Can someone explain to me why the Polish are so racist?

Its like an Indian lecturing others about hygiene. Polish are after the Russians the epitome of slavness niggerism, how come they are so racist? Are they delusional? What is it?

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fuck off pooftah

wtf leave me alone
i hate portugal now

blame your countrymen

Whiter than you Muhammad.

>Can someone explain to me why the Polish are so racist
The fuck do I know to be honest.
It escalated just a few years ago out of nowhere. I mean, there was always that "under the skin" racism present here (and gaining traction for some time desu), but it erupted like crazy in an instant. Especially before the last elections.

Personally, I blame russian meddling.

Sense of historical martyrdom, distrust for foreigners
Lack of old intelectual class, which was basically wiped out during ww2
Promotion of "lower class is always right" back during communism
Small contact with other races
Small number of race minorities makes increase of such look abnormal

God, I wish she kissed my Pole.

I guess they are the version two of japan.
Poland people are same race and fear foreigners.
One point is different,japanese are rich, poland are ponr

I feel bad for baiting now. Maybe its just the Polish i came across. Sorry bros.

How do we rich like Japan?

>One point is different,japanese are rich, poland are poor

Shine, you'd be just like us if you wouldn't be an island and didn't have hurricanes. Our borders were always basically open plains ready to be invaded.

poland are porn

Poland Are Porn

there's literally nothing wrong with not wanting niggers or brownies in your country, no matter if you're not anglo or germanic

poland are porn?

But they are racist to other europeans, thats the strange part. Everyone hates blacks and sandniggers, thats normal.

Try not looking like sandniggers then.

porn is bad, poland is good
the word you're looking for is xenophobic, not racist, and if you're wondering why are they xenophobic I suggest you to read about polish history

>racists are being racists (morons)
>"thats the strange part"
...and in other news: pope shits in the woods

Export anime

>xenophobic, not racist

what, aren't you?

I'm not racist you asphalt nigger son of whore
I love all




Thats my point, even if southerners looked like sandniggers which 99% dont, they are superior countries, so it baffles me how polish think they are superior because they are pale.

>even if southerners looked like sandniggers which 99% dont,
>99% don't

We're not that super racist. It's more of some weird religious tribalism/nationalism where we are wuzing as defenders of Europe from Islam and think middle eastern phenotype people are 100% Islam.

On another note I find it pretty hilarious when some redpiller spends too much time with mutts on the internet and goes to talk about Greek or Roman achievements as his race's.

This is exactly the same reason of sudden increase in nonsensical racism in Czech Republic.

Do you miss bohemia?

>At a party with some random Poles, Germans, Russians, Dutchmen, and a bunch of other north/north-eastern-Europeans
>Lots of fun
>Poles constantly bring up how crummy things in their home country is (Topics like church power, diligence of government institutions, transparency, infrastrucure, or practicly anything that conserns any aspect of a country, Poles will tell you how shit it is in Poland)
>The conversation drifts on to a calm mannered discussion about WW2
>All the Poles go full "Poland stronk!1" mode
It's like they live in this constant state of dissonance. For one minute they can out of nowhere start talking about how shit Poland is, and the next minute they can be so rediciously patriotic.

Or maybe we simply don't like lies being told about our country.

Yeah, it's shit now, but it wasn't always like that. And the general knowledge about Poles in WWII is pathetic in the West.

"Internal" self loathing is the most polish thing there is desu.
That's why I have a sort of a cognitive dissonance when I see a young pole in a "patriotic wear", because when I was his age, I and my peers would shit on our country all the time. We would make fun of our anthem, and other "most sacred polish things". That's the sort of a contrarian nature poles always had.
So a young pole glorifying poland at every occasion is just awkward, because he doesn't act like a pole at all. Its something alien to us, like celebrating halloween. I think this sort of "showoff patriotism" is something we borrowed only recently from the west (or more precisely, burgerland)
OTOH, poles had always had a comically low self-esteem. So we act defensive towards anyone we consider alien. We always try to shine brightest around foreigners and become mental making a 180 turn when some outsider says something bad about our country.
If they tell smack about poland around you, you can consider yourself included.

"Our borders were always basically open plains ready to be invaded."
For some reason this sounds so kinky.


>I suggest you to read about polish history
>grab land from Germany
>get fucked for grabbing it
>waahhh i hate everyone now waaahhh
It's pathetic.

>they are superior countries
>literally have bigger unemployment and wages similar to Poland, the war torn ex-communist shithole

also no one relay gives a fuck in Poland i mean how long until some one invades it and or the would ends

Do you think Poland is superior to Spain or Italy? At most Poland is on par with Portugal and Greece.

there just always ready to get fucked

I just mentioned facts. Personally I don't think about you at all.
>complain about poles and russians being racist
>proceed to brag how superior *you* are to poles and russians
>turns out it's actually bullshit and you're Somalia tier

I dont mean superior as people, just better countries in general. You clearly went defensive. I have no problem admiting Germany functions better than Portugal, but im still happy to be Portuguese.

not superior just /xenophobic/ religions/ready to restart the crusades. at least that is what i see in my family

>grab land from Germany
When did it happen? Because if you are talking about Versailles, then I must inform that we didn't took anything other than what Prussians stole from us.

Why do everyone try to bully Polen? We are good, we are nice, we are cuties

A very homogeneous population which isn't really exposed to foreign cultures just asks for those kinds of tendencies. People who have no experience with other cultures on top of not being willing or able to differentiate between a person and stereotypes of a whole ethnicity/religious group/whatever are usually not the sharpest knives in the drawer. The latter part applies to most humans though. Xenophobia is just a mixture of no knowledge/experience and fear.

Don't mind him, he's retarded

Sorry about that. Collateral damage I guess. Our IFF may have been a little bit off recently.

>having opinions on contemporary politics means you can't like your country's opinion
you're a fucking retard

Likewise, I have no problem with admitting that Poland works better than Portugal, as evidenced by e.g. crime rate or unemployment. And you sound very hypocrytical when you complain about slavic racism while calling them "the epitome of slavness niggerism", whatever that means. Honestly you sound like every other evey other westerner who doesn't really knows much about Eastern Europe and thinks that memes about tracksuits are reflection of reality.

Insecurity. Deep down, all Poles know that they're subhuman. Basically niggers with white skin. Acting superior to blacks, Arabs and swarthy Meds, is their way of overcompensating. Also, for the last few years, they've had their egos inflated by retarded Amerifats, who constantly extol the virtues of "muh Based Polen", in stark contrast to us "Western cucks". Poles unironically think they're human now.

Ok, but your opinion is shit.

'no knowledge/experience' not really by just looking at polish history but 'fear' yeah a lot of that just look a the EU is dying from immigration.

Alright. By the way, what Germans think about Recovered Territories? Are there any irredentists in Germany that want it back? I heard that West Germany never really accepted the current border, before your reunification.
Nobody is acting superior to Meds here. We have very good opinion about Italians and Spaniards.


>they've had their egos inflated by retarded Amerifats
Poles in real life don't even know about this. You seem to confuse internet memes and culture with real life, and it looks like you're upset because Sup Forums posters don't appreciate your country like you feel they should.

Because we lived in an ethnostate and know it's better.

>Personally, I blame russian meddling.

Poles not racist at all, they're just conservative.

я пoвтopю ww2 нa нигepe

>Poles in real life don't even know about this.
>half the cunt shows up to Trump's speech in Warsaw

a co robisz u anglików? gdybym Polacy przyjeżali do Ukrainy zachodnej zamiast anglików - Kresy mogliby powrócić do Polski.

>No knowledge/expierience and fear
Generations bled for this country to be free, paying the ultimate price soo that we could have our country back and now we're told to hand our sovereignty in foreign hands of either brussel "elites" who are hellbent on destroying the legacy of europe or handing our country in the hands of those who we fought hundreds of years ago constantly since we were the fucking bullwark of europe.

Fuck no, we know what comes next. Calling us xenophobic becuase of this, and shortsighted or afraid wont change our minds and we dont give a fuck.

We are more than confident too what these kinds of actions lead to in the future, just look at our history and how well letting in germans into our lands ended.

How can we be racist to our fellow asians?
Actually, we are. We are not nearly as xenophobic as others make us out to be though. Poles are very xenophilic, so long it involves western Euros or Meds.

hah, Kresy are shit, seriously. It's a God's gift that we have our medieval Polish territories after German rulership. Kresy have only problems with minority and russkaya svoloch.


That was just bait, i never minded Poles until i started seeing a pattern of Poles being assholes to everyone without any reason. I never said Poland was a shithole, im sure its nice enough if you arent brown. But it isnt the greatest country in Europe yet you shit on everyone, i dont get it.

People show up when a foreign president makes a speech at the capital, woah. I bet they're all Sup Forums poster too huh? Let's just accept the fact that you got butthurt because americans made fun of you.

Jabana kurwa rodzina mnie tu wzieła. Chciałem wrucić ale oni nie.
>Deep down, all Poles know that they're subhuman
Paki projections : the post

>пoльcкий шпиoн

Przy takim tempie Ukraińskiej imigracji do Polski i do Rosji za parę lat mało kto na Zachodniej Ukrainie będzie mieszkał.

ok just calm down and lest talk this out

ja też już myslę na temat emigracji, do polski, lecz póki nie mam takiej możliwosci

Then put your money where your mouth is and leave the EU. But of course you won't, because Poland is a nation of subhuman gibs-niggers. Your pseudo-patriotism - much like your women in London - can be bought and sold for an incredibly cheap price.

>nonsensical racism
nothing nonsensical about not wanting to end up like western europe. our countries are soon to be ruined



>seeing a pattern of Poles being assholes to everyone without any reason
Where did you see that pattern? On the internet, where everyone shits on Poland constantly and expects them to sit silently, but gets butthurt when poles defend themselves? Or in real life, where plenty of people go to Poland every year and have the time of their life?

Ja tesz desu. Choć do generału pogadamy, pierdolić portupakolów i prawdziwych.

>Small number of race minorities makes increase of such look abnormal
Which is ironic because historically Poland was very cosmopolitan. In the early 17th century there were about 200,000 Tatars and 700,000 Jews in Poland-Lithuania- respectively 3% and 10% of the population. On top of this there were 2 million Belarusians, West Ukrainians, Northern Russians- collectively 29% of the population. And 0.75 million Baltics (mostly Lithuanians)- 11% of the population.
The Tatars mostly assimilated and disappeared but as late as 1940 around 10% of Poland was Jewish and only 65% spoke Polish natively.

milo uvidit takogo Rossiyanina, yesli vy khotite immigrirovat' v Pol'shu, ya rekomenduyu vam Varshavu, zdes' sushchestvuyet bol'shoye kolichestvo Rossiyan, vy mozhete vstretit'sya s kakoy-nibud' russkoy devushkoy v Pol'she, togda

What's wrong with that? Much better than soviet-style multiculturalism promoted by our government and modern multiculturalism promoted by the West.

Oh look, another Polish nigger living in Western Europe! How original! I guess it's easy to be proud of a piece of shit, if you don't have to step in it everyday.

Jak masz jakiś dobry zawód to duże miasta stoją przed tobą otworem. Informatyka, medycyna, nawet bycie elektrykiem albo hydraulikiem się opłaca bo wszyscy fachowcy na zachód wyjechali.

tylko angielski

I absolutely agree with you but i think your politicians will bend over.
Rape train of United States of Europe has no brakes.

Дaжe нищий хoхoл мoжeт, a ты вeликopoc c пoльcким хopoшим нeт. Пзидeц, дeгeнepaт

Dokładnie, polecam też oprócz rad tego anonka znaleźć jakąs dziewuszke, z którą sobie tutaj przyjedziesz i założysz gromadke dzieci.

чтo зa чepт

skończyłem wysze studii, lecz mysle na temat zmiany profesji

British posters are one of the most butthurt ones on this board.


well now this is getting out of hand

Agreed. Must be something in the water.


tell it to people which are ready to lose the european indentity. Poles and Finns are closer to me rather than theese Russian.

>soviet-style multiculturalism promoted by our government
I don't see it.

no u