White Marble in artwork contributes to white supremacy

White Marble in artwork contributes to white supremacy says Professor:


>In a recent op-ed, Professor Sarah Bond argued that the "white marble" often seen in classical artwork was initially colored.

>As a result, she suggests that "the equation of white marble with beauty" contributes to "white supremacist ideas today."

>Consequently, Bond argues that “the equation of white marble with beauty is not an inherent truth of the universe,” and is thus “a dangerous construct that continues to influence white supremacist ideas today.” - Bond goes on to point out that “most museums and art history textbooks contain a predominantly neon white display of skin tone,” which “has an impact on the way we view the antique world.”

>“The assemblage of neon whiteness serves to create a false idea of homogeneity — everyone was very white! — across the Mediterranean region,” she adds, later stating that misconceptions of the classical era provide “further ammunition for white supremacists today, including groups like Identity Europa, who use classical statuary as a symbol of white male superiority.”

You though they were going to stop at Confederate statues? Lol, this fucks want complete historical revisionism, they want to re-write the "problematic" European story in order to fit their twisted worldview

Without resorting to "muh feefees," how is this wrong?

I would destroy all white artwork in the world to save one black person's life.

I disagree with these people who think we need to destroy the culture, and eventually, all white people, but it seems to me that every time we have a protest against whites being destroyed, there are 100 white people protesting against the 1 pro white person, so ultimately I'm not going to be that 1 guy who is fighting for all these whites who want to commit suicide. If they all want to go, let them go.

Wrong board homo

race war when

tfw vice wants to blow up rushmore

>You though they were going to stop at Confederate statues?
No one here did. We either agreed with it or don't care.

high five, noblebuddy

>opinions from a professor

how will the white race survive this terrible onslaught?


>the equation of white marble with beauty is not an inherent truth of the universe
what kind of fucking argument is that?

None of us give a shit Sup Forumsfag

next step is banning white snow because you can make evil white snowmen from it?


Fuck now I hate statues.

The color white is LITERALLY contributing to white supremacy and it needs to be washed away before it's too late and the white supremacists win.

And if you can't even see that, then it's obvious your privileges are getting in the way of you seeing the truth.

speak for yourself

t. anti-art Sup Forumsedditor from Sup Forums

I can see the point but no one is actually "white" skinned like a marbel statue save for albinos and "whiteness" as a concept was created by the government and is used to cull people just as much as people use it as a point of pride.

It's the argument of someone who teaches at a liberal arts university.

>whites making the most beautiful art is white supremecy

I guess so. Real shame.

What black person's life is saved by disregarding or slathering ugly paint on great works of art?

when are they going to ban white wedding dresses?

choose one