
Best pokemon edition

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aryan sperm

beto ran for senate wtf

commerce/law here
don't think I'll get a job with my pass average

have run the A/B tests and the picture of me with money is not doing as well as i'd hope

discussing british culture ONLINE

hungry but I'll wait until greggs at lunch

what the hell kind of a degree is "commerce"

*girl stops replying*
you're a fucking ugly bitch. i want to stab you to death and play around with your blood.

alri patrick

saw a girl with a plait today
wanted to grab it and pull it and listen to her cry out in pain

Genuinely miss the girl in work every time I’m not with her

furry is the vanguard for the future of humanity. today, the overpaid computer engineer is paying $1200 for a dog cock drawing he could get for $70. tomorrow, paying $20/hour for friends to play games with you is the norm and nobody would >do it for free anymore. the logic of the market dictates it, and the fandom gave itself over to being a market voluntarily. (weirdly furry actually seems to take market-profitability as a sign of acceptance by outside forces. it's bizarre, but that's beyond the point of this post.)

2025: almost all human interaction has become a commodity. 30% of the population are employed pretending to be people's friends in exchange for money, and another 10% are "social influencers". buzzfeed - now the primary source for news - is considering capitalising on the popular meme questions from the last presidential debates by hosting an entire debate just for meme questions in the 2028 elections. furries are as mainstream as pop musicians. Hillary Clinton buys a fursona ironically. elon musk continues polluting space. everyone records themselves all the time and nobody knows why. twitter loves it. the line between art and marketing is obliterated. everything is a simulation of a simulation of an ironic replica of a simulation.

hope you're an artist, a STEM graduate or a really funny guy because otherwise AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

there is an idea of patrick, an abstraction

alri john key

0% chance of her downing 4 bottles of wine in a night


I love the USA


it's the year 1991AD


i would not be born for another 3 years

stop posting this

Big black monsoon

My oneitis is a civil engineer now, she's an angel

what if you were alive but you were someone else who then went on to die and reincarnate as you?!??

must be an ugly one

constantly arrive at work late, take long lunches, don't work, ignore slack messages, and go home early

such is the life of a developer

i'm beginning to feel like a rap god, morty

Even an ugly angel is divine x

>read names from the first letter

love cheekily glancing at girls bums at pooni

in that case I am Neil J. Armstrong and I am dying

Creep, I bet you're a white guy who listens to rap

if niggers love africa so much why don't they fuck off there

6 page essay due in 48 minutes

best phone/laptop combination?
for me, it's iphone/windows

48 page essay due in 6 minutes



any /cric/ man in?

about to watch mulholland drive

i'd like to point out that i've never before seen any of david lynch's work

at what point do i message her saying 'x you goddess please respond'

Don't let me into my zone, don't let me into my zone
Don't let me into my zone, you haters leave me alone
I say, don't let me into my zone, don't let me into my zone
Don't let me into my zone, you haters leave me alone

Like Lieutenant Dan, I'm rolling
Back to back, I keep on smoking
Eyes keep shaking and I can't stay focused
I'm fucked if you niggas ain't noticed
I'm sweating, but I'm cold
Mouth all dry, but I got a runny nose
I just bought me a water bottle, chug that down
But I think I need me some more
And I keep feeling like I'm gon' faint
But fuck that, nigga, pass me that drank
I done drunk too much
I might throw up in a hotel bathroom sink
Bitch, I'm blown, I'm zooted
Can't believe that I'm even moving
Off a half a gram of molly, we about to go party
And I don't know what I'm doing


the ex was an engineer and her uni friends were absolute fucking losers. they'd have 3 beers and would be off like they just double dropped.

one was hopelessly in love with her and tried to fight my friend and i the night i met her lol

how much have you done?

Only if her name rhymes with goddess

what is this gimmick apart from a shit one


there's literally no better bourbon than jack daniels. nothing else holds a candle

typical engineer runts

honestly if you just hang out with people from your uni school you're a class A runtoid. i had 1 friend from my school and apart from that just hung out with arts, economics, law, and non-uni friends desu

knickers status: twisted

tinder and bumble are drying up
*disfigures face with shears*

This song sounds shit but it reminds me I shouldn't be prideful for receiving the dole

I'm unemployed and have no gf or friends

this but I have 2 friends and I am at uni

had a lovely dream that i had met a girl who fell in love with me

she looked very mediterranean/jewish

bizarro this but no gf

are you employed

>there is a secondary pleasure sensor 8 inches inside the vaginal canal behind the cervix

Just saw Turtle walk into the Newtown courty no lie

eeeehhhh ... sweaty


I have a job, a gf and several friends and I want to fucking top myself

I'm beginning to feel like a brap god

i'll find out eventually, you haven't won

she only ever hung out with her uni friends, and i barely ever saw them. i unironically think it was because she was scared i'd see them for the runts they are rather than being concerned about how i come across to them.

aha gonna be there tomorrow night and i am NOT turtle aha

now i want a jewish gf

my worldview is being torn apart the more i look at the internet with open eyes

fasted for three hours and just broke my fast with a big meal
my heart is racing and my hands are shaking

wasn't much of a worldview then

engineering students are the biggest chads in all the world

aha calm down ghandi

it was a hell of a worldview, just a decade or two out of date

love deep fired memes

engineering students are genuinely the most insecure students from any faculty. fucking hate it whenever i'd go to the engineering study space they'd be there drinking shitty fucking cider and talking way too loud before going on one of their 'pub crawls' which would end up with them thinking their on top of the world for pashing a girl

fucking insufferable runts

Will I be killed if I wear a blue suit in NY? 6ix9ine has scared me.


bit of naughty jungle to wake up the morning haha

browsing /r/brit4chan

Turtle get on /brit/ you greasy haired wog

success breeds jealousy honey x

hope that lad goes to the courtyard tomorrow and somehow bumps into me just from that certain je ne sais quoi us /brit/ posters have. would be amazing to break the monotony of talking to a girl and just start talking about poos and pakis


this isn't gonna sound nice, but he got fucking trips, look at those digits, SUCKA

wake up in morning. birds chirping. kids playing. fresh scent of full english creeps up my nose filling my heart with pride, lust an jubilation. vivid flashbacks to dreams of brexit with a smile on my face. head downstairs an belch god save the queen. proud day to be british

*googles je ne sais quoi*

genuinely hate myself with every fibre of my own being
I'd mutilate myself if I were more unhinged

google here, ask me anything

rachel riley is so cute

Why don't Brits celebrate Easter?


how big is my willy?

post stomach

they're also 50% furries
furries are insufferable because they're all engineering students, the runts of the STEM litter.


ever wonder what the appropriate response to "wagwan?" was? look no further

is bing broken?

anonymous furry chatroom

down for a sesh