa doesn't have good intentions for the north. Littlefinger is preying on this paranoia with the letter plot.
Myr and bravos are pretty advanced though., but Slavery is illegal in bravos.
arya too immature and hellbent on revenge
at least sansa has matured and is a reasonable person
>When Seaaon 8 is all about me.
Huge tease, I even said "Aaaaand credits!" before it happened. Would have made for a better intro, honestly. No music, just door still for a few seconds, cranks moving and it opening, then the chosen few walking through to almost certain death.
But I'm a faggot on Sup Forums and not a high paid HBO writer so what the fuck do I know.
How do I get shoulders like Dickon
best scene of the season so far desu
Because the writers don't understand the characters at all.
They literally said they didn't understand Stannis, they've said that needle represents arya's want for revenge, they've butchered Loras character and so on.
>Why didn't they take horses?
Because she didn't stand up for her crush
I like making webms of nice scenes.
it's cold nigga
Because somebody saw him through a window?
Dad burns a father and his son because he thinks he has no other choice. Daughter burns a father and his son but gives them a choice. So she's half mad then ?
Wear armor.
You should be asking how do you get a chin and perfect five o'clock shadow like Dickon, and the answer to that is you don't, those genes are dead.
this needs a theme song gentlemen. suggestions?
this was very nice also
>king older brother dead
>children are illegitimate
>i am next in line
>gib throne
there we go that's stannis
You can only be a hand if you serve a monarch
I can't believe it. The spoilerbro purposely hid the spoiler scene of Stannis popping up in episode 7 with 5 minutes left.
He's a total snack
Lay that dick-on my pussy
K thnx
damn, thats a pretty great lineup.
Don't worry guys there is another Dickon.
Ser Dickon Manwoody.
war isn't murder
So who the fuck rules The Reach or Dorne now that House Tyrell and Martell is extinct?
There's a Rickon and Dickon. Does that mean there's a Dickard somewhere?
But it's a fake flaming sword like in the episode in where he fought against the hound
Sandor Clegane is the true Azor Ahai
>that plastic warhammer
>Bohemian Rhapsody starts playing
Kind of obvious...
hes ripped as fuck in Black Sails
But daddy Tarly wore armor, and his shoulders were half as big. Granted, he's old but still /fit/ old.
>Jorah face to face with Dany
>doesn't tell her that Sam Tarly cured his greyscale
>used to have a guy whose entire face was fucked up from frostbite
>now cool guys just walk into blizzards without a hat or hair on their head
Reminder that twow will *NEVER* be released and the show is canon now.
>there we go that's stannis
Ohh you sweet summer showfag...
>tfw dickon and rickon become the gay emperors of heaven
>those replies
>all those fags defending dany
>someone saying dany using dragons is like trump using nukes against NK just because he has them and they are enemies
Killing surrendered people is murder.
real warhammer would be way too heavy
>Sup Forums
d-does GoT not have a thread on /lit/?
You forgot
>I never asked for this
If you don't see them, it's enhanced.
I don't watch bad television so I wouldn't know.
I just want to know what happens to Young Griff!
You think Jon would be madder that Daenerys roasted the entire family of his closest friend.
She needs something like that to help shock her out of her Mad Targaryen 2.0 (is it v2? v3? How many mad Targies have we had?) rampages.
>burned Lord Tarly and his son alive in dragonfire
>one of her best friends was cured by a Tarly
>the same House she sent extinct because she could, even when all she had to do was listen to her advisors
She was born in Westeros, she lived here all her life.
cucks who cant even carry a real warhammer shouldnt play badass warriors
>know that Tarly changed allegiance and abandoned his pledged lord days ago
>asks him to bend the knee
>doesn't even have the decency to die on the battlefield and instead gets captured
>is a piece of shit person either way