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International #865
Divine Dr Pepper vs. filthy C*ca-Cola
/rus with friends
That's it, I'm going to do it! I'm going to learn a language. Who's with me!!
The fuck is happening in Sri Lanka?
I love furries :3
Rate my tea
How true is that police track you down and fine you for illegally downloading things here in Germany?
I am le surrendeur
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Happy international human female day goyim
Your country
Post parts of your country which are universally disliked
Castellano Español
/Southern Europe/
Congratulate this man winning the russian election 10 days from now
Honestly, what do Southern Europeans do all day with no work? Don't they get bored...
Mom and dad are arguing again
Most Traditional Women in the World?
200000 people have attended a feminist rally in Barcelona
Which one do you choose?
Why were the greatest Germans in history all Jewish?
If Disney cared about your country, what would its news anchor have been here?
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Which side do you support?
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
GroB/deutsch/e Nacktschicht
Is being into feet degenerate?
She is turning out to be a beautiful teen
Sup Forums hates us because we failed
/ita/ il Filo
Religion of Korea
El polaco
You are walking into a sauna when this creature demands you to breed her with your white seed
/umaru/ il ifilo
Itt everyone is Russian and vote for his candidate. What is your choice, /int?
Americans are so obsessed with race that they are becomkng fucking monsters
The city I live in is prettier than the one you live in :^)
Just a reminder the """"""white race"""" is an invention made up by germanic historylets to claim other's history
Swiss here, dont fall for the Jap women meme
What appears to have happened is that the student brought his new gun to school and was roughhousing while the gun was...
/luso/ - Fio Feminista
Sup Forums was fine literally few days ago...
ITT: we post obelisks in our countries. Bonus point if it comes from Egypt
Why are Catholics more fun and interesting than Protestant dullards?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Who was your favourite Pope?
/IBE/ - Portugal & España
/v4/ + friends
Kurva anyátok
Tfw cooking your own meal is too hard for most americans
African GF
Why is it our job to hate Russia now? Why don't the Americans seem to care any more? We should be teaming up on this
/fr/ - Le fil qui parle français
I want a Swedish wife. I heard that they are more family oriented and conservative
New list of most violent cities in the world
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
American enters the thread
What is your country's southern italy?
Did you lads know that "fish 'n chips" is primarily russian beer snacks?
See an American in an argument with a foreigner on Sup Forums
Why are Japanese so racist?
American-Russian appreciation thread
Cowardly Anglo fears the Russian bear!
Vomits externally
/Skandi/ discord edition
Why is Portugal so underrated by non med countries...
You can only post ITT if there is a Sabaton song about your country/people
Russian women are literally perfect
These are the most dangerous cities in the world right now in 2018
/asean/ - waifu edition
Sverigetråden - Motgiftupplagan
Tfw we never hear americans say "i'm french american"
Why are Americans so insecure about their masculinity?
Eat a snail in Australia - get rekt
Filling in my Summer Term participation form
What parts of Mexico are white?
Next Hollywood big movie will tell a story that involves brave african women who fought the french imperialists in...
Why can't they control their mind ? Do all of them have mental problem there??
You wake up on a unknown street, in a unknown city and unknown country
Would you rather live in:
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why do Brazilian think themselves as White??
Comrade, your country now is communist
How to acquire Spanish gf?
Post your favourite country
Are you ready to get sanctioned back to the stone age, Russia?
Hello, I am…
Holding a big piece of shit in your arms
Why did int suddenly become so racist to russians?
Would you rather have an average Chinese, Korean or Japanese gf?
The butthurt belt
Arabs and Germans go together like peanut butter and jelly <3
Europe has never send a person to space
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Amerifat """"cuisine""""
What's atheist culture like in your country?
This is a sicilian girl (therefore not white), say something nice about her!
Finland and Estonia belong to Sweden
1.ur cunt
Are you inbreds trying to start shit again?
Kurva anyátok
Why is LSD even illegal everywhere? It's completely harmless, the legal drugs are 100x worse for you
Faster than you, Tojo
"America lost to Vietnamese rice farmers"
Sverigetråden - Feel upplagan
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
How many of you pee in the sink?
I hope they start shit. Would love to wipe out these fucking blockhead alcoholics
Tomato is from south america
Do you like noodle?
/lat/ hilo latino
They seem to be pretty nice guys
/deutsch/ Weltfrauentagsausgabe
Go home from work
Do Americans really do this?
White people have wierd looking under nose desu
My GF told me she lost her virginity her freshman year
Faces of Sup Forums
What's your name backwards? Mines Sumsar. Sounds like an egyptian kang
Tell me your deepest and darkest secret
Your country
Berlin hate thread?
To avoid new law, petrol stations open butcher shop. What da fak is wrong with this country
How do we stop German remilitarisation?
Well, what's stopping you?
A girl called me creep today
/v4 + friends/
Average American mentions his European heritage
Why are asians cuter than other races?
Wtf is your problem bro, like you just gotta take a shower, get a nice haircut and be confident...
How slavic languages sound to me
This is finland
Sup Forumsernational women's day
What's wrong with Finland?
Culture Pals /cp/
Whitoids were no better than ISIS
This is current tranding fashion in Korea. Thoughts??
Snow is so beautiful. It turns a depressing brown landscape into a fantasy world. I feel bad for snowlets
/balt/ + friends
Be me
¿Why is the english level of everybody you in this forum so good? ¿Where do you learn that good english...
What's the difference between Slovenia and Slovakia?
/deutsch/ Nr. 2
Why does literally no one here talk about SEA women?...
Woman's Day
/mena/ /moan/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
How do you pronounce this?
I'm flying to Turkey today
My Trip to Korea
How strong are they really? Like if there was a war...
How many Sup Forums posters do you think descend from him?
/cum/ - real nigga hours general
Kurva anyátok
Was Starcraft popular back then in your cunt??
Let's talk about this country seeing that we hardly ever talk about it and it practically doesn't exist in the...
/sino/ - 中文
That one polish user that was obsessed with Mexico
How rare is it to see a person who can't speak any language fluently other than his/her mother tongue in your country?
This image makes me sick
1. Country
Rightful German clay
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
This enrages and confuses the Englishman
Why do they larp as whites and why can't they just be themselves????
What was the greatest time to be young?
Are latinas the sluttiest girls in the world?
I found this at 5ch
What Latin American country has the best males? Definitely it's not Ecuador
What do you think about America?
Why is the world getting more racist instead of less?
Do you wish to find love in Yorkshire, England?
Are British people French?
Does your country have Netflix?
1. You're a cunt
El Ogro de las Américas
In spite of what people may think, culturally speaking, Wallonia is nothing more than a French region...
There is no denying that Germany had to pay for its crimes after World War 2...
Thank you for Aniki, America
Europe went from war, hate and division
Are there any Fascist Countries still around today?
What do you do/say when you recall an embarrassing memory?
Are leafs/aussies/kiwis as proud as americans of their country?
Non-Japanese will never understand this feel
1. your cunt
Is there a real chance that Brazil or Colombia might intervene militarily?
/ita/ - il filo
Are these all the european countries Sup Forums considers nonwhite?
Most brown people in latinoamerica literally will give their daughters to any white looking guy not caring how autistic...
'They are terrified': Italy election result deepens refugees' deportation fears
Pet me please
In one sentence, explain why you think Russia is evil (or otherwise)
Europeans, SUBMIT while you still can!
Lol japanese put Korean on their subway station because we're their most important guest
Tfw our next candidate is literally a Israel-supporter...
Would you choose Brazil, Argentina, or death?
Why are they unbeatable?
Anybody else trying to learn another language?
Why the fuck there is so many furries in Germany?
Why are the such a boring and insignificant country?
Why Nordic countries are awesome?
How do they treat pedophiles in your country??
Wh*Te mods literally rangebanned me after this thread lmao :DDDDDD
Tomato is from south america
Why do a lot of French women have such large eye bags?
Have no (real) interests or hobbies
You wake up in northern Japan
Who are your favorite neighbors?
What if China balkanized?
Which country is the greatest threat to your country
/AMERICAS/ Not just the United States edition
Looks like a kike tranny
It's snowing!
Apparently paul from langfocus is like 99% white and mostly northern european according to (((23andme)))
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/luso/ - fio lusofono
How much of your country have you actually visited?
Amerimutts hate thread
1. Country
International Mathematical Olympiad
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Tfw half Persian half Swedish
How do you like your tea?
Why did Britain Brexit when they have an economy founded on financial services and they have to import almost...
Stop calling me a spic
Kurva anyátok
Face app female genderbend thread
Name a worse moment in American history. You can’t
Gooood morning, Viet- I mean, /asean/!
Is this only a thing in America?
Would your country have developed an Eva?
We should become a theocracy
Sup Forums is a happy place
How is this wrong though?
Icelandic commie killed in syria
Icelanders seizing the means of production
Two first world, western countries went at war with eachother towards the end of the 20th century
These are called "parentheses". If you call them "brackets", you are a third-worlder
Would you rather live in:
Dubs decides what gun I get
Waahhhh hiroshima was awful
How many different flags can we get in one thread?
How do we stop them?
Literally looks like the mutt drawing
How does it feel to live in a state sized """"country""""
19 year old persian Kuwaiti, AMA :-)
America won the space race
What's it like having history, culture, and roots...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The French aren't Southern Europea-
Name a country with better food
Americans have never experienced the taste of Blackcurrant
Why are Brits so good at stop motion??
Italian sounds like a mix of African tribal languages (whitles and ooga booga) with Arabic accent and intonation
Why do people hurt dogs?
Ex gf texted me 3 years after the breakup
Why do East Asian women masquerade as westerners like this (cosmetic surgery...
Thank you france
Dear femanons. happy international womens day from eesti!
Are european people regrets this
Why does the Drumpf hate Mexicans? Are they like pakis?
Average Russian meal
Do people in your cunt doubt the moon landing?
How do other Latin Americans feel about Mexico?
Post brutalist architecture from your country
Is this a reasonable expectation for the powers in WW3? Am I missing a nation...
Hello guys! Im from Russia. Can you say me
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Is tomorrow's strike taken seriously in your countries?
1. Your cunt
What does your military post on social media?
/balt/ general
Are there any good jobs I could get moving to Japan without a college degree
/lat/ hilo latino
/ita/ - il filo
What do women generally look like in you're cunt?
/fr/ - le fil de l'empire colonial français
Last sex
Quote from writer of your country
Kurva anyátok
This is deep
Pick a side
*crush your taco shell*
Europe Average Wage (after tax)
Feminist women
/v4/ + kamaráti
How are most of you non-anglos so fluent in English?
Why are libtards such snowflakes?
/rage/ - Retake the Americas General
Daily reminder
Are British people regrets now?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Just here to let you know peru is unironically better than Mexico. I submit
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #1979.5
Holy shit
Sverigetråden - Karolinska upplagan
For me, it's Portuguese women
How do we save Japan?
This board is finished
Massarre of Native Americans
How can I get a cute redhead wife? Where?
Seeing as the trade wars have begun:
Can we sum up Sup Forums in one image?
How do I get a western or northern European girl?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are Polish genes so strong?
French people are wea-
Can someone explain to me why the Polish are so racist?
Finnish food culture
Do people marry for love in your country?
Go to foreign country
Post cars from ur country
Do you tip your bus drivers?
Do finns in Helsinki dress for going out like they REALLY don't give a fuck (as per
Mum. It's pronounced mum. Why is America the only English speaking country that doesn't understand this?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Any fellow Pakianons feel they get unfairly bullied on here?
Faces of Sup Forums
Two organs that feeds babies
Do you follow your countrys religion? are there still many faithful people in your country? how popular are unbelievers?
Is your country evolving into atheism, Sup Forums?
Isn’t the history of Europe the most depressing and suffering...
Brits are ultimate cucks haha
Why is japan so shit
/lang/ cause the other one dieded edition
Men age like wine
Kurva anyátok
Opinions on this great nation?
How does your country view interracial relationships?
How do I get a cute French girlfriend?
/luso/ - fio lusofono
How do you call this type of woman?
I consider all of you as my friends. I love you all. Who needs 'real' friends when I have you
Which cunt in europoor has the saddest history?
Why do Czechs, Scandinavians and Germans look so similar?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Hop in dude
Why do most spaniards have irish DNA despite not having any irish ancestor at all? And why do some Irish look spanish...
Why is she holding a big piece of shit?
/ita/ - il filo
Hometown thread
Finland is rightful Swedish land
Average White guy in Japan
This is disgusting
Coffee or Tea, Sup Forums?
How would your family feel if you brought home a Norwegian girl?
Does Sup Forums ride a bike? Are bikers a thing in your cunt? I like Japanese bikes...
Hi canada i love you
Your country
Why are they so miserable?
Do Americans really do this?
Is beef in your country cheap?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I (english)
Why does Spain like beer so much?
Why Brits, France, Germany defense costs is so high?
/v4/ + "friends"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Germany needs more Turks and Kurds
Japan needs glorious whitu moar
Your cunt
Sverigetråden - Jordrikets upplaga
The country's called The Netherlands
We with china now
Heh, hey Russians!
Toilet cleaner tribe attack Grugs shouting tower Gleiwitz
Be s*Ngaporean
What is it saying, Sup Forums?
Honest thoughts on British people?
/deutsch/ weebs ins gas ausgabe
Reee America is da bad guy
You're not some filthy wh*Tey are ya Sup Forums?
This is my dinner
He will be remembered as the president who brought peace to the Korean Peninsula
Polish game
Have two former enemies worked together on an even more impressive project?
I really regret going to university. I just wasted 4 years of my life
Only former empires can post in this thread
Try to be friends with a Russian
How do you go from this
Do you think Russia is trustworthy?
Mfw based Denmark declared war on fish & chips, the only pillar of British "culture"
Post black politicians from your country
1. Your country
I'm watching a Holland talent show and virtually all the songs are in English
Map thread
Literally Sup Forums
This is fascinating
/ex-ussr/ general
He identifies more with his country than with his state/province/region
Fuck weather, fuck snow, fuck everything
Race defines intelligence
Rank these countries from most evil to least evil from 1914-1948
Females of Sup Forums...
Do you think there are any famous people browsing Sup Forums?
Reminder that France is a proud MEDITERRANEAN country
Congratulations, Sup Forums...
I unironically like this country and am jealous of all the people living there even with all the shitskin invaders...
Tfw i was the loner kid
Is there any Swedish person? Hallooo? Huhuu? I have a question for you: why you hate Finnish people?
What happens here?
/fr/ - le francofil
This shows how free market and easy it is to set up and operate a business in your cunt. Or to put it another way...
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Post some kind of fast food that is unique to your country
This is in Hiroshima. Bravo USA you wankers
Do you have a cute bf next to you in bed? ;)
I kissed a guy from the university and I liked it. Am I a faggot now? :(
America doesn't exist
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why doesn't the UK make its flag symmetrical?
The leader of Rome is a spaniard
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Post inventions from your country
Why are russians so pessimistic?
You wake up in an Alternate Timeline where the Soviet Union never collapsed
Mfw we are literally the most hated biggest mistake in all of history yet one of the strongest places today
Are you pro fat acceptance?
Between 1492 to 1986 some 12 million Spaniard immigrated to the Americas and never returned back to Spain
Europeans are asleep, post freeways
What is this place really like and why are there so few sub-Sahara posters here?
*puts uncooked egg yolk on top of raw ground beef*
Can your heritage out JUST mine?
Who else /diaspora/
How do evropeans view non evropeans?
Name 5 best and 5 worst US cities
French "keyboard"
Americans unironically believe they could defeat the Portuguese army
Go to xvideos
Fuck off Rowling
What topics are taboo on your country?
Does ur cunt have its own chan?
“I’m white. I can kill you, nothing will happen”
Is your nation committed to more diversity in television and films?
In Sweden...
Why don't europeans like guns anymore?
How this is called in your country?
Do american posters here look like pic related?
Be on your way to the bus station so you get there 5 min early
/nachtschicht/ irgendwann wieder /deutsch/
Greatest empire on earth
Mfw I saw a group of American tourists entering a cartel infested bar in the middle of nowhere
FACES OF Sup Forums
I used to go to 9gag everyday back in 2011
Why do Americans pretend as though blacks aren't "really" American?
1. Your country
The ultimate redpill
Why don't Europeans just find a way to get the Gypsy communities and migrant muslim communities to turn against each...
Do you like protestants ? :3
/brit/ + /birt/
What type of men do you find the most attractive?
Why do americans love protesting so much?!?
1/2 Korean
What is your favorite game?
Why do Americans feel they *need* to own a tactical strategic assault weapon...
Welcome to langfocus channel and my name's paul
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
How is the quality of your cunts posters
Escort in Bangkok says "I can prove Russia meddled in U.S. elections"
What do Argentinians think of Mauricio Macri?
How can we improve belgium ?
ITT we act as Irish as possible
Does this country exist just to be a buffer state between real countries?
White isn't all it's cracked up to be
/sino/ 中文
Do Americans really find this man funny?
Americans are stupi-
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Brazil became cucks
/ita/ - il filo
How do you say "Luigi floating on an egg over the sea" in your language?
Western World
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Good job Italy
1. Your cunt
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
ITT: describe your country with a single picture
Why Italy becomes another ill member of European economy?
Russia is an evil country
Why does israel even exist in the Middle East?
Guess the country
I have never done anything illegal in my entire life
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Barely participate in european history
What's ur name ?
1. Where are you from?
Civ man edition
Ah yeah, american """"""mulattoes""""""
Your idea?
Alright Sup Forums, let's settle this once and for all. Sweden or Finland?
Glory for the Portuguese!
Sverigetråden - Barbarupplagan
Why are mods like this? You can insult any country or even post porn and nothing happens...
Tfw no british dad
Which countries do you have online-friends in? Ones you actually talk to. I have a German friend I play games with...
1. your country
Croatia appreciation thread
/deutsch/ Regenbogen-Ausgabe
I was a little opened about the lgbt community and otakus
Islamic LIONS save Holland
I'm going to turn 24 in a couple days and i've come to realize that i'll be a virgin till i die...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #1979
Too """leftest""" to be accepted by other Americans
Kurva anyátok
1. Country
/ex-ussr/ general
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
/savižudybė/ - purpurinio gerojaus leidimas
Tfw 15cm penis
Do you love america?
Learn the difference and stop replying to w*Stern finns
What's conscription like in your country?
How did the Irish starve to death when they're surrounded by the ocean, which has fish?
What the fuck is his problem??
Do boys do this in your cunt?
Ornella Fleury (French weathergirl)
So watching this gave me the impression that Mexicans are nothing more than cultureless savages that slaughter each...
Why do amerimutts think licorice is disgusting?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When I was in secondary all the girls would go on about shagging/sucking people off in year 7/8...
Sverigetråden - Framtidshoppupplagan
La creatu-
A rangeban for Finland, perhaps?
/brit/ - football fan masterace
Mfw someone says russia is weak
AMERICANS, what do these countries have in common ? Let's see if you can guess
Racism still exists in your country?
How do your local municipial politicians look like?
I am thinking my thread boring, so no one reply. So I put bikini girl photo and post same thread...
White people love anima
Give a fun fact you know about the country of the user above you
Euros are Savages
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...