Deadly virus in Mexico? Are we all doomed?

Deadly virus in Mexico? Are we all doomed?

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New Mexico but basically the same yeah. gg bois its been ok.

WTF ban rats now

big deal ..

good, cleanse that shithole desu

Shouldn't have enjoyed that Krusty Brand Chew Goo Gum-like Substance


Quickly! We need to build the wall NOW

Hop to it, Jose

>not contagious
>virus from mice droppings
>not even deadly

>fox news

>New Mexico

four corners faggots BTFO

40% die

38% I guess we are BOTH wrong.
still, must suck to be that child :(

did a rat sharted in his mart?

Sure thing gringo

>not contagious
It spreads incredibly fast, oddly enough they are quite a lot of rats
>not deadly
Virus Hanta is very fucking deadly my lad
We have hanta virus in a couple of regions down south, ir goes to the point where camping in those areas is quite dangerous

New Mexico is actually in America

oops sorry i didn't realize it was a US state. i live up north and i don't really know southern states that well. but why is it called new mexico... that's odd

>Hantavirus on the rise in San Diego County


I think you are too young to be on the internet my dude

Around New Mexico?

You can't have too much of a good thing

Is New Mexico connected to Old Mexico or there is river between them?

They're connected.

Spanishits thought the area was going to be filled with gold or something like the Valley of Mexico (which it wasn't btw) so they decided to call it New Mexico

Christ they make the first article sound like Hantavirus victims are on the rise, not just rats.

It's connected to us :3

Guess which mexico is this, the new one or the old one.

And this one?

new one, we don't have that kind of houses



There is no specific treatment, cure, or vaccine for hantavirus infection. However, we do know that if infected individuals are recognized early and receive medical care in an intensive care unit, they may do better.

correct. and this one?


right. can't fool you.

we don't use wood for our houses

I would say just nuke New Mexico and probably old one to be safe.


try this one. which mexico?



how did you guess fuckers. i tried to find a neutral looking street. and that city (ciuadad juares or something) looks pretty good, some kind of a resort town maybe, rich people live there?

the sidewalk in the left is to narrow for fat ass americans
also the light post directly in the middle of the sidewalk screams spic civil engineering

>the light post directly in the middle of the sidewalk
lmao, i didn't notice that. yeah that's unfortunate

the sidewalks and that canal look kinda shitty. also, i don't remember ever seeing sidewalks painted yellow on american tv desu.

>American tv represents the entire country
oh boy

>sidewalks painted yellow
you mean the curb?
i think it is pretty common. means no parking or no stopping something like that.

but if you watch it long enough, you will see most states and most common views i think

Mexico also uses a finer granule in their pavement I think. It makes the road look smoother. Probably due to lack of road icing in most of the country. Also the lack of lane markings. Lanes are sacred in america, and if they are missing people will drive like morons

kek here is the american engineering. i never paid attention to those things. but if you riding a bicycle on that sidewalk that could be bad

new? old?

ehh that is not as bad
the pole is where the normal easement would be, which is usually landscaped with grass
but that pic is in some disgusting desert shithole


Hope it spreads around the whole country, and then the world.

all of the pics are literally within a few miles from each side of the border

new. but the highways look very similar on both sides.

>underage Dakotans

gud lawd, m8
You're too young to be here.



the huwite man's fire water has damaged his brain, no need to be rude you white devil

Thank you for mentioning the best states

New dummy i see the English in the pic

>i live up north
That's no excuse. I live in another country and I knew it was a US state.

Ever heard of a place called Roswell, New Mexico?

never overestimate our retardation my friend

>New Mexico
Burgers become dumber day by day.

Ok, ok, let's be fair with the burger here, New Mexico belongs to Mexico, that's correct