1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Who is more evil?





Jews run USA
Corrupt mafia Slavs run Russia

I side with Mogilevich


What are you, 12 years old?

Imagine a world without am*ricans and sl*vshits........

imagine a world without fucking argie spics

Imagine all the people
living life in peace

who would I marry then?

BOTH. The socialdemocracy of europe is superior. I tip my hat to the scandinaian people for being the embodiment of the perfect democracies


>I tip my hat
i'll bet


Russia is too weak and ineffective to be evil.

They didn't killed 6 chillion of jews?

Russia is more evil but the USA has had a worse effect on the world.

In 2018 Russia is more evil and dangerous.

>o yes, i believe in duality of good and evil

I find the russians "more evil", but he's right Both are shit 2bh if they need to boicot your country to reach their interest, they will do it.

Russia would be more evil if they had the same power, but they don't and are basically a giant 3rd world country. So practically speaking, USA is the most evil.

absolutely disgusting



That's characteristically the most American thing ever
The scariest thing is how many Americans actually categorise the whole world as either GOOD™ or BAD™, and base it merely on their gut feeling

Both, nune them and then Europe/Japan become the new superpowers

(((Corrupt mafia slavs)))

Kikes run both


Is the golem evil, or is it the rabbi that made him out of mud and controls him?
The chimney riddle comes to mind.