I miss Amanda Knox threads. did /ourgirl/ do it bros?

I miss Amanda Knox threads. did /ourgirl/ do it bros?

whats a good documentary about her?

if do means murder and it means my dick, yes she did.

>swn murder you in ritualistic blood orgy in an italian villa

The Netflix one is extremely entertaining, I'd recommend.


listen pal. I'm not telling you to buy a Netflix subscription, you asked a question I'm simply answering honestly to the best of my ability. now I would like a show of gratitude for providing you with such a suggestion, I easily could have ignored your query and left you to rot in the dust.

i'm sorry user its been a rough week

I accept your apology, user. I find it very admirable the way you lived up to your response. I hope your week improves vastly.

she didn't do it

i mean it doesn't matter because she'll alwasys be playing sex games that get out of hand in my dreams

She gives off the same vibe as Rosamund did from Gone Girl holy shit. Hot and at the same time being very scary.

She was too busy being a white slut

whats up with psycho girls and having good brows?

its a sign of high intelligence

oh shit you can't force people to kill themselves? tthey never told me that in D.A.R.E.

It's really obvious too.

>Hmm, who could have broke into this flat and raped+killed this britslag. On the one hand there we have a rapefugee with a history of break-ins and sexual violence, but on the other there's a girl who didn't cry when her roomate she barely interacted with got killed AND she's American!


Why are americans so stupid? Is it the burgers?

why couldn't she have been busy being a white slut with me

The Giuseppe doth protest too much, methinks.

these brows are slag-tier, no arch. plain bad

I don't know, man.
I just don't know.


Anyone remember Micaela Costanzo?

She was a qt, her brutal murder over some petty relationship bullshit really stuck with me.

>good brows

>antifa prime
Yes, yes, fag. Every company that makes shows or movies is against you believe in. We get it, snowflake.

user...had a rough week