Tomato is from south america

>tomato is from south america
>noodles are from china
wow... so italian...

Pasta and Noodles are made very differently you bellend.

yeah whatever you say Piero del terroni

Wtf did Irish eat before potatoes

>e*ropEEin """culture""" is stolen from everyone else
Tell me something new, sh*Talians don't get a pass just because they're not wh*TE

Whatever their English masters gave them

bread and cheese mostly

Originally oats.

yer ma's gee flaps

>Fries and mayonnaise are French
>Ketchup is Chinese
>Only the BATTERED FISH has no clear origin
Absolute state of Anglo """cuisine"""

Turnips and beans were popular.

Tomatoes are Mexican, even the name is Nahuatl. just as chocolate


>mayo with fish and chips
el abominacion le france

>>Only the BATTERED FISH has no clear origin

Sephardi Jewish fish dish from the Iberian Peninsula.

English semen.

I batter spanish women with my cock, fuck dagos

despite the name, french fries are infact a Belgian delicacy

>Fries and mayonnaise are French
Fries are Belgian and mayonnaise is Spanish. Nice try, Olivier.

>Fries are Belgian because they were invented in Belgium by French speakers with French ancestors at a time when Belgian national identity didn't exist
If I impregnated your mother in China, would that make the kid Chinese?

no that would make the child a nigger like the average frenchman

Getting impregnated by niggers, the British woman's national sport.

french women are obsessed with us british bulls so it all evens out

you're autistic

What a retarded argument. Do all Australian achievements belong to England, because most Aussies have Anglo heritage and speak English? No, of course not. Also, Chinese and Europeans are racially distinct, so that's a false equivalency. If you moved to Belgium and had a kid with a Belgian woman, that kid would be Belgian, NOT French. If he won a medal at the Olympics, he'd be winning it for Belgium, NOT France. Fries are BELGIAN. They were invented in what is now present-day Belgium. Is Leonardo da Vinci not considered Italian, because Italy didn't exist in his time? Because that's the same stupid logic you're applying to this situation.

You must have missed the part where I said that Belgian national identity didn't exist at the time.
But it doesn't matter. If you think that place of origin matters more than the fact that culturally French people invented fries, you're autistic.


Also, it's not like that line of thinking is foreign to British posters. I've seen many of you claim American cultural hegemony as your own.

Leopold disagrees

Because he was born more than a hundred years later.

Noodle recipe was taken from China. Over thousands of years Italy made it so that modern pasta isn't the same, but saying pasta and noddles are different and that italians didn't get noodles from china is like saying Washingtongue isn't English and wasn't influenced by English.

belgian fries were created in 1680 m8

Leopold I was born in 1790, and Leopold II was born in 1865.
>Noodle recipe was taken from China
That's a myth. Look it up.

>You must have missed the part where I said that Belgian national identity didn't exist at the time
And? Again, this is a truly ridiculous argument. German national identity didn't exist in Beethoven's time. It's irrelevant. The world now considers him to be German, because we all understand that European borders are fluid and have been in a constant state of flux for thousands of years.

>But it doesn't matter. If you think that place of origin matters more than the fact that culturally French people invented fries, you're autistic
Define "culturally French". French speakers? Can I claim Americans as "culturally English" and claim all of America's inventions? Come on now.

>I've seen many of you claim American cultural hegemony as your own.
Only in jest. Their origins may be English, but they've developed a culture and society all of their own, distinct from ours, over the centuries.

>bread is ancient Egyptian
>butter is near African
>bread is ancient Egyptian
>butter is near African
>bread is ancient Egyptian
wow.... so BRITISH...

>before potatoes
i think you mean the triassic

>understand that European borders are fluid and have been in a constant state of flux for thousands of years
That's precisely why you should admit that I'm right. There was no border between what is currently Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Belgium at the time, so the people living in Wallonia at the time and those living in topmost Northern France were indistinguishable from each other. Unless you mean to say that French people from the 17th weren't French people.
What do I mean by culturally French? Exactly that. Peasants who were indistinguishable from the average French peasant, both in language, culture and ancestry. How similar are Americans to you again?

Fuck the British in general.

>British flag is talking about cuisine

>French fries are Belgian
French fries are Wallonian, therefore French.


Fuck the Yanks in general.

No. My point about borders was to counter your notion that "national identity" is somehow paramount to ownership. Fries were invented within the borders of what is NOW Belgium, regardless of what that land was known as 3 centuries ago.

>Peasants who were indistinguishable from the average French peasant, both in language, culture and ancestry.
Why are you so insistent on discounting geography? This isn't the New World. How far back do you want to take this argument? Are all of France's achievements actually Italy's, because of the Roman Empire? Dijon mustard is called that, because it was invented in Dijon. It's considered to be French, because Dijon is in France. It'd still be considered French, even if the inventors were "culturally" English, Swedish, Russian or Turkish.

>How similar are Americans to you again?
Irrelevant. We're two different countries now. Just like Belgium and France are.

Literally not true though.
Italians have been eating pasta since the times of the Roman Republic.

Not sure why, but the word "bellend" is super funny to me.

Many Wallonians still consider themselves French to this day, except when it comes to who created some chopped potatoes. Then they're suddenly Belgian.
That's why it's kinda funny that this British user is defending that fries are Belgian so vehemently even though Wallonia is just a French region, culturally speak. I get the same culture shock going to Lille or Perpignan.
Yeah, I'm not going to bother. Keep being retarded.

In the end, borders are just a technicality. Anyone who isn't autistic enough to think cultures stop at borders knows fries are French because they're Walloon.

Wheat, barley,

Literally brought to Italy from China by Marco fucking Polo you fucking cunt.

That's an American myth.

I think you spelled PERUVIAN wrong. Thieving french rat.