

Other urls found in this thread:


5'2" is the perfect height for girls. I'm 6'3".

The fall of the USSR was a mistake

Bart! With $10,000 we could be millionaires!

feel really bad for ugly faced girls

imagino ser mexicano

The mug

this. they cum easier, like two or three pumps from me and they are seizing already lmoa

got a weird nose on my face
I'm such a freak


Beto - Subhumans (IRELAND DISS) ft. that aussie who's uncle got killed by the IRA

dumb pirate frogposter hahahhaha

math yank?


I want to see Oxford's willy x

oink oink piggy


beto tried to rape his sister and he takes pics of her and posts them here sometimes

thanks Rosy

future proud fathers of hapa children

i really want sex robots and artificial wombs to be a thing

are beto is innocent until the contrary is proved

Beto post pics of your sister's shapely ass

Based Anglin


money money money money

Imagine the bent fucker that wouldn't fuck the shit out of Emma Watson.

laughing at this fatty's obsession

what am i supposed to do without toil the next 2 days??

toil is the only life i know...

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed x

BASED emma watson poster

Isn't the Emma Watson yank
>morbidly obese
>possible hispanic/italian
he's literally the amerimutt meme

But I don't like asian girls, I just like short white girls.

this is mostly correct
although weird-looking "beady-eyed" brits like atkinson are usually native (celtic) britons

fuck off emma poster you fat fucking mong

Got toil all weekend
Were my /weekend toilers/ at?

i cannot fucking stand niggers. they smell like shit, they're so fucking stupid, they're living on our goddamn paychecks, and I fucking hate em

feel like pure shit just want him back x

Would you like to send our coloured cousins home again, my friend?

I'll pass on the womb. Wouldn't mind a sexbot

I dont like Emma Watson
Shes a feminist and i hate feminists

Would you like to see Britannia rule again, my friend?

Enjoying the bourgeois comfort, lads

virgin freak here
is the companionship, counseling, and romance of a gf worth the time and monetary investment?

idiotic amphibian mailers

>this is mostly correct
>goes on to completely contradict that

celtic-"anglos" are the shitty beady eyed ones.

Not really

why the fuck is your pumpkin pie laminated

pic related is the emma watson spammer

is yet ANOTHER amerimutt who posts here

jesus christ

Opened the Chimay Blue lads

You know George, It's hard to understand that Japan helped us with the Korean and Vietnam war, but did jack shit in the Chinese civil wat

All you need to do is follow the worms.

>he's here

Nassim is a chad who fucks trannies

jive talkin

yes only the anglos
celts living in celtic countries are different from english celts

Really think British slang should be more North American friendly and gender inclusive. Lad and Ladettes please.

>he's here

what is this meme and why does it get posted

is that thailad?

they should both be killed in extremely painful, gruesome ways

maybe .1% of the time, girls are pretty gross and dependent so you're really just screwing yourself trying to screw a chick on the regular

Seriously, if all black people on earth just dropped dead right now, how traumatic would it actually be?
How long will the mourning last until people realized that the world is better off? Would it actually be a scary event?

very classy


GFs are non-ergodic. It means that you can't evaluate if a GF is worth it, as a single point in time but rather as part of a whole life where you have periods of being in a relationship. Just like the effect of smoking one cigarette don't tell you anything about the effects of smoking. There is a time component that is of importance.

Overall the alternations of GF and single periods is worth it and makes for a life well lived.

little diddy
'bout jack and diane

pissing myself at this one



Alan I heard everyone thinks an Ethiopian could take you in a fight lmao

Lol big Jeff has a yank accent? The absolute state of him.
(Would beat him to a pulp btw)


tripfags should neck themselves.

>(Would beat him to a pulp btw)

can tell Alan's

hi beto

Jeff, Alan is calling you out. You both have to fight now

I've been calling my hands "my mitts". I think it sounds tough.

He is a yank
He's pretty dench too so it would be a good fight

thailand is in africa right

based ethiopalad with his southern accent

Tried ethiopian food once. Really felt uncomfortable about using my hands. And then my poos were orange for a week. And each of them were no more than 2 inches long or so, just a lot of little orange shard-looking things.


Ethiopians ought to be genocided

why would I go to africa?

skeet skeet mothafuka


Old photo. My Emma Watson folder is no longer in Trash.

yanks ought to be genocided

the white nationalist is back


Why are white supremacists always fucked up physically somehow

fat fuck

Scottish men wear dresses

The bread is nasty as fuck it's like eating a sponge

they say syndicates of wizards have led a boycott of imperial goods in the land of the altmer


Except I would never fight an African brother we'd unite our force to protect wakand and liberate fellow africans around the world by giving them arcanium that will somehow make them acquire advanced technology

i wanna go to north africa. seems pretty cool, lots of history as well. shame about the wars and instability though.