Which countries do you have online-friends in? Ones you actually talk to. I have a German friend I play games with...

Which countries do you have online-friends in? Ones you actually talk to. I have a German friend I play games with, and a few female Russian friends.

I have 3 german guys I play games with they're intelligent and cool I like them alot.

I have a Chilean friend

I have a swedish friend who's a hardcore weeaboo and always sends me weird japanese music.

I have one British friend that even invited me to his wedding this year.
Away from that a Czech girl and a Indonesian girl that I know for years now.

to add, i found this guy because he was being really, really racist in a Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars server
we have been friends for years since

I got 1 lithuanian and 3 frenchmens, and one of them is weeb, bot overall they are funny and normal


>I have 3 german guys I play games
you guys must have great fun with a 300ms ping


I play sometimes with a weeb britbong who added me on steam because i had a stupid death grips picture. Also an uruguayan guy who sometimes plays L4D2 coop

>having any kinds of friends
Uhh, that's not allowed here.

fuck off

Brit, American, Turkish, French, Moroccan, Dutch, German, Polish, Danish, Afghani

and these are only the regulars ;)

I'm even now being sexually aroused by Chinese girl online

German IRL friend I talk to online. He's a cool kid that helped me get fit
Also a few LatAm guys I play Smite with and some Aussies and Russians on other games

I have a Dutch friend to whom I talk regularly.


I can't even make friends online. That's how mentally fucked i am.

What are you interested in?


Honestly, none. The only place where I started to talk with actual foreigners few years ago is Sup Forums.


My favourite online friend is this russian guy I share no common language with other than vigorously pinging in Dota 2

trying not to commit suicide

I have black gfs.


I've had a group of several online friends for 7 years, we met playing TF2 and talk in a mumble server every single day. Most are American, but two are Canadian. One Canadian is among the most kind and pleasant people that I've ever met, and the other is the exact opposite.

I've also been friends with a Swedish girl for about a year, we talk regularly, both through voice and text. We actually became friends because I was drunkenly offering random people in my game pictures of my cock. She liked it and we became good friends after that.

When I was in middle school I started posting on shady underground electronic music phpbb forums, and there's one I've never left, because the same people have always been active ever since. I've met some of them countless times over a period of 12 years, among those I know the best, 3 are french, 3 germans, 4 brits and an italian.
I've only seen one brit, but I've hang out with 2 of the 3 frenchmen at least half a hundred times, I've seen the germans a dozen of times and the italian is probably one of the 3 or 4 people I've been the most intimate with. There have been some people from abroad, but they never stay because we all already know each other, we meet in real life, we have our own private jokes and we're not very welcoming.

I play dota 2 and warcraft 3 with two Finns that I've been playing with for like 4+ years now. I also have an Icelandic friend that I play some online games with

>Swedish girl
user...I hope you like cocks, because you're in for a surprise

she liked your cock or she liked your personality?

I was cautious at first, but she is indeed a real girl.

She liked the cock, but we both have tons of fun talking to each other, our conversations usually last hours. I don't think I'd want to take it any farther though, long distance relationships are the awful for the heart.

is that the Italian girl?

I have friends from literally all over the globe.

They all are here.

Online friends are not real ""friends""
You can't be friend with someone you've never seen

I have Russian friends I play with.

We compromise by playing on SEA or NA servers

I used to have a few British and German and one Bulgarian online-friends when I played CS. I don't game anymore, so I lost contact with them.

I have 1 swedish friend who i am friends with for 5 years now I also had a slovene friend for a year but the app that i was using removed my acc so idk what happened to her

I've had just one online friend who I've known since two years ago and we still text each other, a girl from the Philippines.

IRL I've met Koreans, Canadians and Japanese while in Canada. We text almost daily.

UK, Argentina, Peru, Hungary, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, India, a Romanian, couple of kiwis and an Australian. TFW no jap friend to be frenemies with

i have no friends i don't know how to make one

1 Romanian, 1 Latvian and a Burger currently. Cool guys.

My oldest friend in steam is a brit that survived brain cancer but is now brain damaged. He's a good lad regardless.
Videogame friends: Mainly spaniards among other europeans. A few americans and one arab weeb.

>Tfw can't even keep a conversation with a bot.
Where can I learn social skills?

a few brits, an american, and a finn

A West Virginian, a Briton living near Cornwall but not exactly there, a Germ in Berlin, Kurd in the Netherlands, Indian in Saudi, a Portugese dude. I have a lot, mostly met them through steam shit but then added them to facebook or other social media so we talk a lot

im thinking of going to a Copenhagen LAN just because of TF2 friends going there but its pretty pricy and im afraid i wont be able to make it.
watch others. join voice chat in videogames at least to listen, or join communities with group chat.

Done that but whenever i'm 1on1 with someone I freeze.

Ive talked with a few finns online and they are pretty retarded socially
Protip: when someone asks "how are you doing" you are supposed to say "how about you" when you finish responding.
Same for many other questions.

They're split between Canada, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Brazil.

>how you doing dude?
Fine, you?
>I'm good

It's a dead end

talk about some current event, the weather, a common theme that both of you guys are interested in, etc

I have a lot to learn, gracias


foreign girls are all naive than korean girls

Nigga i don't even have friends in my own country that's why i'm here in the first place what are you talking about are you dumb or what

жaль cлышaть((( мы вce тyт oдинoки(

3 french men
1 guy from britten who i know for 3 years
1 Sweed
Swedish people are very laid back persons (atleast the one i met)

What do you meen afghani ?

Friends I know from online:

Friends I know from irl:

UK, Australia, NZ, Belgium, Venezuela but they disappeared, Iceland, Canada. They're my only friends.

We all play a niche shooter with less than 300 active players.

My most regular buddies are from New Zealand, USA, and Ukraine.

some dude from Germany but we havent talked in months

wtf how do you even know these people? surely it is not through gaming.

One french guy with whom I compete in hardcore Risk games. One british girl that sends me interesting books to read.

How do you get friends online? I have friends in real life so don't worry about that.

I used to have 49 friends of facebook but i deleted it because i felt uneasy and never posted anything
I didnt know how to accept frienships and i got very tired of mafia wars so there was absolutely no reason for me to have an online presence

I used to have droves of friends from all spanish speaking countries thanks to this.

A few Americans, a Pole, a Swede, and some others that I haven't talked to in a while.

hi, fren

french(new caledonian, keeps telling me he'll move to aus to marry me to the point it became annoying)
south korean

I have one Swedish friend that I haven't talked to in awhile, we became friends in an online game called TIbia over a decade ago. I wonder what happened to him, he just stopped logging on social media.


None. I used to have some. But I found that focusing on online relationships makes you careless with real life relationships.

But all in all, these were good experiences and good memories knowing people from other countries or cultures personally. I wish I have met them in real life.


Too many countries to name. All on Sup Forums :)

Australian, Indonesian, Dutch, German, Swiss, Colombian, Peruvian, American, Brazilian, Chilean, Mexican, Canadian, Irish, Omani, Slovenian, Venezuelan, Serbian, Syrian, Malaysian, Uruguayan, Italian, Indian, Pakistani, Romanian, French, Hungarian

someone from afganistan

who here wants to be friends in spirit?

There's a 72yo Italian in my DAoC guild, most awesome dude I ever played vidya with

I don't have any.


Hungarian (top notch banter), Serb, Frenchman, FYROM

made them all here by exchanging discord profiles, that's a great app.

what interests do you have, lads?

You are all my friends

Dutch (surprise, they're actually a gook)
Poles (brother expats in USA and Taiwan)
Argentine (actually says they're Chilean, loves milanesa)
Puerto Rico

The power of vidya games


US, Finland, one in Denmark.


I have only 5 friends on Steam and one of them are American, the rest are Vietnamese which I rarely talk to because talking with my own people are usually boring and as fuck.

I'm actually an ethnic Viet too. Very Americanized though, born and raised here. I don't like talking to other gooks either typically.

T. Nguyen

Only Japanese
2 girls and 3 boys

Lucky you, living in a more civilized country than this commie shithole.

India, Brazil, UK

How bad is it on a day to day basis? At least your school won't get shot up.

Typing all down would takes days and all that happens everyday. Story short, Vietnam is a shithole that filled with shit for brain politicians and brainwashed idiots, we might not have school shooters but we got street sweepers so called the polices. They can just kill an innocent citizen and get away with it by simply apologizing

Well that does sound pretty shitty but we have the same problems over here too, just not as bad.

Is it worth visiting the motherland to experience the food and culture? I also have some family over there.

Macedonia, UK, Germany, Croatia, Belgium

You said you are an ethnic Viet so sure, no problem there. But if you look caucasian, just a little bit would turn you into a walking wallet so be aware of being ripped off or robbed, people here ain't very friendly like you thought they would be. Also, don't talk about politics, they won't be able to understand any of it, if they do they're pro-communists who probably gonna to beat the shit out of you and call you a traitor, i'm not kidding

Jesus Christ what the fuck? That's monkey behavior. I pretty much never talk politics though so that's good.

My spoken Vietnamese isn't even that good, but it's way better than most of my cousins. I can't read or write it either. Our parents don't bother to teach us and try to speak English with us.

I feel pretty damn mutt. Can't even eat durian.

>Can't even eat durian.
Haha, most people here can't stand it either so don't feel too far from home dude.

Try to improve your Vietnamese a little bit if you will, not many people here can speak english due to family's financial problems which forced them stop going to school at a very young age and start going out working for money instead. All they can understand is "Hello" "How are you" "Where are you from" and "Pls give me some money"...Well, maybe I'm just talking from my point of views, but doesn't mean I'm entirely wrong, just saying

One German and one Czech

I don't have online friends