/v4/ + friends

FUN edition

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I am Greek.

hi greek I am dad

I am Greek.

I like cute bellybutons

I wish I was Polish

>look at old tutorials on youtube
>youtube.com/watch?v=TKfS5zVfGBc plays

Honestly though why is this olivenigger clown posting here at all? I'd expect him to shit up a germ thread or something, V4 and gayreece have literally nothing to do with each other


Not bad but mite by a trappo

Be patient he has autism.

I do not tolerate insults against Greeks anymore.

This does not answer my question you turboautist

You seem to tolerate yourself just fine.

Stop sucking hairy dicks on beaches and get to work, debts won't pay themselves

I love myself
because I am a Greek

Greeks are too intelligent to make debts

How do solve the normie problem?

>unironic erection

fuck off Belzebub

via népírtás

dubs of truth

Hey friends


Not a trap, lad
you have found a new fetish

I want to kiss it.

I've always had a belly fétish user. The former the skin the better. Peach fuzz makes me even more aroused.


now I want to fap again
all womyn should wear burkas, really

>The firmer the skin the better.

That's a general rule for every body part isn't it?

it's not their fault that you can't contain your desire

not always
asses should be hard
so hard, when you slap it your hand gets covered with rock dust

Patrician taste my brothers

>asses should be hard
are you attracted to muscular bodybuilder men by any chance?



I am hungry

We should set up some mirrors I'll send you some of mine.


you are my sun

Goddammit, i want to cum all over a girls cute bellybutton now

gay faggot

this world needs a purge

*a rope

speaking of homos, what happened to homohun?, is he still posting?

we purged him

meanwhile in real life


I think there was a trannyhun here too

we need S P E C I A L forces to defend our culture against the zulus

get the rope

Africans can't feed themselves even now 2bh.

50 years ago europeons couldnt feed thsemsevles ether

shit out 1000 children
5 of them survive and can bring more food to home

me crouching on the left


>7 months without sun
god I wish that were me

That's a bit much I'll just take an ozone layer thanks.

one season of that and you'd kys

Sun is for niggers
I want a Siberian winter all year around

not really with my lifestyle

I don't know about any mass starvation in the last 50 years in europe 2bh.
Out of them 3 get shot
>not having sunny weeks with -25C

yeah, almost hit 5 kWp

too much sun and you have niggers
not enough sun and you have slavs

then move to siberia you snownigger

you say that but D vitamin is hell of a drug

Look up the inpo my frien it has very many of that

>we're a planet of nigs and poos
so embarassing
when the ayys come i'll just side with them

with your brown skin you would get vitamin D deficiency here

why would anything or anyone waste considerable ammounts of raw materials and technology to reach this Mudball


too late

I barely go outside already and even if I work I go from work to home and vice versa, I don't see how's that very different from a perma-grey weather


>with your brown skin
m'kay m8

Would the world be a better place if ayyys took africa and asia with all their inhabitants to their home planet to be used as guinea pigs?

That doesn't look like a feminine hand

Argie confirmed trap

you have windows or do you live in a basement?

they would just call her a gipsy or a muslim

why is crunchy peanut butter so shit, or am I just eating it wrong?

because I'm short and chubby, yeah my hands are shitty, short fingers and that
I do have, why?

What don't you like about it?

we don't have penis butter here

sunshine can go through windows too
lightbulbs don't work the same
basically half a year without any sun / max 2h a day and artificial lighting make your life miserable

thats not chubby
crunchy is best. Smooth is disgusting

Why is your face different shade from the rest of your body


that photo is tricky
she can have a beer belly

i had it in an MRE and i loved it a lot

my life is quite miserable with stronger sun than any v4 country, stop blaming the sun for it
yes, it is
I've wondered that myself, usually my body is quite pale while my face is more pinkish, maybe a sign of some muttness?

no I saw your other pic you are not chubby
I´m the expert on chubbies here desu

my life is miserable in winter and ok in summer
I blame sun

My face gets red after the sun while the rest of the body tanning normally

user, that's not chubby, that's fat
why does your happiness depends on the season?


>why does your happiness depends on the season?

Light levels have a psychological effect.

Stop posting that porker, i want to puke every time i see her

happy f*males day my romans

ah, it's a disorder , but doesn't mean everyone is going to have it


Not necessarily, but it is an observable phenomenon.

Like sun sneezers.

stop posting women they are weird and smell funny aaaaa

>Like sun sneezers
I unironically only get strong flus in every spring or summer, like a clock, I think I'm allergic to heat, desu

>Around 20% of Irish people are affected by SAD, according to a survey conducted in 2007. The survey also shows women are more likely to be affected by SAD than men.[61] An estimated 10% of the population in the Netherlands suffer from SAD.[62]

I'd say it's 99% for Poland

>user, that's not chubby, that's fat
no its chubby,see pic for proof
not sorry for your lack of test and shit taste

>sun sneezers
I have this too

No, it's like when I turn my cellphone on with a bright screen facing me when I was in a dark room, I sneeze