What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

curry's on the menu tonight

>my feet are tired
>it's crowded in this subway
>i'm late for my prayers to mecca
>why is this slag trying to tempt me with carnal sins
>this country is so haram

dumb chav slut

Trying to seduce the arab into fornicating and losing allah's sweet sweet love for him.

His will is strong

why do females always put their feet on chairs? fucking disgusting slores, learn some etiquette


The only shame is she's wearing shoes

>be immigrant
>long day at work to support family of 8
>tired, overworked and underpaid
>ride home on public transportation next to a fetal alcohol syndrome brit mocking you and snapping pics for the world to laugh at
>tfw the realization this is the highlight of his day
poor guy

You know, if she didn't have that horrendous quasi modo face she'd be perfect.

Why is her head so deformed?


She is probably the easiest celeb to fuck ever
With that face

>western women

The jew has triumphed

kicking body. horrible face. thank god for paper bags

god her body is so hot

she uggo but atleast she can act better than 95% of the cast

her and the hound are 100% the driving force keeping the show from being meme tier

even the most hideous white women have great legs

Are goblins haram?

That guy looks like your typical braindead wageslave who can't wait to get home and watch tv and drink beer until he falls asleep. Of course for a millionaire teen he's game, look at him how he isn't enjoying life, what a moron!



>tfw you are a celeb in your prime
>tfw not even make up can make you look happy
>tfw regular people wouldn't bang you except for betas and desperate pathetic weaklings

goddamn. also, you really can't be any more of a degenerate than her in that picture

>dirty boots on seat
>making fun of a stranger next to you

is it just the fact that she's famous or is it because english girls don't know how to behave properly in general?

>wears anime shirt
>doesn't even notice 3D woman trying to get in his pants

She has super hot lower body like a hot fit girl then the upper body of a fat troll, so weird lol

my fucking cock

Is that Sophie?

Far left, yes.


no it isnt, look at how short that girl is

she'd be shorter than maisie if she wasnt on that rock

>sophie is sitting in front of them

>sophie turner and quasi modo will be acid attacked in your life time

one can only hope

Why DID they take this picture? Fucking electric eyes everywhere you go. Even if Maise was drunkenly coming onto you you can't do anything without criminating evidence being pushed all over the web.

Ask sophie on twitter, looks like she took it if you look at the reflection on the window.

>some guy just trying to get home
>lol picture time

I hope he beheads her

>cute girls never harass you on the way home

Probably because I'm white

Why do people post pictures of her????

She is legit 2/10

I would rather not get any, than fuck her. I don't care about anything that she does. I don't watch GOT because I'm an adult.

>I'm an adult
>posting on a lebanese finger painting forum

>wahhhhh why do people like things that i dont

whats wrong with you

Is riding on the underground as a celeb the ultimate attention whoring?

Just get a fucking uber, it's faster

When will this meme end? Maisie is perfect.

no one uses uber in the uk

>making sophie take a photo of you trying to seduce a poor immigrant with your ripped pantyhose


Is he manspreading? Man, he deserved it and more. What can you do when a man is manspreading shamelessly like that? And later he probably mansplained his wife. What a twat

Using uber or any form of taxi service is a great way to get raped by Ahmed desu because it's happened to some friends of mine :^(

i dont get it

Sup Forums never liked jlaw

>is it just the fact that she's famous or is it because english girls don't know how to behave properly in general?

You have no idea.

>she will never give you this look

Her face looks like the tip of a fat guys wrinkly dick

Was this leak real or not?

not to mention 95% of GoTfags are redditors.

>Maisie is ugl-

They do in London, which is where the underground is

She has that distinctive British underclass look that's so repulsive.


pick one

oy vey look at that white person taking up so much space, better import more minorities


a girl took a picture of me in metro once. is this a bad or a good thing? she was super fucking hot. she probably posted it on some funny facebook page

Guess that makes me gay for the tip of fat guy wrinkly dick.

How tall are you?