Race defines intelligence

>race defines intelligence

yeah haha stupid wh*toids it's just a strong correlation lmoa

No one says that. Averages exist and only a complete fucking retard thinks the average Australian aborigine has the same IQ as the average Korean.

well, IQ is heridetary for most part, so there is truth to it

>[an absolute claim in a highly chaotic system]

>t. Indonesian

t. British convict

> the average Australian aborigine has the same IQ as the average Korean
is there any proof that this is not true apart from those iq maps that are constantly posted here?

>apart from those iq maps

Why are you discarding what you literally asked for? Those maps usually have sources you can just look at them yourself.

Twin studies, transracial adoption studies.
The very fact you had to ask that shows you haven't done research.

Not to mention the fact that in their entire history abos have invented a stick.

just because some other races lives in primitive settings doesn't mean it correlates the iq dumbass. they would die off and extinct thousands of years ago if they simply jump off into the ocean without making some sort of sailing to their current island today. Even progress has multiple definition according to whoever tries to define it in their own perspective.

>twin studies
Joseph i...

Nobody says race "defines" (determines) intelligence. What people actually say, and there is a lot of data to back it up, is that the average IQ's between racial groups differ due to geographical separation and thus differential evolution. It's a huge leap of faith to assume perfect symmetric brain development of quasi sub-species with tens of thousands of years worth of separation in wildly different environments with non-identical selection pressures.
>inb4 race doesn't exist
It's a perfectly valid taxonomical construct based phenotypical averages that is supported by genetic clustering.

No, it's distance from USA that defines intelligence in a proportional way

>africa experiencing incredible economic growth
>india is urbanising at an incredible rate
>china is a future global superpower
>russia is just as shit as it was 20 years ago and will continue to be a shitty country

>mfw watching all the whitey racists slowly getting more and more uncomfortable

Define all the races please.

>look mommy I copy pasted some big wordss I don’t understand!! I totally BTFO’d those soy cuck libjews that deny raec!!

You will be invited to the party, my mongol brother.

Friendly reminder that anyone who posts racial IQ charts is a brainlet retard who thinks posting them compensated for their own personal stupidity. Most of them are mad that Jamal graduated while they dropped out because they thought college was “jewish marxist propaganda”.

>Big words scare the American

he is right you know

But Russians are mixed

He used all of the words correctly.

No, Zhang, he didn’t. No ¥ for such an awful post.

Which words in his post were used incorrectly?

>N-No he didn't! BTFO CHANG

Stop LARPing as someone else, Pekka.

Sounds like I hit a nerve.

Ah I see you're doing the "No self awareness" style. Boring.

Looks like you were wrong after all.

Environnment is a way bigger influence than race.

>Humans as a blank slate
Science has been there and discarded that a long time ago


>Look it up bitch, it's science

Damn right. Let's stop illegal immigration from Africa from making the environment here less developed and thus everyone African-tier.

>intelligence defines race

environment produced races to begin with