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International #863
/ita/ - il filo
There are actual girls giving you (You)s right now
Is it true Europeans will sperg out if you tip them?
How do I get a German girl?
Be singaporean
This "nation" has no worthwhile or unique architectural achievements of its own, lackluster cuisine...
Emperor Nip with King of the Marines
Is school bullying common in your cunt??
/mena/ /moan/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
Imagine being forced to learn the language of your invader in schools
What was your country's golden age?
Do you buy brand name clothes??
Do you know Russia is superpower?
Are foreign languages/second languages mandatorily taught in schools in the United Kingdom? What languages generally...
Buys up all your country's property
Mutts, understand one thing
Have you learned anything on this board?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Today is the graduation day in Japan, and this happens
How to tell if you live in a Third World country
So this is the power of chinese immigration... woah
Describe your country with a single picture
What the best country to live in for a guy with dark complexion?
/savižudybė/ aTa leidimas
When did you realize Sup Forums was the shithole of Sup Forums?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
What do you think about French art?
Birth rate korea is 1.04
/بومی/ /desi/ /sag/ /saarc/
Let me see your passport
Why is the majority of scat fetishists wh*Te?
It's a video game set in WWII (a _world_ war fought all over the globe)
Is the Mediterranean the comfiest place on Earth?
Kurva anyátok
How did these fucking retards invent western civilization?
Why do you dumb Europeans think week begin from Monday?
1. Country
How do we solve the Japanese fertility crisis?
I was told not to wear my rolex to work anymore by a manager...
This is what u get when u mix chinese with southern american genes
Culture Pals - /cp/ - My Toes Edition
Call Russia a shithole
Your cunt make any tanks?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
I am 5'3 and I got a cute gf. What's your excuse?
Why do Mexishits refuse to apologize for the Alamo?
Post you best Mutts
Why do you love japan
If Xi's doing it, why can't Trump?
Visit texas
Your country
Do you like protestants? :3
What was your sex-ed like?
/v4/ + colleagues
What do Russian folk think of White Army immigrants and their descendants...
17.1% of married Asian American women are married to a white spouse
I fucking hate Italians
Thoughts on this region of the world?
Why are Ukrainians going extinct?
What do you think about Pakistan?
Can your country compete with these two in terms of food?
Will we ever be not-shit at football (soccer)?
Why did Hitler want to genocide this? We he gayn
Is the northeast US actually comfy? Or is it just a meme? Currently stuck in central FL and want to move out...
Your country on anime
Sverigetråden - Vasaloppets upplaga
Why do Colombians enjoy eating this?
What happens here?
1. Country
Why doesn't Mexico do anything to stop people from crossing their side of the US-Mexico border?
Is saint seiya AKA knights of the zodiac a popular show in your cunt?
Be China in 1940s
American culture and life thread#2
ITT: Eyes of Sup Forums
Tell me, brits: how does it feel like to live in a 1984-esque dystopia...
Why does brown men hate Swedish men, but brown women love them?
Wtf is wrong with American genetics?
Mfw Russia won't be on the same side as the US in the next world war
Are you a mutt?
I failed at life
Why is Argentina the only poor white country? why do we fail?
These are statistically the countries you are most likely to die in
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
This is probably the best country in the entire world
Which nationality of woman is most prestigious to have as a gf in your country?
Can we all agree Norway is pretty much perfect?
Is brazil the future of america?
You have ten seconds to act as French as possible
1. cunt
My father called me today and said that his company has decided to boycott all American products...
America and Canada have already elected meme world leaders...
Estados Unidos va a ser mayoria hispanohablante en tu vida
Ask a guy who has fucked literally all races
Why is this country so hated?
I wish I was American ;_;
Your cunt
Your race
I unironically love and support Russia over America
Catchy Sup Forums music
What's your national beverage?
Top scientists have met and the results are in. This is the final answer for which countries are white and not white...
19 year old Kuwaiti, AMA about Kuwait or the Middle East
Anyone else wish Russia annexed Ukraine?
【Dear 30% of ASIA】
Sverigetråden - 2Dupplagan
My family knows im a virgin
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Has any game caused a bigger international anal fissure than this one?
Bulgaria is the most based country in Europe, and I wish I had gone there when I had the chance
Do people play football in ur cunt?
/mena/ /moan/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
What would you do if you discovered your grandmother may have been Jewish
Why do Americans hate the French so much?
What are the chances of me getting an STD if i fuck a European prostitute(mainly germany and netherlands) without a...
/savižudybė/ - "boxeriai > trikampiai" leidimas
Who do you support in this fight
We're in the round of 16 up against /mlp/ on the road to hopefully getting that first star
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Why is the rest of the world allowed to get away with appropriating American culture?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Can you easily identify american tourists?
Just wait stupid shitskin europe will rise agai-
18-year-old Finnish man died in the United States: suffocated due to an avalanche
Why do Americans worship uniforms?
/ITA/ - il Filo
If a boy wanted to date my sister i would beat the shit out of him
Tfw 15cm penis
How strong your passport?
Why do Eurotrash blame us Muslim immigrants for EVERYTHING?
Just be urself bro, confidence is the key
Tfw no nazi gf to walk around with at the park and laugh at arabs
Which side are the good guys?
/deutsch/, /Power Metal/
What happens in a brain of a american anglo white cuck who likes to watch cuckold porn when he sees a badass muscular...
1-Your cunt
Dude, whoa
Let's play a game
When did you realize women from the Caucasus are the cutest?
Mexicans, do people in your country associate more closely with Spain or the old Aztec empire?
How are we going to handle the bants from the rest of the world when this shit fails...
How did a developed, democratic country end up with a totalitarian-state grade police?
Your country
Fucking alcohol, my fucking father who can't stop drinking when he should. Is it cool to be wasted af...
How did you meet your wife?
Your cunt
ITT post your favourite Italian dish
Dont worry its all about confidence bro
Which one do you support?
Are you prepared for your future?
What are some famous monsters from your nation, Sup Forums?
H-he will wake up right? Aniki is just sleeping right?
Tfw live in landlocked cunt but you long for life near sea
/Helvetisch/ ehemals /kleinschwanzlooser deutsch/
Going to Hungary soon, Budapest. Any recommendations on good food, places to visit...
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Your cunt have anti tank missile?
I'm a manlet redheaded Irishman
Why do Americans wear shoes in the pool?
1. your country
Bongs moaning about London
I despise Londoners
Blood storage services needs African blood
This is what germany would look like had anglos only minded their own business
1. Country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - kvällsupplagan
Sup Forums what keeps you guys going?
/ita/ - il filo
How do we stop this racemixing bullshit brainwash machine? Its getting really annoying
Serious question Sup Forums, what the fuck actually happens here?
/deutsch/ - Strandausgabe
This is just a Portuguese girl proudly representing her country abroad
Pay up, Germany
American culture and life thread#1
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Do you ever fantasise about becoming a cute girl...
Non-Americans: what’s your favorite US state?
Do you have snow in your cunt? Pic related
It has has begun
Sup Forums has the highest cuckold % of any board
/sino/ - 中文
Mfw i'm living in the safest country in the world
So with Italy collapsing further as of tomorrow...
Pic is me consisting of ancient pakistan DNA. My ancesters invented fire
White genocide!!!1!
Kurva anyátok
Is this basically Sup Forums: the game?
What did your ancestors do during World War 2?
What did the pope mean by this?
/deutsch/ Neuer Faden-Ausgabe
What is this called in your cunt?
*triggers racists AND sjws at the same time*
Why Brits hate snow so much?
/ita/ - il filo
Faces of Sup Forums
I really like Germans they are so cool
This is someone's daughter
Mfw the US is literally breaking our steel industry
This crossing in Tokyo has been determined to be the center of all culture on planet earth
Tfw my autistic knowledge of world maps finally paid off yesterday
How will she be described in history textbook in the future?
What's it like?
Post your rightful borders
ITT: We speak our mother tongue
ITT: We thank the Soviet Union from saving Europe and the World from nazism
Justify why your nation's capital is not located in the center of your mainland or in a port
Wake up
/ita/ - il filo
Would you take a favela tour?
Reminder that all Russians are actually Swedish
Tfw you will never dump half-white kids in some fucked up slum in Thailand
Your cunt
/lang/ - Language Learning General
You love the national anthem of your cunt?? and why?
/v4/ + friends
/fr/ - le fil francophone
This dashing gentleman is the most prominent, openly racist politician in the Netherlands. Say something nice to him
How do I get a German gf like pic related anons?
Are American school shootings worse than students committing suicide because of school?
Sverigetråden - snälla brevare upplagan
ITT: We Thank Russia
Why doesn't Sup Forums have a /usa/ general? are there really no patriots on this board?
Post mixed girls from your country or ethnicity
About lunch breaks
1. you're cunt
Ugly language
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...
Wtf finland
When will they become world powers again?
Ever wondered what a Norwegian+Spanish mix looked like?
My country is a shithole
/ita/ - il filo
Russian economy
God is a Slav
Tfw unemployed for 7 years
/ex-ussr/ general
Opinion on this?
This image infuriates the Southron
/balt/ rip edition
Why is eating whale so popular in scandinavia?
ITT: post folk music from your contry
Hilo latino
Ask a non-American for the temperature outside
Wish we could turn back time
Two Brit brothers shot by robbers while on holiday in Brazil
Which element is the best at representing your cunt tree? and why?
Indian Matrimony
Guess the cunt
Kurva anyátok
Why do Greeks think they're not mixed with turks or Arabs? From my point of view they look extremely Levantine looking
The mutt meme is a jewish conspiracy
Why are white people so bad at cooking?
Which country will not exist in 20 years
Rape incidents like these aren't endemic to India, r-right? Other countries also have crimes like these, r-right?
Why have there been so many anti-China threads on Sup Forums lately?
Tfw asian male
Tfw no castiza Mexican gf
Where do couples go to in your country?
With Black Panther out now...
Deadly virus in Mexico? Are we all doomed?
New world hours
Monarchist vs Communist fight
The areas within the red circles are not America
What do you like the most about Protestants? :3
Why does germany have such a petty obsession with censoring everything related to a negative time in their country's...
Half jap /half korean
How long would you last in this ass?
Swedish girl in India during the Holi festival
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Legal in Brazil
Which Japanese city do you like?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #1978.5
How do you go from this
Do americans really do this?!?
Why aren't they as depressed as their East Asian neighbors? Does modernity actually make you unhappy?
WTF why is Canada being humiliated all over the world constantly by this guy
This might save your life one day
What the fuck is Holocaust class? Any americans care to explain?
Why do shitty, third-world, non-white countries, have better cuisine than prosperous, first-world, white countries?
Blue eyes rapidly decreasing in America
/fr/ - Le fil hon hon hon
Regardless of times and regions, which anthem is the best?
Culture Pals - /cp/
This kills the mutt
Can someone ELI5 why this meme makes the retards at Sup Forums so butthurt...
In a pub in prague
What is you're countries national bird?
How do you talk to normal people???
What do Mexicans think of la Malinche?
Was America the badguy in the Mexican-American, Spanish-American, and Philippine-American wars?
This is the hierarchy of men's races in US media, how is it like for your country?
Which of these girls (if any) did you crush on as a kid?
Why doesn't other countries enjoy tube food
He can't speak french!!!
Friendly reminder that the white race is dying and the best thing you can do for your future children is marrying a...
"As American as baseball and apple pie."
Based leaf
Hilo latino
/lang/ - Language Learning General
This is the hierarchy of women's races in Brazil, how is it like for your country?
Do normies like England in your country?
Past a certain age, a man without family can be a bad thing
Which is worse to the Brits, the Queen dying or Sir David dying?
African growth
Is this quite possibly the most heated debate on all of Sup Forums? Specifically on Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
Why do Am*ricans claim anti-am*rican shitposting is distasteful an unfunny when it's the opposite?
Opinions of Albania and the Albanian people?
Mfw we are restraining our relationship with Mexico all because of a bunch of dudes hopping borders
Sverigetråden - Svenssonupplagan
A meme/sound for every country?
What does Sup Forums think of American banter?
/nachtschicht/ zu Tage als /deutsch/ bekannt
Non-americans saying dude
>be french*Id
When did you realize women from the Caucasus are the cutest?
Google autocomplete results
Why do English mongs larp as Germanic when they're genetically almost entirely Celtic like everyone else in the British...
Europeans, what is it like actually having a culture and identity?
What are the chances of me getting a snow angel?
Weebs will actually defend this
Can someone explain to me what happened with Trudeau in India?
/ita/ - il filo
Guess the country:
ITT: Rate all of your country's neighbors
What France has stollen to you
Why do finns have an inferiority complex toward them?
Your country
Is it true you can easily find sand angel in UK?
So the Finns are the purest and whitest Europeans
Why did the French brutally murder a poor old man?
Who are The Beatles of your country?
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Britain is pretty much the only country that has a piece of shared history with every single nation on the planet
Why did Russia-NATO relations deuteriorate so much? In the early 2000s...
Vladimir Putin loves the USSR, regrets its collapse and dreams about its return
When will they fuck off?
Is Latin America part of the West?
1. Country
Post some texts/quotes/etc and I will try to read them on vocaroo
How can you tell if someone “sounds american”?
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
Latin America
Your cunt
Highlight countries where you can pass as a local if you wore the right garments
/ita/ - il filo
Do you like fish?
Why do they hate turks so much?
/südtirol/ ehemals /deutsch/
Template in following
What are the racial divisions in Brazil and which ones are the hottest?
Tfw depressive because i'm a nigger
Stop the bullying
This is literally a 5/10 in Poland
You are going to sauna when this creature demands you to breed her with your white seed
Land of peanut butter
Is your country better now than 15 years ago?
Name a country with a shittier disapora on the internet and in real life
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
Tell me about Portugal
Comunism doesn't work
Post ur cunt's air force
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Brazilians are so poor that they got the PS2 in 2009
Is anyone here with German flag even German? It's always either a Greek, Pole, or some middle-easterner
Hobbies of int
Let's play a game
What's in here?
Dear white people, how does this make you feel?
I must admit, the UK is not a white country
What is his Fucking problem??
Thank you, Italy and Japan
Is he right?
Born as a nigger
Why are us leafs so liked internationally?
Why not nuking both?
Americans have holocaust class
ITT: record yourself speaking Japanese
20 Slavs x 20 Hispanics
What are you drinking tonight, lads? I'm drinking Jack & coke. Though Jack Daniels is so expensive in Finland
How do we improve America no bullshit just straight up I’m so tired of this bullshit
Why arab girls are so attractive?
Is today a great day to get shot, or what?
What Sup Forums drivers
How does a slight anglophile amerimutt obtain a British gf?
Tfw Trump keeps bullying us with his trade wars
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
How do you say baginer in your cunt?
European Federation
Why is Spain such a dangerous drug infestec shithole...
Holy shit, so is this what the average German girl looks like?
Based. Germany owes Finland too for burning Lapland
This confuses and enrages the brit
/ita/ il Filo
Why are finns so afraid of Morran?
Kurva anyátok
Performing anal to preserve their virginity
Is she attractive in your country?
Why doesn't the UK flag have the Welsh dragon on it?
Tfw misogynistic shitlords
/v4/ + 友達
1) Your country
Education should be free
Poor wittle westerners gave China money for cheap labour now they're mad that China controls almost 50% of the industry
German kids talk shit about Brazilian food and Brazilians get mad
What's wrong with finnish boys
French word for "today"
Why do you like us so much?
What are YOU doing to save Italia?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Post your female version
European pizza
Purest descendants of slav
Golden Age
Ebins homo maat spurdo spärde es :D
Finland doesn't have mount-
20 Germans x 20 Italians
Why is France so aesthetic?
/lat/ - hilo latino
20 British x 20 Americans
Trade war feared as EU and China to retaliate on US steel
20 Arabs x 20 Poles
20 Arabs x 20 Brazilians
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Your cunt
Why is Japan so racist?
See Frenchman
G thanIs there anything more embarassin this flag and country?
Your honest opinion on this country
Why do Germany love Russia so much?
He works more than 35 hours a week
Incels BTFO
This sound confuses and enrages the slavshit and latintards
Post pics of yourselves pussies and ill r8 on a scale of 1 to australian
Japanese productivity
Ur cunt
>get pulled over by U.S. cops
Icelandic language facing extinction
/deutsch/ Whiplash-Ausgabe
I do not want war
Butthurt Panamian Nazi
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I can not pee
Why do wh*Teoids walk barefoot like animals?
Blindian Couples in your Cunt
Why do Slavs and Balts have the best folk music?
Your country
We have never done anything wrong
Ameribros can you remind me why we are all supposed to hate Russia and the people who live there this time?
Why can't British people speak proper accentless English?
I'm a White man living in Asia
Hey Sup Forums, do you know anything about the Mexican-American war?
>mfw a wh*toid tries to talk to me
Fin and Vietnam
Mfw on this board but don't give a shit about race
Linus torvalds is Swedish
How will Sminem contribute to the humanity? What great things will he achieve during his lifetime?
Frankfurt station and around,,,so dirty
Has the irrational hatred for this country found on this image board died down recently...
Why are Brits so intolerant?
/ita/- il filo
Is this the shittiest looking flag? A fucking circle?
This is OBJECTIVELY The Perfect World
Our closest neighbour Indonesia happens to be the biggest Muslim country on Earth , this makes me feel uneasy...
Sup Forums heavily discriminates against Asians even though they are literally best immigrant group. Law abiding, moral...
I love me some brown girls so much
How do rest of the Eastern Europeans feel about Russia?
Tfw Scandinavia and Germany are responsible for making 90% of the autism games
Wow seriously shut the fuck up
What’s your opinion of 9/11?
Why are Finns so superior compared to euros?
How does a society go from this
Pls stop bully us
How would your parents react if your brought home an Indian girl?
R8 North America in the future
Pajeetas being attacked with semen balloons
Anyone miss turkey? Whether it be roaches or Kara boga, Turks can be pretty fun at times
Do people in your country know what Swastika is?
Post your """""spring""""" weather
"6 countries you've never heard of" according to HuffPost
Why is it that LITERALLY EVERYTHING good this country has done was done by an ethnic Swede?
Kurva anyátok
Why can't europoors integrate their immigrants?
China starts televising the sunrise on giant TV screens because Beijing is so clouded in smog
A chink punished her 10yo daughter by beating her first and then tying her to a motorbike
Are Americans the best Sup Forums posters?
Post hip hop music from your country
What is this "aluminum" that the Ameriyanks slapped a tariff on? Never heard of such thing
There are Brazilians on this board right now who think they are white because they are not as black as Wesley Snipes...
Wake up
Not so common language(s) you would like to Speak
1. your cunt
Why are French people so fucking RUDE?!
Why do right wingers hate California so much?
Jews mock German imperial solider returning home after the WWI
What do non Asian Americans think about Japanese Americans?
Post the best version of your country's flag
Do americans actually find this kind of humour funny?
Black folks
/flags/ + /extraflags/
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...