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Hey, most school teachers these days are unabashed Marxists, only fair to balance it a bit

La creatura


la monstruosité...


She IS Jewish. Wtf?

Looks jewish desu

Very few people are Marxist. don't confuse modern social progressivism with actual Marxism. Most Amerimutt teachers are too dumb and uneducated to even read Marx and understand him.


The memes fucking write themselves by this point

>In the same episode, Volitich boasted about bringing her white nationalist beliefs into the classroom and hiding her ideology from administrators. She said that when parents complained to the school’s principal about how she is injecting political bias into the classroom, Volitich lied to the principal and said it was not true.

i think more people take nationalist claims seriously than we imagine, they just hide it in order not to be social outcast.

Mon Dieu..... la nouvelle face des Ameriques...

Plus, liberals are too elitist to be communists. They believe in paternalistic welfare societies where they, the "intelligentsia" decides upon the life of the poor, whether they like it or not.

>Hey, most school teachers these days are unabashed Marxists, only fair to balance it a bit

thats true though
in america they have holocaust class for god sake

t. 56%

Stay mad, négre

good for her

What does the holocaust have to do with marxism?

Where are you getting your info from, Seamus?

Didn't stop Fischer.
She looks unironically Native American to me though.

Yeah we get it.... nobody is "true Marxist".
Nobody is pure Marxist now because it went so horribly wrong everywhere it was tried they've had to change most of the talk about class to race and gender shit.
Nietzsche was brilliant and hard to understand, Marx was a quasi religious figure whose ideas boil down to trying to apply the most basic tribal system to complex societies.
It's exactly the sort of jackassed religion for atheists Nietzsche warned about.

looks white to me :)

t. laszlo volitich



Fucking epic edit man, upvoted

Le Jewish antisemite stock character

>They believe in paternalistic welfare societies where they, the "intelligentsia" decides upon the life of the poor, whether they like it or not.

As opposed to communists, who believe that the only reason the revolution hasn't happened is because the working masses are too stupid (I mean, "brainwashed") to realise that violent revolution really is the only long-term method of advancing their interests - but have no fear! This cadre of Marx-reading university students are here to save you dumb fucking plebs and rubes from yourselves

you're a retard

Dios mio ...

>not having the coincidence detector plugin

>this passes as white in America

When's your 13th birthday?

dios mio...

>using browser plugins that are not e-readers or adblock

el goblino...

>not using noscript
Good. The education system in the west is completely judaized. We need more A. C. Cuzas educating the youth

First of all, don't argue with me, cause I'm not a commie.

Secondly, there is a difference between believing that the working class are misguiding, and believing that working class are fundamentally inferior people who need some higher cadre of humanity to forever take care of them.

When's your country going to stop being a joke?

>being a white nationalist when youre not even white

il abominazione

>hard to understand
well, maybe, if you're literally retarded
and don't try to imply that Nietzsche is some kind of Marx's antithesis, he was heavily inspired by Stirner a leftist anarchist and Marx's buddy from the young hegelian society


The fact that you have that plugin installed is the funniest shit, to me. Like how fucking childish can a person be? How old are you and why are you up so late? Is mommy not home yet? Or maybe passed out drunk as usual?

This is quite common.

>but your country
stay dumb

>being a white nationalist when youre not even white
Quintessentially Amerikkkan, my fellow leaf!

>>not having the coincidence detector plugin

>Nobody is pure Marxist now because it went so horribly wrong everywhere it was tried they've had to change most of the talk about class to race and gender shit.
You dumb fuck Marx himself said that anything east of Poland is completely unfit for his ideology calling russians "unwashed barbarians from the east". Even Poland wasn't "good enough" because it wasn't and industrialized country like Bohemia or Britain.

>Nietzsche was brilliant and hard to understand,
> hard to understand,
Confirmed retard.


ok, so what is she? black? asian?

>They believe in paternalistic welfare societies where they, the "intelligentsia" decides upon the life of the poor, whether they like it or not.
Considering the behaviour of the vocal minority of self-proclaimed communists in countries like USA you could easily get the idea that this was Marx's teachings.


umatrix is vastly easier to manage than noscript

Is this your first day? Shes a mutt.

>America: The Post.

Christ, you lot are uneducated as fuck.It's not even funny anymore.

This is considered white in America?

Is this who posts on Sup Forums and r/thedonald all day?

US Marxists were utterly destroyed by the CIA.

no but im tired of this whole you cant criticize jews and muslims unless youre a 6’7 aryan meme.

ay caramba, la extremadurra...

is memeing a biological weapon now?

>i have no idea what I'm talking about but I will opinionate on it anyways because U S A muh freedom and fingers crossed maybe noone will call me out on my bullshit

>marxists genuinely believe that people take them seriously now
is this an alternative reality?

>You dumb fuck (((Marx))) himself said that anything east of Poland is completely unfit for his ideology calling russians "unwashed barbarians from the east". Even Poland wasn't "good enough" because it wasn't and industrialized country like Bohemia or Britain.
Could I get a source on that? I want to rub it in communists' faces.

can't make this shit up

Anyone have a link to the podcast?

el dientes de sabre


>you have to be a marxist to comprehend his ideology

>defending marxists

>Secondly, there is a difference between believing that the working class are misguiding, and believing that working class are fundamentally inferior people who need some higher cadre of humanity to forever take care of them.

No there's not, because progressives believe the same thing - the masses need their hand held for the short-term until such a time as its no longer necessary.

>proud of ignorance

>believing that working class are fundamentally inferior people who need some higher cadre of humanity to forever take care of them.
But this is fact. Every organisation of people requires hierarchy.

>I dont need to try to comprehend an ideology that shaped the world we live in because its STOOPID

la signora delle tenebre...tenebrarum domina, ay ay mi hijo, only babbles, maya folklore, nonsense...

Honestly a total cutie
she needs to learn to love hersel

>you shouldn't know anything about marxism, only that it's evil !!!

she sounds proper alt right tier

>thinking is dangerous

Why are there no white people in the white supremacy movement?

Politics aside, she sounds like a cunt

the absolute state of american posters ladies and gentlemen

How does a non-American acquire a busty self-hating el goblino qt gf?

Asking for a friend


too evolved

So...THIS is the power of the huwhyte race

>thinking that the literal not true marxist meme will make you sound more intellectual
true intellectuals also believe in 300 gender and everyone else is just an ignorant bigot who never read a book anyway

They aren't Marxist just liberal to the point of not making sense. Part of it is because their union has given them the best benefits package in America.

Why are people saying she's not white? She looks italian.

>Could I get a source on that? I want to rub it in communists' faces.
If you actually have to rub it in someone's face I don't think he should call himself communist. It's not a secret

Poland and the Russian Menace. speech by Marx to a general meeting commemorating the 4th anniversary of the Polish Uprising of 1863 held at Cambridge Hall, London, January 22, 1867;
>Thus Europe faces only one alternative: Either Asian barbarism, under the leadership of the Muscovites, will come down on Europe like an avalanche, or Europe must restore Poland and thereby protect itself against Asia with a wall of 20 million heroes, to win time for the consummation of its social transformation.

Marx was more concerned with the fate of Poland and Polish nationality than a lot of his contemporaries. But it needs to be stressed that Marx did not consider Poland as a worthy candidate where his ideologies could thrive. Rather a guard, last line of defense that needs to stand tall at all costs because it's the only thing separating his "communist utopia" from the "asian barbarism". Marx despised Russians for their actions to thwart any and all efforts of Polish people to regain their independence.

White people are successful and political movements feed on lack of contempt

aand my dumbass forgot the link.

racism is a crime, and crime is for black people


Cheers lad

Please tell me you guys are fucking meming, SHE FUCKING WHITE. You don't have to be fucking blonde hair and blues eyes to be considered white. These tactics are used by kikes and shitskins to divide and conquer different groups of white people, kill yourselves for supporting them

dios mios..

Dios Mio El Ogre De los Americano