Whats the purpose of back lighting your tv? Why do normies have to do stupid shit like this?

Whats the purpose of back lighting your tv? Why do normies have to do stupid shit like this?

It's fun, helps set the mood. As far as any practical purpose goes though, yes. It's pointless.

LED strips are pretty cheap and easy to install. Retarded normies think they're tech gurus because they can stick them on the back of their tv and plug them into the wall. Just hop over to reddit and look at all the horrible LED strip DIY projects people post there.

>its fun
grill btw

its americans and their passion for gimmicky shit that distracts you from what youre doing.

>t.obsessed brainlet non-american who can't focus on more than one thing at a time

t. millennial shitter raised by LCD screens since his parents didnt bother to do their work

It improves the viewing experience. Your eyes don't react well to having a rectangle of light surrounded by total darkness


>cinema is the wrong way of watching films