Is school bullying common in your cunt??

Is school bullying common in your cunt??

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No. Only school shootings

>Fifteen-year-olds here experience more bullying than their peers in 50 other countries and economies, and only the children of Latvia and New Zealand have it worse, said a study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The weak should fear the strong.


We call that part Act I here in America

Acts II & III are worse

> bullying
stop with this meme

>New Zealand

That reeks of some kind of error rooted in small population size.




Nowhere as prevalent as it once was. Just don't associate with idiots and you should be safe.

>> bullying
>stop with this meme
*kneecaps you*

Dunno how it is now, but yea i was bullied myself.

It's not a study but an ILSA



Yes. Its normal for people to bully others into suicide but because of how serious the SJWs tend to take this shit a lot of people tend to do it by ignoring others completely rather than directly harassing them nowadays.

Kind of, but it's not physical past primary school it just becomes ridicule and ostracization. There was literally never a case of someone getting beat up and having their head flushed in the toilet or some shit like that during my years in high school, and I'd know I was a bully.

yes, they bully weak people by beating them up, slapping their ass and by calling them gay.

Pretty much every class I was in was very welcoming and even the autistic kid was at worst ignored or told to fuck off when he had his spergouts.
It's probably not this way in other schools, but in my experience Bulgarian schools were welcoming.
I do remember being bullied in kindergarten, very vaguely, I suspect I have repressed memories of it.


No because we're all pussies

no, unless you attend a brainlet school

>at least once in the past couple of months.

What a wonderful and eye opening statistic.

Amusingly only common among the shit-skins, by the shit-skins- everyone else isn't inspired by poorly made, cliche glorified 'gangster' movies trying to shill about guilt, Silat and generic thuggery and chimping around.

Maybe. It gave me AvPD, for example.