International Mathematical Olympiad

americans are smart!!

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The entire US team is usually a mixture of Chinese, Jews and Indians. Quite telling.

What's worrying is how shit Europe is, countries like Iran consistently outperform countries like Germany, that shouldn't happen.

You continentals have never pulled your own weight, why start now?

t. Dominic Yeo

The UK is also consistently shit, don't flatter yourself.

>t.Po Shen Lo



Australia stronk:

Better than any of you though.

Check the names from 2017:

Lin (East-Asian), Gu (East-Asian), Bhattacharya (Indian), Chroman (Jew), Peng (Asian), Huang (Asian)

hun fears arian

>Vietnam beats America again

the guy who won gold for the netherlands (Gabriel Visser) actually went to my high school, I left before he even came in but still, pretty cool

he looks indonesian

We can flatter ourselves all we want thanks.
When you improve, then we might give it a rest.

and yet Iran isn't producing shit, while Germany is a leader of chemicals, machinery and engineering in general.

>look at composition of all teams
>literally all close to 99% male

Hmmmmm what a MISOGYNIST shitty ''olympiad''

only female fields medalists ever was iranian

pretty much every notable mathematician from the last 30 years won a gold medal at IMO

you're absolutely retarded if you think these kind of results are irrelevant

So Iran leadership is bad but their people are intelligent.

they are irrelevant because Iran is a shithole and Germany is not and Germany is a world leader in exports of Machinery and viewed as world leader in Engineering as I said.

German Universities score better than Iranian ones too.

Take your medals and shove them up your ass diasporafag.

Eurocentrists on suicide watch



rip Mariam

i know a simpleton monkey from apezil like you only cares about muh money and companies, but there is more to life than that

More intelligent than Brazilians at least.

>asians are smart!!


>a-argument invalid cuz muh money, there be more to life !!!11

Jesus Christ what a fucking retard.
Good luck living without money you fucking communist muslim piece of shit

I didn't say they weren't, but they aren't anything compared to Germany.

you're literally a monkey from apezil though, and monkeys can only thing about simple things

so monkey boy, next time you see a thread about mathematics, don't click on it because monkeys shouldn't be involved with maths