Thank you france

Thank you france

Other urls found in this thread: mayonnaise&frm=NVSHSRC&cat_id=&pb=true

You're welcome.

You is not France just a fucking leaf fuck of

You eat this with what ? Fries ?

heinz is american

De nada

This is a fucking abomination. Mayonnaise is so easy to make yourself, you just need some good oil and an egg. It tastes WAY better than all those colored and artificial store-bought mayonnaise.
You can always upgrade it to "Ajoli" by adding garlic

Yes, but mayonnaise iz french (and yummy)

It is hard to believe that sauce is perfect for bibimbap

Recommand me real french one I will try it

That's why moutarde is better in every way



>You can always upgrade it to "Ajoli" by adding garlic
that's not how you make aioli

are you sure it's not spanish ?

Do it yourself it's just eggs and oil

Mayonnaise is Spanish, Pierre.

Is there no French brand mayonnaise?


> be in Mahón, Minorca, Spain
> use traditional egg and oil sauce to season your food
> you call it "salsa mahonesa", i.e. Mahón sauce
> suddenly a crapload of French faggots come to your town
> "oh zis is deliciouss! How is zis called?"
> "we call it salsa mahonesa, sir"
> "mayo-neza? Mayonnaise soundz much better! When I come back I'm selling it az mayonnaise hon hon hon"
> eventually the whole world has heard of mayonnaise but never of Mahón

Such is life in Mahón

Really? I'm desillusioned now.
We still invented mustard isn't it?

Mayonnaise Maille, you can find in Seoul

Same with """""French""""" fries (actually invented in Belgium. The French are thieving niggers.

I shall call it salsa mahonesa from now on.
Fuck the french. Could you vocaroo it for me?

Thanks I will try it

Mayonnaise and Fries are indeed French. We sublimated the recipe. That's why we think France when we talk about these two products. Kys

Actually nobody except Anglophones says "French" fries. Even French people says "frites Belges" (Belgium fries).
So yeah, I don't know why you say that, but I still have a preference for "freedom fries".

very degenerate

If you are real korean mayonnaise&frm=NVSHSRC&cat_id=&pb=true

Just read it as if you were reading Dutch SAL-sa ma-o-NE-sa. H is silent in Spanish.

it' one version other version say it just come from the rémoulade a french sauce composed of mustard and oil and some guy replaced mustard by egg

Thank you.

mahonesa revolution soon brother.

>We sublimated the recipe.
Fuck off you thieving Jew. That's not how it works. You still have to give due credit to the originators. Pizza is "sublimated" all across the world - in many cases, bearing little to no resemblance to it's original Neapolitan form - but it's still fundamentally Italian in origin. No one would ever claim otherwise. I can't believe you're defending your kikeish behaviour.

It's French anyway for both.

t. quebecnigger

Look at the quotation marks