Mfw I saw a group of American tourists entering a cartel infested bar in the middle of nowhere

>mfw I saw a group of American tourists entering a cartel infested bar in the middle of nowhere

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Cartels don't kill tourists if i remember right.

i remember australian tourists getting killed by them a few years ago

why is Sup Forums so obsessed with america?

guaranteed replies. But at this point it's become some sort of obsession

mexico should be bombed

>fat American tourist family with loud kids walks into a local mafia bar
What do they want to see in some seedy place?? Film them for instagram?

Americans are sooo naive, they think that if they die in a foreign country they don't die in real life.

They've always been obsessed. Since r*Ddit swarmed this site with perpetually butthurt Sup Forumstards there are easily banted fags lurking the whole site so it's been a bit worse since the whole trump thing

That family was probably more armed than the cartel desu

If you took a trip to a place known for dangerous cartel activities you deserve what's coming tbqhwymf

This, unironically.

Americans live in fantasyland

THey were looking for a burguer xd

Did they come out?

From what shithole you are?


I don't know I was passing by on a bus. The place looked ugly and shaby, a lot of huge trucks were parked there. The Americans were probably looking for food.


I know right? I was talking with a friend in a far off foreign land, and I was shocked to learn from them that any business worthwhile in their city had been shuttered due to theft and embezzlement.

Coahuila xD

I like you.

Because stupid retards fresh off the bus from Leddit and Sup Forums literally cannot stop themselves from replying to just awful and lazy bait

>armed in another country
Did you aspire to be an idiot when you were younger or did you just sort of luck into it with natural-born talent?

we are bombarded with american media so thats all we can think about


>I'm not obsessed just apparently my country is but I'm gonna talk about America nonstop on Sup Forums but I'm not obsessed


They do, unfortunately.







Your country is a car crash, we're all just rubberneckers
t. Not-a-Leaf

At a lower rate than Japan's murder rate, but yeah, sometimes

This. Wouldn't they be more interested in selling you drugs or putting you into a loan sharking debt?

Fucken nice

Because this board is autistic, this is the behavior of an autistic child.


How easy is it to fuck a mexican chick as a white tourist?

Don't give Mexico credit for Britain's meme

You'll wake up in a bathtub without a kidney/10

I mostly just lurk /his/ and Sup Forums so I wouldn't know

I know it's you Antonio and I told you don't do it you stupid skeleton fuck.

You should continue doing that. Canada is not welcome here

Times have changed mutt.

Not regarding Canada friend

Cool, I'm not Canadian

Don't care that flag isn't welcome here


Mexishit cucks will probably just offer their women to superior American men.
Did you know that in some regions in Mexico local men literally ask American tourists to impregnate their daughters and importing American semen is also quite common in mexican fertility clinics.

Shut up ruskie or this will happen to you:

Haha, pussies. He killed a guy for being shitskin mexican and only got couple bruises.

yeah pulled them over pretending to be police or something and shot them up

Currently in a wheelchair in prison with a half sunk skull and a completely paralized side of his body :)
Although I get that's a much better fate than getting starved to death like your great grandpa or living with aids and addicted to heroine back in Russia, so I can see why it is a win for you

Don't mind him. He is that buttblasted fat virgin who got cucked by some Azeri and now spends his whole life in his mother's basement insulting people on the internet. There is also a self-hating jew posting with a russian flag who is obsessed with middle eastern/latin american people.
Most russians don't hate mexico and mexicans.
There are angry bitter losers everywhere though.

>one hundred monkeys cant handle one fat white boi
How do you even sleep at night?

They should be posting about Finland
