How strong are they really? Like if there was a war...

How strong are they really? Like if there was a war, could they just zerg rush the Western world with their infinite manpower?


paper tiger, also zerg who?

S. Korea?
Sure. But we'd retake them with a war of attrition.

But any western country?
Fuck no. Not in a million years.

The PLA is just an armed wing of the communist party, that means its full of corrupt officials, and high command is full of incompetent people, they don't even have joint command
They sure can overwhelm with man power but eventually its going to crack

>also zerg who?

Zerg rush is a term used in starcraft. It's basically where you build so many cheap zerg units and then end the game early.

they're a poor solution to an expensive game. china is currently downsizing its military ranks in favor of advanced technology to better compete with america on a global stage

That is an extremely outdated meme.

Honestly, I prefer people underestimating China.

nigger I meant what country would they do it to.

no country can beat Chinese army.
even American troops can't beat them up.
China have modern equipment,long range missile, massive manpower.
Russia and America is the only country who can survive Chinese attack.

Mostly a Third World military with 30-40 year old equipment and colossal corruption in the officer ranks. They also haven't fought an actual war in decades and have almost no power projection ability. Plus most of their equipment is just shitty knockoffs of 80s Soviet weapons.


>The PLA is just an armed wing of the communist party
That is true. Their oath of loyalty states that their mission is to defend the party, not the nation of China. Also the CCP has refused to de-politicize the armed forces since that was a contributing factor in the fall of the Soviet Union. Officers spend inordinate amounts of time studying political propaganda instead of actual military tactics.

modern china can overwhelm any country but america, russia, india and japan (and maybe britain) on a conventional h2h, but waging a war against the whole western world is beyond its capacity

So, they take Vietnam, Thailand etc. then Korea. What after that, no ships for japan, impossible logistics for russia. Try to take india through burma like japan tried in ww2? They'd run into another infinite manpower nation. Basically all they can do is act threatening and use their economic power but in military terms they're no real threat to the west.

Now that could easily change if it's ~2050 and they have a big fleet like they did in Treasure Voyages period.

Massive logistical nightmare composed of peasansts armed with soviet era knockoffs and some modern knockoffs to show off in parades, lead by incompetent and corrupt staff.

they've already taken australia

>economic power

Same for you tho

Correction. Sand nigger.

no, they might've taken the big cities in canada but not the rural areas. unlike in australia where they're everywhere there

Shit logistics, shit navy, training is like a third indoctrination so the army doesnt revolt the second they realize how bullshit their government is.
China would never get past India/kazakhstan with their army.

-,- how would you know?

No point in arguing with a le*fOid

educated guess


>Sand nigger

In the 90s, when they were threatening war over Taiwan, President Clinton sent the 7th Fleet out there and told them "You really want to try it?"

They backed down, knowing their brown water navy would be sunk within a couple of days.

It's been 20 years though, you think they might've changed?

There have been articles in the state media about corruption in the party and army that mention the Qing army in the 1895 Sino-Japanese war when they had no artillery shells because the funding for them was stolen by corrupt officers.

Remember ~2 weeks ago when a Russian mercenary column got decimated by just American air power and artillery? If the leak transcript was accurate, the mercenaries lost ~200 soldiers and most of their vehicles in an hour or so. With modern ordinance, numbers aren't as important as they used to be.

China's ICBM arsenal still relies on liquid-fueled missiles like it was 1966. They're stored unfueled without the warheads mounted, and authorization to launch a missile has to go through multiple layers of command--this is to prevent a rogue army officer from getting control of the missiles. It's estimated that they have a response time of about 30 minutes.

Also most of the enlisted men are from the poor/shitty parts of the country and join mostly to find employment or they have nothing better to do. They're usually not in the best physical shape because of this and most training time is spent reading political propaganda or learning how to formation-spell the characters for visiting dignitaries' names.

>implying ww3 won't be a nuclear war
what is infinite manpower for if one nuke can do just as much....

>training is like a third indoctrination so the army doesnt revolt the second they realize how bullshit their government is
Really. I mean, if it's the People's Liberation Army, then they should be liberating the people of China from the CCP.

Don't think so. If they can, they would've been even more aggressive in exerting their claims militarily. The only reason why we aren't doing shit to their intrusion in our waters is because they have a lapdog here to prevent any protests but the other nations seem to maintain their own status quo with regards to territorial claims.

You realized theyre beating the US in the race to develop hypersonic missiles because of american budget issues right??


>zerg rush the Western world
That's not the point, moron. China just needs to be strong enough to defend its own territory. And they are indeed strong enough to do that. They're not like Americans who have some sort of missionary mindset where they have to invade the world and make it democraticâ„¢ and freeâ„¢

I like this yank, he says the right things

Except he's completely wrong
China DOES have a "missionary mindset"
Most of its western territories were conquered and then forcibly filled with Han Chinese (see the situation with the Uiygars)
and China cannot defend it's territory either, it claims parts of literally all it's neighbors and hasn't taken those (most notable example is Taiwan)

Ur welcome
China doesn't want to export their system onto other countries like the USA in Iraq.
Xinjiang belonged to China since the at least the 17th century, even earlier y some accounts. They were not recently annexed or anything.
They can defend the territory they already control, and Taiwan is the only part they claim but don't control (yet).

>they don't want to export their system
simply put: they can't
Also that hasn't stop them from intervening in African development(essentially neocolonialism)
They claim the Paracel, Spratly, and Senkaku islands, none of which they control
And don't pretend Tibet is China either, they clearly don't want to be
Xinjiang was tributary of China in that time and not under direct control as say Shandong
Don't make me laugh Xhang, the last time you tried all it took was a short trip from the US Navy to make you back down

>simply put: they can't
They can't, but they don't want to anyways.
>intervening in African development
The use of the word colonialism in this context really cheapens actual colonialism. As you've probably never experienced it yourself, let me just let you in on what it is.
It's when a foreign country invades yours, usurps control over it, and makes all the money off its resources while the locals have no rights.
China is doing business in Africa, not invading and plundering.
Those islands are puny in any case, and China's exercising more and more power there.
Xinjiang was included in all maps of Qing China, and so was Tibet.
And I've actually been to Tibet. They seem cool with it.
The US Navy was willing to push around China back when it was weak, but now there's relative, asymmetrical parity. The US isn't going to play nuclear chicken over an island most Americans can't tell apart from Thailand.

Having them underestimate you is good. Hide your strength, like Deng said.

>China is doing business
in the same way Britain was doing business in the opium wars
many of these counties are just not in good shape in any way and are willing to do anything for aid
>the islands are puny
stupid reductionist argument
they still claim and do not control them, just admit to being wrong
pic related
>they seem cool with it
are you trolling or a shill? Either way you are wrong
hundreds of people regularly set themselves on fire over this
>when it was weak
That was the 90's
the US Navy still vastly outclasses the Chinese one in every meaningful way
>most Americans can't tell from Thailand
not only are you wrong, you are double wrong
the US has and will defend Taiwan, not to mention the average American isn't a policymaker, for good reason
last reply you will bait out of me idiot

Is your image of China just composed of old serials from the 50's?

>How strong are they really?
>can't even invade the Republic of China

>in the same way Britain was doing business in the opium wars
Wrong, and again, cheapens the effects of actual colonialism. Britain went into China illegally, selling illegal drugs against the wishes of the government.
China signs contracts with people and doesn't invade countries or steal things.
They're exerting more control over the islands.
What pic?
If hundreds of people were burning "regularly" the population of Tibet would be dropping precipitously.
Of course the US Navy is more powerful than the Chinese. They have bases all around the world. But China's Navy is getting stronger and stronger, and is more able to deter the US specifically in its own backyard. They're not using 30 year old Soviet junk anymore.
American average Joes aren't willing to go to war over some potato-shaped island 5,000 miles away from Hawaii. They already got duped with Iraq.

They have successfully infiltrated you government and agencies while youre chasing sand people on the other ass end of the world.