I tried to cast Alexandra Daddario for my short film but she didn't want to

I tried to cast Alexandra Daddario for my short film but she didn't want to

wojak for fuck's sake man stop talking shit this is why pepe is more successful than you

what was it about?

Did she have to show her massive marsupian mammaries ?

literally this, pepe has the can do attitude, wojak is here accepting defeat

wow what a bitch

Pepe is a fucking bigot

his name isnt wojack
his name is 'im a gay fucking reddit meme for teenbro norms'

Stop posting this wojak, wojak is clearly a fatty

Be honest, was it just you making out with her for thirty minutes?

And yet he's the biggest meme of the last three years.

marsupials have their tits inside their pouches, you never see them

go to facebook frognorm

It was fantasy noir film about uncovering a cult.

She would be the brothel lady...




sounds neat

I honestly dont see why people call trump a nazi, I mean if I ran for president & decided to turn down potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in donations(for favors) from superpacs I would expect some pretty powerful people to come @ me with everything they got(Media-wise) & paint me as some nazi/2nd coming of hitler as well.

I don't remember people being upset with the countless of innocent people from all over the world that died under Bush & Obama ?

Even pauly shore (super chill guy) said trump is like us & just wants to talk to chicks

>Sort of understand

But trump an idiot, like he might be autistic

>I will never get to see OP's short film starring Alexandra Daddario

trump gets his money from israel and saudi arabia

Honestly yall white people already had your turn with the country and it was shit, but don't trip now its our turn ya feel me.. we out here grind... taking the soil & concrete, but most importantly we out here fucking your beautiful women while you out there slaving away 9 to 5 in your dumbass cubicle ya dig?

He actually seems pretty cool & funny like bush... like they are just big goofballs desu

At least he hasnt killed massive amounts of people(like obama & bush)....... yet

>(((citation needed)))
Won't be forthcoming. Apparently Trump needs to achieve 100% of campaign aims in 1 month as opposed to average Democrat President who needs to achieve 0% of campaign aims ever.