Why this scene turned into a meme?There is dozens of worse capeshit scenes.
Don't tell me Sup Forums worship a forced meme created and spammed everyday by some Sup Forumstard
Why this scene turned into a meme?There is dozens of worse capeshit scenes.
Don't tell me Sup Forums worship a forced meme created and spammed everyday by some Sup Forumstard
Someone managed to leak the opening of TDKR months before it came out in theaters, the meme actually predates the movie's official release
Because it rides that fine meme line between bad and great, it's advanced memery.
For example memeing about how bad The Room is not memeing, there is nothing to "meme" about something so universally thought as bad.
The TDKR is the perfect vessel for memeing, it's a spectacularly executed action set piece with actually ridiculous non-sense writing, it's almost abstract when you dissect it.
For you.
>If I pulled that off would you die?
>It would be extremely painful!
>You're a big guy.
>For you.
Seriously this might be the worst, most autistic exchange of dialogue I've ever heard in a major film.
If I pull that off would you die?*
It would be extremely painful without the exclamation mark*
C'mon atleast post it properly.
>There is dozens of worse capeshit scenes.
but this scene is literally the best so those worse scenes are irrelevant.
we are talking about the good one here.
To this day, I still don't even know what he meant by the last line. How is "for you" even a reply?
Spoken like a big guy.
normalization of a tragedy
"It would be extremely painful for you" as in if he took off the mask CIA would regret it, however, in an interview Tom Hardy said he read the line it as "I'm a big guy for you." meaning he's a big guy for CIA.