African GF

You are offered a nice virgin African GF.
You must take care of her as she adjusts to your new country.
She will be loyal and a good wife.
Do you accept this subsaharan African as your permanent gf?


Ne, dankon.

All women are whores. When she learns enough English and learns the legal system in this country, she will leave me when she finds a better provider and take half of all my stuff because patriarchy n shiiiet

>learns enough English
Most of those countries pretty much have only English medium schools. If you'd actually get one she'd most probably be educated and hence would know English.

no, children would be subhuman

Dependa on her personality, if she's akright, then yes

Not her. And only if she is attractive

She must be very fit, big ass, skinny belly, nice tits and above all, since she's African, she must be exceptionally smart (IQ 120+) because most Africans have low IQ's and since IQ is party hereditary I want my children not to get lower IQ's because of my wife.

>t. finngol

So you want your son to have a big ass and skinny belly?

and your wife

This is a serious question not racist but if these people don't have access to toilet paper and such don't they kinda smell?

>no, children would be subhuman

>Not knowing how gene expression works

Muslims were cleaner than Europeans in the Middle Ages and no one had toilet paper.

I'm talking about 2018

This but also needs to not have any STDs

This, kind of. Anything like this can be dodgy when there's a system (that you can't speak out against...because race/sexism) that's against your own interests, encourages women to be whores, and then takes control and indoctrinates your children.

Best thing you can do right now is get on with your own life and freedom while collecting your harem.

Best thing you can do for humanity in general is to dehydrate the system.

Sure why not

Hell yeah
That's all I ever wanted

Girl in pic, if she were nice, yes, of course.

I had an African GF back in college. She was born in Ghana. Lived in Paris for about 10 years then came to America for college.

Why would Africans learn Esperanto? They live in constant hunger and war.


Beggars can't be choosers, yes I would take her and love her.

>tfw no black gf
Kill me

I am afraid that African-American culture might contaminate her. I would have to isolate her.

t. actual mutt

>t. actual Finngol

das right


absolutely unless she's overly stupid, timid, ugly or doesn't actually like me

>I am afraid that African-American culture might contaminate her

But it already contaminated you though lol.

If she's smart why the fuck would she settle for you of all people? Are you exceptional?


Fucking kek

Like exceptionally dull?

having sex with virgins is akward and unpleasant given the woman doesn't move and pulls the "starfish" technique everytime

if you spent time with woman outside of the 4chans you would know this OP. experienced women are much better, like an aged fine wine compared to a freshly bottled budlight


true true very true

but you still conquered an area where no other man has conquered before you

so there's that

This is why Western society is falling apart.
You degenerates encourage women to be whores.

It's not about sex, it's about marriage. Women that had others before you, will be never only yours.

>you still conquered an area where no other man has conquered before you

and yet you have to teach the woman how to move and perform, much like how we had to civilize the natives we conquered

conquering is a lose / lose and so is sleeping with virgins. masterbate > virgin sex any day of the week

right because a woman having sexual pleasure makes her a prostitute. virgin moralist detected. only pussy you're gonna get is gonna be paid for and festering with disease, don't worry since virgin woman can detect your "nice guy" aura from thousands of kilometres away

I hope your wife cheats on you with a nigger.

Have you ever heard of a married French man?

Don't salt that baguette too much, amerifat

Is she cute?
[spoiler]Does she like anime?[/spoiler]

Reminder that supply and demand affects black women. Nobody wants them and they offer themselves to everyone

I wish I wasn't an idiot.

Part 2

Asian male black female is the true wombo combo

White Male Asian Female won't see it coming

that just makes peoples smart as avg. euros but unknown while jews grab their hands together

>proudly immoral
Quelle surprise.

In what way did you presume I am immoral?

Virginity is not a sign of morality

Depends on intelligence and personality

Which African (BLACK) country has the cutest qt's?