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Television and Film
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Television and Film #866
Television and Film
How would you make a GTA tv show, Sup Forums?
Christopher Columbus monument destroyed
He would've been the main villain in TDKR
Why does every movie needs to have politically correct jokes in it nowadays...
Eric, you're a dumbass...
So, what's next for Miley's acting career?
My RACIST uncle posted this FILTH on his facebook page and it showed up on my feed. Help me DEBUNK his lies, Sup Forums
Well this sucked
When will /ourgirl/ get a Netflix or HBO show lads?
ITT: Celebrities that go on Sup Forums
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Can kill a fast moving airborne dragon thousands of feet away with a single shot
It's a disaster movie
So let me get this straight... during 725 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE) episodes of star trek...
Sony kidnaps you and forces you to watch either Ghostbusters '16 or Pixels. Which do you choose?
Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
What did she mean by this?
What are the best comedy films of the 2010s?
Mhmm... nootka....mhmm east india company.....mhmm saltpeter
Why was the hound so incompetent this episode?
The reason why Rick absolutely loathes Jerry is because Rick is sexually attracted to his own daughter causing him to...
NEWS: h3h3 Netflix Original Series
First day of film school
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/got/ general: BOAR TO DEATH edition
LanCHEl LANCASTER!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!...
31-year old plot hole
I am cybernetically augmented Rick, Morty
Was Jerry rich?
"Quick Jon, get on the dragon"
Lads I'd like to read your opinion, I need a new TV show to watch
Is it worth watching?
Imagine being such a pretentious, stuck-up snob that you try do deny how delicious that pizza looks
Box-Office Milestone: 'The Conjuring' Horror Universe Passes $1B
What's going on with this guy?
Movies as good as Perfect Blue? Not talking about anime only
When is she gonna make it big? It's gonna have to be soon
Do you consider Jack Black a good actor?
Character who mysteriously disappears in season 1
/got/ Arrrgggh edition
What are the most rewatchable films to you?
/got/ general
Jon snow effect
Seriously though can anything even compete? I can't find anything else to watch...
Blade 4 when?
I FUCKING HATE ARYA STARK! i cant be the only one can i?
Why didn't they just take the fucking polar bear back and call it a day?
How did Borden's wife know he had a twin right before she killed herself...
Adult Swim debuted a new commercial tonight for the new season of Check It Out...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Wtf I love Dany now
Brian De Palma Appreciation Thread
Gets assraped
So what's the final verdict on this one?
What went wrong?
So this motherfucker can just conjure fire when it's appropriate but he decides to not use it to stop his friend from...
Sneed and Greed
Name a better TV episode than Mad Men's Signal 30
Can a fan base ruin a show for you just by them liking something you are interested in
/got/ general
Joss Whedon may cast an unknown for 'Batgirl'
So user, how's your dream working in Hollywood coming along?
Alice is a Mary Sue
W-we will fight them together, jon-kun
"You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."
ITT: Actresses in their prime
What is this guys deal with incest?
/got/ stannis edition
So Sup Forums what did Kaneda see?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Bullied for years
These are the people who watch Game of Thrones
What are some good tv shows about teleportation?
What's his name again?
ITT: post the episode of The Simpsons that came out closest to your birthday
What does Sup Forums think of Emma Watson?
Cast them
*breathes in*
How come the wine was still liquid after they had spent hours or days on the island in freezing temperatures?
Why does RLM get so much hate on here?
This physique was considered to be huge in the 60s
Not entirely sure what it is I just watched but I think I liked it?
Hired to adapt books to television series
Kevin Garvey is the best protagonist on a TV show made this decade
Rate the last episode of game of thrones
What does Sup Forums think of Emilia Clarke?
The next HBO masterpiece
/got/ - STANNIS! STANNIS!! STANNIS!!! edition
/ourguy/ NK did it. He made these fucking hipsters lose their fucking mind
Why wouldn't she stop at this point?
Sprints to eastwatch
Why does the Night King nazi salute before he throws the javelin?
Childhood is idolizing The Dark Knight
Zombie Simpsons Hate Thread
Why didn't the dragons just burn the Night's King...
Heist flick
Almost September
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
This is Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard who ever lived. Say something nice about him
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Its never coming back is it Sup Forums?
Why are they rushing to finish this hit TV-Show?
What does Sup Forums think of Robin Tunney?
Why does Hollywood keep trying to make her a thing?
What does Sup Forums think of Carrie-Anne Moss?
The Sopranos
It's ok to beat up someone because they disagree with you
Episode so bad REDDIT is doing damage control for it
Did i tell you i like girls? im a lesbian by the way
/got/ More Wine, Your Grace
Is Betty from Riverdale mentally ill?
Looks sad and senile
What happnes
What do you think joss 's BatGirl movie will be about ?
Does the Night King stand a chance against this Mary Sue?
/got/ general: Karl Edition
The moment, when this bitch realized, that she isn't fucking invincible was the best moment of the new season
When are we getting a biopic of the only good Beatle?
Insecure renewed for a third season
So the dragon's gonna be fighting for the ice monsters but during the climax of the final battle...
Let's predict what will be the first line Night's King ever says in GoT
So what does this mean?
So what made you want to do porn?
/got/ general
Women take over a show
Remember when he was the next big thing? Remember when you actually saw him in series and movies?
Why is every fucking episode even more fucking retarded?
What celebs have yet to be added to the extensive list of leaks?
Who is your favourite obscure/D-list actor or actress? Do they stand any chance of becoming a star...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
I miss him bros
Get the urge to smoke when a movie character smokes
Have movies contributed to the body image issues so many individuals in the first world suffer from?
Don't mind me. I'm just """"stealing"""" a movie
The Strain
Next, in game of thrones
Not indulging in the Star Wars Canon
Today is Hayden's birthday! Say something nice about her!
/got/ general
And you know...
Game of Thrones season 7 ep 6
What does Sup Forums think of (black) friends
How do i make it to hollywood guys?
Chandler bebe
/got/ eternal Briemund edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
You forgot to say please
Yes. Holy shit do I not like the Nolan movies, or Nolan in General...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Episodes that would never get made today
27 GOT threads open right now
So have you watched our hilarious female comedy yet, user? You want to cum on those feet, don't you?
So, what's next for her career?
Is this worth watching?
Better Call Saul
/got/ general
So let's have a moment here to think about this poor soul who must have been abused again and again back in the 90s by...
Joss Whedon Fan Site Just SHUTDOWN
This season of Game of Thrones feels like fan fiction
Tfw going to watch through the lotr trilogy today
If he could throw an icicle at a dragon and bring it down...
Bam Margera. What will he do next?
Was it good?
What are some movies about escort work?
/got/ general
Do Japanese actually sit like this all day?
There will never be a character you identify with more than Rust
Am i the only one who is hateing the new episodes? They are not really funny, they focus too much on being serious...
Who else is sick of Asian themes in these series?
You just know
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Episode 7 leak is coming in 2 hrs
Th Simpsons
Hey Sup Forums, first time posting and I'm drunk as shit. Watching 'Watchmen' on Netflix. At the very start...
I know it's one of you
/got/ - The Eternal General
Would Rhaegar have been a good king?
Make a succesfull review show
Iliza Shlesinger vs Natasha Leggero
Why were conservatives so butt hurt this show got cancelled? It sucked, Tim Allen isn't funny...
There are some things that should not be seen
GOT: /ourboyz/ Edition
Joss whedon cheated on his wife for 15 years and she didn't notice?
This still blows my mind
>american education
Why was it easier to teach oil drillers to become astronauts than to teach astronauts how to drill?
What are your thoughts on the current trend of models becoming actresses? Some are getting leading roles...
Why not just burn him with dragons while he is standing still all pompous?
Yojimbo or Fistful of Dollars?
Admit it, the flaming swords are cool
Is western animation dead?
Pitch a Dredd Sequel
Who is the biggest piece of shit?
How bad will this show be?
He is too little for me
Game of Thrones = Pedophilia
Which one is better?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ general
Why won't Dany return his feelings?
I don't get why Lindsey was so fat in this movie
Are there any books that are truly "unadaptable"?
Tomorrow I'm going to quit image boards forever and become a happy productive member of society...
What the fuck is her problem?
An okay sequel to a not to good spinoff of a decent movie
Whats your favourite momcest Sup Forums?
I'll catch you... Kira
So, what happened with the fucking direwolf? Killed by the budget since season 4 or 5?
/got/ general
I loved Man of Steel, BvS Directors Cut, and Watchmen is my favorite movie of all time
He still would have won it had he lived
Thoughts on massive stripper titties summer Sup Forums?
#Boycott Justice League Trending (Joss Whedon)
/bb/ Big Brother 19 panda edition
*Fucks your Waifu*
I sleep in a racing car, do you?
/got/ Game of Thrones General
If you've been watching season 3, you've probably been noticing that Morty is getting darker...
What's Sup Forums's opinion of this book/movie? I thought it was really damn good. The acting and writing was top tier
Who was in the wrong here?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Commits mass war crimes
Drink with Damar /Trek/
2 good episodes this season
Why are modern horror films so shitty?
MTV Moonman Now A Moonperson
Who pulled it off better?
Why are jap films aesthetically superior to american films?
ITT: Approved Sup Forums adult film actors
Is he liberal?
What does she even see in him?
/got/ general
Will Smith is the only actor to have eight consecutive films gross over $100 million in the domestic box office...
Why doesn't Hollywood hire real siblings more often for roles that require it...
Why did benjen not get on the horse with jon snow?
Whedon General
Was it kino?
7 seasons in. What would honestly rate this show on a scale from 0 to 10?
The Founder
Well this is a fetish I didn't know I had
If the American media is run by "cultural Marxists" like you say...
First season of a new, mysterious show
A GOOD fucking episode FINALLY
He should have died screaming as wights ripped him in half and dragged him into the freezing water...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The Defenders
ITT: Post your favorite movie and get roasted by other anons who think that their taste in films is better than yours
/got/ general
Jon Snow executes a harmless mutineer who already gave up and swore to follow him
Was she sitting by his bedside the entire time waiting for him to wake up? what an autist
Jon notices Night King and his generals standing on a ridge
Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)
TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name...
Just started watching Stranger Things. WTF have I missed...
Was Doug in the friend zone?
Frodo edition
So nobody has a problem that this fucker all of a sudden has super javelin throwing plot power? FFS...
Why is Riverdale so popular on Sup Forums lads?
When you find out Francois has given away your table
Comfy Horror Shows Sunday
Hoffmann is maimed beyond mental capacity in his first trap
Why dont you like Jon?
Bran and Night King Got the Same Look
What went wrong?
Did they fuck?
Let's hear it for the most predictable fucking episode yet. My god, Daniel and David can't write worth shit...
/got/ general
Why is Hollywood home to so many sleazy perverts?
Who should play Mulan in Disney's upcoming live-action remake Sup Forums?
*clears your path*
What do you think of Alec Baldwin's impression of the president?
What are some Hendricks-esqe films and or shows?
Lol they're wearing braces as middle aged men XD
There's no time
Yeah, I'm Jessica Jones. You got a problem? That's what I thought...
Fuck, marry, kill
RICK & JERRY Episode muthafuckers, 1 MORE HOUR
Where are the subhuman faggots that thought it would fail HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
/got/ General
Be wagecuck
What does he say again?
This site has nothing to offer anybody...
Berric magically lights his sword on fire like 5 times this episode
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ General
/ourboyz/ just coped a dragon
Is this actually a bad movie or just overrated?
Is Dany really infertile or does she just need a good Targaryen dicking from Jon?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Vote Manipulating AGT
The Strain Thread
Could you eat 50 eggs?
Is it a problem?
/got/ General
Rey is a Kenobi
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
Who would you cast as Judge Holden?
/got/ general
ITT: Movies that have eclipses
*blocks your path*
New tim and Eric?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
My best friend died in a car accident four years ago. He's dead and gone. Iceland's his favorite place...
Is this the greatest character arc in tv history?
Check Your Privilege
Be honest
Who's your favorite actor?
Rome > Game of Plebs
Webm thread
Remember that episode Truman became transracial?
Addictions thread
Please lose 60lbs by tomorrow
Tell you what. Shut your mouth or I'm going to kick your teeth down your mouth and shut your mouth for you
/got/ general Trial by seven edition
What does Sup Forums think of the old Sinbad movies? Absolute fantasykino if you ask me
Name something white girls stick in their mouths
Is facialabuse kino?
So... Michael B. Jordan, right?
Redpill me on this
I finally understand this character...
Is pic related the best japanese horror movie?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
My interest in film bloomed with Dunkirk...
ITT: "Villains" who were actually unironically the good guys
We make assumptions about each other based off our top 4 most relatable Film/TV characters
How do dragons work?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts about The Leftovers?
I have just finished Angel Heart. It was excellent. Movies with the same vibe?
"29% of Americans are Nazis"
So, how was Harry able to keep his grades up, pass his exams and remain at Hogwarts for so long when he never studies...
Just saw this, thought it was alright but was wondering why other people think it's a masterpiece...
Does she deserve her own movie?
Past a certain age, a man without a family, can be a bad thing
Harley Quinn is BEAU
What was the point of this?
2016 was the worst year in over a decade for movie ticket sales
Where would you cast her?
Is the French Legion real life's Night's Watch?
/got/ - General
/got/ general
I think this is the worst episode of rick and morty ive ever seen. at least in past episodes...
I know this is a little bit late but what's everyone's thoughts on the Netflix Original Ozark?
Whitey just can't win
Joss Whedon's Ex-Wife, calls him out as a "Hypocrite Preaching Feminism"
It's up
Going to my plastic surgeon tomorrow. i want to look like this but i don't want to show him a picture...
Why isn't Anthony Jeselnik doing anything anymore?
Cao Cao > Liu Bei
RUMOR: Zack Snyder Returning to Finish Justice League
Why didn't anyone commit crimes at Hogwarts with all those spells they could use and polyjuice potion and stuff?
If this series was made today...
Ross: Chad or Sad?
Why did they look completely different?
Whats a good alien movie? 'i need recommendation
ITT movies you dragged your family to seeing when you were a kid and now want to apologize for
/freefolk/ general
Thanks Disney, a movie where blacks are depicted as kings
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is he an liberal SJW lawyer?
Are there any movies about men dealing with domestic abuse?
Just finished watching season 2
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this face?
Is he okay?
The destruction of the uss enterprise is one of the greatest scenes in the history of cinema
It's not a pizza til it comes out of the oven
Has Sup Forums ever met a celebrity in real life?
Jerry Lewis gets a sticky
Let me see your kino face, Sup Forums
Is it wrong to idolise patrick bateman?
Louis Theroux
What franchise has the worst fanbase
What did Sup Forums think of Rear Window?
I'm McKenna with Draul here
Joss Whedon's Ex-Wife, calls him out as a 'Hypocrite Preaching Feminism'
What are some flicks are shitty movies flopping?
What are the best matrixesque films ?
Book of Eli
/got/ general
So, what does Sup Forums think about the new blade runner? Will it be good?
/got/ - The Eternal General
Ozark vs Breaking Bad?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What was his endgame?
Shitty DVD/Bluray covers
Do you think Jake Paul has a future in Hollywood, or are Disney Channel films enough for him?
Why didn't Rick just kill her?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
That's fine, I've never had sex with a woman as ugly as you are before
Why are orcs so frowned upon in Middle Earth?
Tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
/got/ general
If most of your chilldhood shows or movies were released before 2007 but after 1990, you're a Millennial...
What did Hank mean when he said "my name is Isaac Schrader" on the last season of Breaking Bad?
Rate GOT seasons
This company is the single most destructive force in all of film and television
Thanks for everyone who didn't vote
Movies with monster/alien/Ghost and human sex
ITT: Your dream project
Netflix users who already pay to access the service could be about to see their monthly price plans rise...
Has a cute dog
Keep in mind this badge is not your average ranger. boomhauer is one of the top dogs
John Krasinski Responds to Jenna Fischer's Comments About Jim and Pam's Office Love
Who was most pathetic?
Wes Anderson
Film recommendations for a depressed Chad?
Objectively speaking, what was the worst year for cinema?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ general
I'm super high off of some weed
Numales, hipsters and faggot normies who hate on jar jar in the prequels will defend this upcoming shit
Who's your favorite character actor/ress?
1,216 days until Avatar 2
Sup Forums Best film of 2010s Results
Movies that only men can understand
What did he mean by this?
The great debate
Jerry Lewis dead at 91
Why does the "visual master" Snyder have less Oscars in that department than Nolan
The virgin walk
Give me the best body horror movies there is. Jus re-watced "The Thing" and "The Fly". Give me more!
So what was the best film of 2016?
I watch 1 or more superhero movie every year
How did this meme become so big? weeks ago you only saw the occasional "i dont get it" post...
Name one (1) good movie you saw in theaters this year
Are they OUR GUYS?
I'm really liking The Defenders tbqh
Why do celebs live in gated communities? Isn't that a bit privileg-y?
Meanwhile at Hogwarts Sup Forums
/got/ general
The Expanse
World War I
Million Dollar Extreme
Wonder Woman just reached 800 millions worldwide
Heist kino
This joke flew right over my head
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Was Scrubs good?
D'aww Man With Everything Want HUG!!!
ITT: Shows with no bad episodes
Did anyone else see this? What did you guys think? I'd honestly love to see Daniel Craig do more roles like this...
ITT /ourcouples/
Box Office: 'Wonder Woman' Ends Summer By Topping $800M Worldwide
Why did everyone friendzone Hermione from the very beginning until Rowling started writing forced fanfiction from the...
The entire British public knew, right?
The Matrix I have a low IQ
Post your IQ and if you like Rick and Morty
Actors you absolutely hate regardless of the film they're starring in
We watched Black Hawk Down in class
Dang it!
ITT: Movie theater stories
Godzilla got fat
Why was this made?
The fuck?
Why did this movie piss off so many Christians?
Tfw he makes Kong win
What is 6 + 7?
That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?
Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie
Quick, I need the pic of Ry with the silver skirt sitting on the desk stat
Cinema is getting better every year
Tfw range banned from Sup Forums and Sup Forums for no reason
ITT: clever Simpsons jokes
Since the janitor from Sup Forums is allowing his friends from Sup Forums discuss videogames here >>86624556 Let's...
This is a list of 900 films in no particular order, ranging from decent to excellent in quality
Lost highway, this movie seems like a weird mess
So I finally watched Ginger Snaps. Loved the movie, the FX were great.... And yes...
Tim Heidecker
Bar none the best film i've see this decade
Fucking hell, this was absolutely AWFUL. I'm not even on the Sup Forums marvel hate bandwagon...
Daily reminder Fast & Furious 3: Tokyo Drift is forgotten kino...
Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
Who would be the proper choice?
What's the point of this show?
Can anime be kino?
Rocky IV
Why has nobody been able to make a well written stronk female character since the 80's?
Have memes gone too far
Do girls really do this?
Why is Xena so loved by everyone, while Daenerys has shitty feminist fans and edgy male haters?
Battle of Bastards
Single jew man has black daughter
Sup nigga
How you holding up, bro's?
Why was his death never shown? Why did they have the Mexicans do it instead of Anton?
Is this any good or is it, you know, Deadwood good?
What's your gimmick when you're doing movie night with the bros?
ITT actors impossible to hate
Why isn't this a 10/10 in Westeros?
A woman leaves her husband on the first day of their marriage after discovering that he doesn't have a toilet...
Thanks for taking me to the movies user
Who bankroll's these guys, Tony?
Why was Lohan so fat in this one movie?
Which Alien movie do you like most? Least?
What are your thoughts on the Pierre Woodmann / Lana drama, Sup Forums?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT movie tropes that you actually like
/got/ general
Why are there almost no good conservative filmmakers? Apart from Mel Gibson...
Who will play them in the inevitable, actually decent, biopic?
What are some movies that Stacys like?
What does Sup Forums think of Xavier: Renegade Angel?
Jesus Christ, there's nothing more cringe worthy than a bunch of faggots, in a bar...
Post movies nobody else has seen
Okay first time I saw this I really enjoyed it but second time made me realize how much better this could have been...
Did Amy hurt or help the show?
If the Night King has Ice Spears he can haul at his foes at will then why didn't he just throw them at Jon and his...
Lmao this fucking movie
Were the books adapted well?
Now that The Defenders is finally out, what's the best Marvel show on Netflix?
Damn I just realized sarah jessica parker was hot once what the fuck
Have you ever walked out on a movie?
What do you get to drink at the cinema? I get a nice cold Bang's™ root beer
Is Sup Forums the only good board on this shite website?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why would Sony think this is a good idea after the emoji movie?
Characters immune to race swapping
/got/ general
He practically invented Special Ops
Why do weirdos on the internet love Taylor Saift so much...
What happened?
Podkino Thread
Rate the last three movies you've seen
What's next for her career?
What's Sup Forums's fucking problem with Game of Thrones all of the sudden?
Why does this episode trigger so many people?
Is Tangled the greatest recent toonkino film?
When you hear words like honesty and authenticity, which filmmaker's name first comes to mind? I mean...
Just watched Forrest Gump (1994) for the first time
He moved on today?
Best vampire?
How did they get away with it?
/got/ general
There are ants in his eyes lol! Ants aren't supposed to be there at all but they are there anyway!
Daisy Ridley General /DRG/
"I know privilege when I see it"
Is this the liberal fantasy figure ?
Is it allowed to post smug asukas on /tv?
Alien Covenant
Black Sails
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Inb4 they turn his show into some kind of anti-war gun control allegory
Is she the best girl?
Both Sansa and Margaery are supposed to be 10/10
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this picture?
Movies that piss you the fuck off
Google "movies" before every weekend to see what movies are playing in theaters
/DCEU/ - Whedon's cucked script
What did she mean by this?
What's the Ys of television and film?
The Simpsons
It's Amy Adams' birthday! Say something nice to her
Do you like his Trump?
Character starts quoting line from literature
This show is seriously trash
Xena vs. Daenerys
/got/ Game of Thrones General
What's next for her career?
White Marble in artwork contributes to white supremacy
Come gather 'round, children
How were you first introduced to The Room?
No one finds it weird that they are all american?
Was Kurtz crazy or just misunderstood?
How'd he do it bros?
Just marathoned this film, what did i think of it?
I'm in love
Sam Hyde's Steroid Problem
Post best characters of their respective shows
So, have you seen any good movies lately, sir?
Girl i like talked about getting fucked last night to her friend right in front of me
I don't want to be mean or anything...
Only thing keep on the walking dead going at the moment
What are some movies about a group of thousands of people that collectively went insane and turned into a massive...
Have BRAAAAAP memes gone too far?
Did Tolkien not now what to do with this character?
I need the best animal fight videos
How much do you tip the ticket ripper?
Movie scenes you've already fap to
Was he a pedophile?
Does this actually happen in real life?
ITT: dead careers
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
Is anyone confused as to why Jonah Hill isn't more popular...
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Which directors filmography should i run through?
If liking this guy is cool I don't want to be
I don't get it
Hey fuckos...
Any place where i can download season 9 and 10 in 1080?
What are some movies about women standing up against hate? something like thelma & louise or mad max fury road
*blocks your rise of white supremacy*
>Civil War cgi was bad
What are some great movies where the protagonists are brothers?
Be Jerry Seinfeld
At the cinema
Name 3 movies that everyone hates but you love
Dad leaves you as a child
Who will direct and star in the film about the greatest love story never told?
Has there ever been a show that has fallen so much yet continued to remain on the air even after hitting its all time...
Power Rangers
Alien Covenant Box Office:
What's the modern day equivalent of returning video tapes?
/got/ general
Not baiting I genuinely think this represents this board
*contributes nothing of value to cinema for the past century*
What did raimi mean by this?
Mac > Charlie > Frank > Dennis = Dee
Yknow why most people around the world hate americans and modern capitalism...
So why was Mr. Burns a SS officer? I just don't get it
CIA breaks Bane's arm with his neck
?????? Could someone explain the joke please?
The perfect day
Just finished True Detective again. This part has always confused me. What was he shooting at? For me...
Has anyone watched them yet? I'm dissapointed they didn't put out the first episode but two was great...
Real talk: Is there anything good about this show?
Where do you fall on the five stages of film?
Movie takes place before the 00s
No matter how much you want this show to be reddit, it's the most redpilled thing on tv right now
This is not ok
/witcher/ netflix general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
WWII movie
This was quite a good film, but to be honest I thought the ending was very anticlimactic
Krysten Ritter
Haha hey user its me chad, listen i'm having some friends over later and i need a good movie recommendation...
Magic Mike
Why doesnt the iron fist actor have earlobes?
/GOT/ general
Mr. Metokur is making a video about /ourguy/ Latza...
Every man, woman and child that respects themselves should watch Xavier: Renegade Angel
What are some good movies to watch with your dad?
Was this the most underappreciated show in the history of television? HBO admitted they fucked up by cancelling it...
The absolute state of Sup Forums
*contributes nothing of value to cinema for the past century*
No webm thread?
The Wheel of Time
People tell me "Old YouTube" was better than modern day YouTube
Whats some sad movies about doggos?
ITT: those we have lost to breast reduction
Youtube channels that deserve their own TV show
I just watched this for the first time since it came out. Is it Kino or hipster trash?
*saves the Alien franchise*
/got/ general I just want to help out the people
What are some good nazi movies Sup Forums?
Why has Marvel's production quality gone down recently?
Caught Amazing Spider-Man on TV earlier
The law says you cannot touch... but I think I see a lotta law breakers out there tonight
Is it any good?
Why is the dialogue in this faggot's flicks so forced and unnatural? What a faggot
Logan Lucky
ITT: Characters/actresses that you'd like to fucc
Is it kino?
What's some good kino about illiterate retards?
This used to be the ideal male body
Opinions on this show
So Sup Forums, would you?
The Harry Potter films are getting remade and you're in charge of making sure they're done properly...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
The Matrix trilogy
I dare you to find five memorable villains in the whole MCU
Will James ever stop producing Kino?
So, what makes Emma Watson such a good and loved actress...
/got/ general Fuck the chickens edition
What is the Sup Forums equivalent?
8 episodes
Who will it be?
How come the first half is perfect but the second half is boring?
Will satire ever reach his lofty heights again?
Sup Forums META thread
My daughter killed herself because instead of spending time with her I spent my time making superhero movies that...
I saw h3h3 walking with his wife today. It was so surreal. I couldn't believe it
The bible can't be ki-
He may be your father, boy, but he ain't yo daddy
What's your favorite Indiana jones movie?
How you holding up, Sup Forums?
Like popular blockbuster movie
What size is your television Sup Forums?
What are some Newman-kinos?
Young Hollywood actors
Honest thoughts on this man?
What's the best "manipulative woman" movie?
/got/ General
/norm/ general
/trek/ thread
Is anyone else extremely disappointed by lack of references to the movies in the Marvel Netflix shows?
Find a film
Is Chris Pratt the new Tom Cruise?
Implying theirs isn't the comfiest show on the radio
I tried to cast Alexandra Daddario for my short film but she didn't want to
ITT: Obscure trivia from popular movies
If Audrey Hepburn had tits she'd be Sophia Loren. I prefer my flat chestedfu Audrey though
Why isn't he our guy yet Sup Forums?
Why is she such a cunt to Sansa?
Find a flaw
Rick n Morty Writers
Why do people like this guy so much? He is a scumbag buffoon
Star Wars
What a lovely pair
What's the worst plot twist you've ever seen, be it movie or series
How the fuck can you get cucked when you look like this...
What is he thinking in this pic?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...