Hoffmann is maimed beyond mental capacity in his first trap

Hoffmann is maimed beyond mental capacity in his first trap.

Dies in the sawblade room.

The trap in the running park/trees is first person perspective from one of the 3 victims who dies.

2 of the 3 main investigating cops die by booby trap.

The jigsaw copycat is the daughter of one of the main players in the barn game.

The last surving cop is the son of Tapp from the first movie. Turns out to be a young apprentice of the Jigsaw legacy too. Are met with Gordon and a few others in the end to welcolme copycat Jigsaw's mother to the legacy.

A congressman obsessed with the Jigsaw suggests death-traps to help deathrow convicts learn their lesson. Possible 9th movie.

Jigsaw's legacy becomes known and worshipped around the world.

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Nnot even gonna watch the movie.

Thread from few days ago said his opening trap was the goriest and best in the series so I'm still hype.

Tapp's son is a journalist. Boom, you've been exposed


Where in the fuck are you and OP getting your information

Did Tapp even have a son? He never mentions him ONCE.

I have watched SAW a dozens. When did it ever say he has a kid?

>Posting spoilers to Saw movies

Does anybody actually pay enough attention to the story in these things to care about spoilers? The story seems so convoluted and like such an afterthought that there's no point in even trying to follow along with it

>Son of Tapp
>Apprentice to the guy who got his father killed
>Hoffman dying
>A ton of boring shit inbetween
>Congressman plot sounds Purge-tier

wasn't hoffman locked in the basement a'la first movie? why give him a chance?

I really hope this is all fake

This is going to bomb and then the retarded suits are going to say there's no interest in the series anymore

He doesn't and it's never mentioned by anyone else

Just reboot it and don't kill John off.

Because the writers keep circle jerking each other trying to shoehorn 4deep8me shit into a gore

>all these retards who never played the SAW games




I've been following SAW since day fucking one and you're telling me there are MULTIPLE games?


You haven't heard about them because they were dogshit.

My melanin challenged friend

I completely forgot those existed,because they were so bad.

Oh fuck off they had better traps than the movies :


hoffman was not even in the first movie

cool reading comprehension pham

>just a bigger version of the Venus Flytrap

I thought Gordon locked Hoffman in the bathroom at the end of the last movie

If you genuinely call yourself a fan of these movies and care about them at all past watching clips of the traps on youtube then you need to neck yourself

Yeah that definitely means that the games are good. Fucking dumbass

bathroom/basement semantics

>Hoffmann is maimed beyond mental capacity
What does this even mean? He's brain damaged? It looks like he really gets it in this movie, do the writers think we want to see him punished for what he's done?


Hoffman was literally the only SAW villain. He deserves it


Do we have any proof of this being true? Sounds decent but I don't see a reason to bring hoffman back if you're killing it so fast