Dan Harmon says it's his least favorite episode of the new season

>Dan Harmon says it's his least favorite episode of the new season
>turns out to be by far the best episode of the new season so far

Reminder that Harmon is television cancer

Other urls found in this thread:


>watch reddity and memefuck

It was a joke you fucking mongoloid

I love the bbc

>draw a walking piece of shit
>call it an antman

It wasn't better than episode 1. It was a weak episode. Better than Pickle Rick, maybe on par with or a little weaker than S3E2.

>black man gets cucked by ants and it's suggested that Rick hates Israel
>still complain

How fucking insecure can you be?

Its name was ghost train, user


Mad Max episode was easily the worst

wtf it was 10x better than E2 and 3 combined

I think it was better than E1 by a bit too, but maybe I need to watch it again. but I probably wont because I like to wait a few years before rewatching shows.

you just hate it because summer you fucking white male


>le epic name the jew joke

>wew it was hella fucking epic

piece of shit writers cucking the BBC

Mad Max episode to me had the advantage of coming earlier so the "gratuitous violence to fill airtime in the absence of clever writing" thing wasn't as played out yet as it now is. The armothy jokes and robot kids gags were both pretty funny, too. It was a weak 4/10 at best, but it was definitely better than the dumpster fire that was Pickle Rick.

This episode was also bad. The "blackout rick" gag got old really fast, and aside from a few Superhero jokes and one or two Rick gags it was entirely unfunny.

Gimme an R!
Gimme an E!
Gimme a D!
Gimme a D!
Gimme an I!
Gimme a T!
What's that spell?

What was so bad about Pickle Rick? If you forget about the therapy shit, it was like an old episode of R&M. He kills rats and escapes from some weird alphabet soup compound, that was fucking awesome.



Jesus christ, you're really butthurt about it aren't you?

I don't get it.


So basically you're saying if you went back and watched the Mad Max episode again, you'd probably realize that it was also garbage?

This episode felt much more like S1/2: Rick and Morty go on a wacky adventure, colorful characters are introduced and subsequently killed off, episode has a satisfying conclusion without getting bogged down in more overwrought family drama. After the last two episodes, it was very refreshing

Formerly called Chucks

Best episode of the season. The Israel joke probably was one of the reasons between the fights among Harmon and roiland.

Harmon is such a bitch

the bbc is the cuck, so funny !!!!!122

>board would've had a total meltdown if it had been the black guy cucking the ant guy
>it's the other way around
>whine anyway

Sup Forums is full of unironic cucks. why do you think there's so much pushback towards our righteous Sup Forums colonials?

Why would Morty get his feelings hurt over the rocket not being for him? It was pretty obvious that Rick thought him and Morty would be able to escape before the games started, why take it so personally?

because rick also said it might be for morty
and its obvious that rick and morty were not supposed to be their by drunk ricks dialog but rick actually telling morty it might be for him made morty forget

because roiland is a FUCKING hack

Harmon fucking sucks!

The only thing good he's ever done is Harmonquest (and he's the worst part of the show!).

This show is for beta bitches

i'm a beta bitch and i can confirm this

>>Dan Harmon says it's his least favorite episode of the new season

Could he have been joking, user?

So, you fags now watch this postironically?

best of the season so far

one of the funniest in the whole series tbqh

i hope harmon really hated it. that would mean he truly is the cancer in the show

Worst episode of the season, I think.

2 and 3 were blurs, desu, very forgettable barring Sup Forums's reaction to pickle Rick.


this post was funnier than anything in this show this season

>>turns out to be by far the best episode of the new season so far

It was crap.

The premiere was the best, it was at least watchable. It destroyed every ongoing conflict in the show in a single episode and damned us to this monotonous hell of lazy parodies; but it was at least watchable.

The Israel jab was good though.

It was good, not great, just good

I think we're still watching it ironically.

>extreme gore is cool you guise xD

This desu.

First was the best but it literally killed the series by destroying the overarching plot that everyone loved. 2-3 were entertaining enough, not completely infuriating. 4 was trying way too hard.

>be writer
>"Rick is always drinking right? So let's have a episode with him blackout drunk!"
>"The kids like the rap and the dab, so lets end with that! lol I'm so cool xD"

The episode was a "meh" at best. I could tell the writer was trying too hard though.

Not to mention he said Pickle Rick was his favorite episode as well.

the best of the season does mean shit when it in itself is a meta commentary that they ran out of idea so they make fun their shit ideas,and include to paradoys, and try to appeal to anti sjw crowd,and anti isreal crowd with some low quality fruit

>just want some rule 34 of supernova lady


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