Sorry Lauren

Sorry Lauren.

Wtf im a white nationalist now

Her tiddies look smaller than that desu

Those tits are for BASED black men only whiteboi


who dis?

shes from surrey BC, Sup Forums liberal
they belong to the poos

Lauren I'm dying


I would never deny my based black pedes the honor of helping create our shitposting army! Maga


Her tits are waaay smaller than that

who cares

is that tomi?

This. I'll believe it when the rest of the set comes out.

Blondes with a manish jawline are a dime a dozen.
It doesn't help that trannys also attempt to go blonde constantly either.

Laura Southern

She looks like my aunt

fake as fuck shes flat as fuck

literally who?

Isn't that the Polish woman who now has a monkey baby?

Looks like she's trying to get away

>man jaw

no thanks

a canadian transsexual

Neofascist propagandist.

you'd know all about women avoiding you

no you would

BBC addict

That's pretty neat

it's the classic trick of squeezing them together between your arms and pressing down with your hand to give the illusion of cleavage

chicks with tiny tits learn to do this very early in their lives

Some who leeches NEETbux of beta virgin Sup Forumstards and doesn't even have sex with them.

obviously fake

something you wouldn't know with your fat man tits

Why do low IQ liberals from Sup Forums and lefty/pol/ hate her so much? is it because she has a real vagina??


You're pretty neat too

It's actually because she has a fake vagina

You know this will make her more popular right? You don't because you're a stupid woman.

Also it's fake.