Vomits externally

>vomits externally

what the actual fuck is wrong with lithuania and lithuanians?


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I'm not watching it, explain

lmao typical americucks with savour complex trying to force their shitty hypocritical plastic morals around the world getting btfo
Hope they rot in prison

tldr please

its a crazy story, so here it is greentext

>dad in Lithuania dates Lithuanian roastie
>has baby girl
>gets divorced
>Lithuanian roastie ex wife starts dating powerful Lithuanian politician
>Lithuanian politician boyfriend is a pedo
>Lithuanian politician boyfriend rapes daughter and takes her to pedophile parties
>daughter tells dad
>dad gets mad
>dad tells police
>police do nothing
>dad gets more mad
>dad sends his story to the media
>whole country of Lithuania now mad
>police still do nothing
>dad gets more mad
>dad gets gun and murders pedos
>Lithuania PedoGovernment gets mad
>sends police after dad
>dad is running away killing pedo politicians
>enter dad's sister, Neringa
>Neringa takes care of daughter while dad is running from police
>Pedo slayer dad gets murdered
>Neringa gets mad
>Lithuania still mad Government is corrupt
>Neringa makes new political party against corrupt Pedos
>Neringa wins and becomes Lithuanian politician
>roastie Lithuanian pedo mom wants daughter back
>Neringa says no
>Lithuanian people say no
>Lithuanian pedo government gets scared
>Lithuanian people protest
>Lithuanian people form wall of 5000 people around Neringa's house
>Pedo Government sends 120 riot police to steal daughter back for roastie mom
>Police steal daughter for more pedo raping
>Neringa is mad
>Lithuanian people mad
>Niringa wants to run for president
>Lithuanian pedo government want to silence Niringa & her followers
>Neringa's friends and followers start being murdered
>Lithuania Pedo Gov votes to remove Neringa's political powers and tried to arrest her
>Neringa gets scared
>Neringa flees to US
>Neringa gets arrested in Chicago
>she is awaiting to be sent to be sent back to Lithuania
>enter Neringa's son
>he makes a video about it and posts to youtube
>asks for people to sign petition to save Neringa

sounds unbelievable but some crazy fuckin clips in that vid in OP


Wtf? Defend this Lithuania.

iceland is soooo cute :3

how old was the girl? are we talking 4 or 14?

Fucking shitskins

Whoah wtf. Third world as fuck

sounds like bullshit but might be true


>Lithuania free of Russia
Russia should just annex Baltic countries and Finland

still fucked either way


watch the video in op, its fuckin cooked watching police break fuckin doors down while claiming "WE ARE NOT USING VIOLENCE"

No. Finland should annex the Baltics and russia.

We can't even rule ourselves, we need Russia, preferably tsarist Russia.

You have to go back, Dimitri

Take off your proxy Lithuania

t.kazimir swedowski

i hate u

>Country with African flag has African tier behavior
Really makes me think

hate is not a european thing
you should to go back

In your dreams Vladimir

It quite literally is, back to your geography class


>European Russia is the western part of Russia. It is also part of eastern Europe. With a population of 110 million people, European Russia has about 77% of Russia's population, but covers less than 25% of Russia's territory. European Russia includes Moscow and Saint Petersburg, the two largest cities in Russia.

Go back to Somalia abdul you are making us look stupid

if you're russian you're definitely should to go back

when you go to sauna do you pee on the rocks instead of having to go outside? nice steam

Russia is a nigger shithole and not European at all. Fuck Russia and all the subhumans who come from there

on the rocks. Or in the shower. And I think nowadays most saunas are in the house and not outside

so russian

Yeah I'm going to need you to go back, really. You're low IQ subhuman. Western Russia is Europe whether you like it or not. Also Finland, Poland, Ukraine etc. are shitholes but we're still European. How does that make you feel?

Finland is not a fucking shithole!! Wtf??? One of the best countries in the world stop triggering me you fucking nigger fuck you


Stop this!!