What's going on with this guy?

Why is he starting to unleash the jew so hard?

Other urls found in this thread:



He's not wrong, but I'm a little annoyed with the notion that the Catholic church alone is the religion with all the rampant child molestation. Sunni Islam literally condones child marriages ffs.

He's right

>unimportant person gains some semblance of power
>immediately begin to abuse it

Happens every time. It's why all mods are shits.

In this case its
>gain some semblance of power, immediately abuse it by talking to your followers in a one-way conversation on stuff over which you're not really informed

Like a teacher that pushes politics to fucking highschoolers.

*And I know that's not what he's saying exactly, I'm talking about the implication in pop culture in general that Catholic=molestation and other denominations are clean

>Sunni Islam literally condones child marriages ffs.
Is this true

condemning one thing is not the same as saying everything else is better.

catholicism is a problem we can do more about in the US. obviously would be more of a conversation here

He makes a mockery of all the shit he condemned on his stupid ass show, but now he thinks he has some sort of moral high ground.

Fuck Eric andre, Fuck the people he's trying to please.

Yes. child marriage goes on in several Muslim countries, and they use scripture to justify it.

But he's right you massive faggot.

>alt-left calling anyone a faggot

You can't rape your wife. She's your property.



>apathy caused the nazis

No, national humiliation, rampant debt and inflation, widespread degeneracy, an shitty, fragile democracy, and a jewish-led socialist civil war (albeit brief) led to the Nazis.

but he's right you fucking weirdos

It's annoying that random "celebrities" constantly share their political views thinking that someone actually cares, when in reality no one gives a fuck about anything they have to say. People only like them for their movies, tv, music, etc, and ignore all of their personal stuff.

>women are equal
>you can't fight women
Have to pick one m'lady

No don't be silly goyim, that's just a lie told by Islamophobic far-right NAZI's to distract you from the real issue: White privilege.

>there are faggots on Sup Forums who find him funny

>national humiliation, widespread degeneracy

sunni islam isn't centralised the way catholicism is
sunni islam is certainly horrendous, but the church has a disgusting history going back over 1000 years

>it's no longer acceptable to be quiet

If liberals are one thing, it's quiet...

I agree
Spot on

>oh good women are considered equal now i can hit them

why do so many men go straight to this mindset?

He's just drank the kool aid people who want to destroy the West are peddling. The easiest way to kick the slats out from under society is to erode morality, hence the constant attacks on the church.

>alt-right larpers aren't massive faggots


He's "right" because he presents an astoundingly simplified view of history that doesn't require you brainlets to think very hard about what he's claiming. It's on the same level as saying, "he's successful, because he's a nice person." We say this retarded shit to children.

If you're agreeing with what he's saying, despite the fact that he's said nothing either substantive or true, you're either a brainlet, American, or both.

Because it very concisely shows how stupid it is to try and make men and women equal. They're different things.

Because kikes are seeing white men stand up for themselves

this scares the kike

Because as a man you know when to shut your fucking mouth when speaking to someone who beat your ass. There's only one women learn that lesson and become truly equal.

Islam as a whole, irregardless of factions, has a vastly more disgusting history, dating back 1,400 years.

girl is crying because it her birthday, he famous syrian pop star
bottom is BEAUTY TALENT SHOW! they are there to win prize for child beauty

>back over 1000 years

Educated in America, I bet.

>who can beat your ass. There's only one way women
Damn I'm dumb

i think it's because volatile people like not having to make excuses for themselves

lmao guy on the right drew the short straw

I'm not volatile at all, I've never instigated an altercation in my life. Doesn't mean men and women are the same thing.

wtf i hate eric andre now

In English, doc

He is based and our guy, fuck off Sup Forums

no two people are the same.
i think violent people look for any reason to justify their behaviour

Because "never hit a woman" belongs to the same code of honor that declares "women and children first." It says, "Men take on the hardships, because they can." If men and women are equal, that code of honor, widely received, is meaningless. In other words, if men and women are equal, women can't enjoy the privileges won for them by the blood and sweat of men.

>violence against women, child abuse
What about violence against me though? Are men the only group it's acceptable to beat up? Remind me, why am I supposed to go along with those rules?

Because it proves that they are not equal?

Reminder; Eric was on AS when Sam Hyde was let go and it wouldn't be reaching to imagine Eric didn't stand up for Sam.

He's done just as absurd shit, offensive to some, actually said slurs. But when Sam Hyde the goyim does it, it's an absolute travesty.

go back to wherever you came from
the only eric andre threads in the past three years have been 10 posters circlejering and failed meme OPs like birdup and mayo

I'm a nihilist who doesn't care about any of this. Let the nazi's take over america, who gives a shit?

>i think violent people look for any reason to justify their behaviour
Well good for them because they did find it. It is a good reason, I don't see you arguing against it. I guess the violent people won that argument against you didn't they. If you're equal, you're getting an equal punch along with the equal pay. That's how equality works

If you don't care why are you in this thread you stupid sack of shit?

Interesting. Does he feel the same way about Muslims?

I'm pretty sure the left's hypocrisy and lopsided criticism are at least partially responsible for alienating a lot of people and turning them into """""""""""""""""""""""nazis"""""""""""""""""""""""

>Apathy caused nazi germany
That's not even true though

'Men must be always be strong, sacrifice themselves and never cry' is old fashioned just as 'women must choose family or a career but never both' is old fashioned. fashions die.
>if men and women are equal, women can't enjoy the privileges won for them by the blood and sweat of men.
then why do men deserve the children women bare for them?

this doesn't make any sense.

Fuck off to reddit. The church being bad is a cultural marxist meme.

>then why do men deserve the children women bare for them?
That's the thing though, men don't have the same rights in regards to children in modern society. A LADY can abort your son if she feels like it, you won't even be informed. Great equality you've got there

Show me where I say "always" or a logical equivalent, then I'll grant your counterargument.


>openly carry nazi regalia in your shitty tiki luau roleplay conventions
>b-b-but we're not nazis xD
Why are neo-nazis these days such pussies about being called what they are. If you're going to be nazis then fucking own up to it like a man.

He's half jewish, it was bound to happen eventually.

Yes it does. Equal rights come with equal obligations.

Not everyone on the right is a nazi and disagreeing with you is a nazi.

>kills 3 people
>tries to have a conversation on Sup Forums
Why won't you take responsibility for the actions of some random guy that I chose to associate you with? Man up


Does this guy really think that America is on the verge of becoming Nazi Germany?

Another dude that got unfunny as fuck after Trump

>If men and women are equal, that code of honor, widely received, is meaningless.
that's just bullshit.

>A LADY can abort your son if she feels like it
there are plenty of countries where that's not a possibility. and you really think most women treat it bortion like a spa day?

there is no such thing as equal obligations. there is such a thing as equal legal rights.

People do not have control over what other people bring to a party.

this guy needs to brush up on his cultural marxist privilege pyramid

you can call out sexism and racism because it is anti-white-male. but you may never call out a black man hurting a white woman because the black man is beneath the white woman on the pyramid. if you attack a black man for raping a white woman then you "punched down", which is hate speech

A labour MP got sacked by Jeremy Corbyn a few days ago for calling out the muslim rape gangs - muslims are below white girls on the pyramid so she "punched down" and had to have her career terminated

>there are some nazis at an event
>therefore, anyone there is automatically a nazi

>apathy gave rise to the Nazis in Germany
I think that might've been one of the most un-apathetic times in history lmao, everyone was losing their shit for a long time, Hitler didn't just manifest overnight.

>not showing me where I said "always"

Besides, it's not bullshit. Honor/dishonor always implies classes and distinctions. Without classes, there is nothing to honor; without distinctions, there is no reason to honor.

>and you really think most women treat it bortion like a spa day?
You ever go to an abortion clinic?

I don't think it was apathy that allowed Sandusky to get away with raping kids, but point taken on Trump

>You ever go to an abortion clinic?
you probably should, it might give you a more sympathetic perspective.

This is correct.

>it's the president's job to be the nation's daddy and weigh in on every little thing that happens

I want leftist and their yearning for dictators to leave

Can't have child rape if marriage makes it consensual *taps head*

>still doesn't answer the question

Plus I have been. Besides, being sympathetic to someone who makes a bed decision doesn't mean that I should suddenly condone, much less support, their bad decision.

>we must destroy free speech
>we must force people to take sides in my imaginary political world
Nah Eric, Nah. Just stick to your funny-hair-guy comedy.

>there is no such thing as equal obligations. there is such a thing as equal legal rights.
My rights are your obligations. I have a legal right to punch anyone in self defense. That gives you an obligation not to trigger my self defense. If a LADY starts hitting me, she should expect to get the same punch a man would get.

That's the thing about islam: when you don't know anything about it and just listen to fear mongering you think it's a horrifying backwards religion based on violence, but then you start reading up about it and realize it's in fact a horrifying backwards religion based on violence.

>then why do men deserve the children women bare for them?
How do you not see the contradiction here. This is exactly one of the reasons they can't be EQUAL. Do you not know what that means?

you don't have to support anything, you just seem to be implying most women find aborting their child to be a breeze.

>I have a legal right to punch anyone in self defense.
>That gives you an obligation not to trigger my self defense.
depends on your triggers.
>oh no she called me a faggot
>oh no she smashed a bottle into my face

you're saying women have more legal rights than men?

>The absolute state of leftists.

Please keep at it so we all end up literal nazis

He's dating a SJW.

>you're saying women have more legal rights than men?
They measurably do, yeah.
Postmodernism is already old dude. The West has been in a feminist utopia for a long time.

He's right you know.

This desu. not even a Sup Forumsack, but why are leftists criticism Christianity at every turn while bending over backwards for muslims?

>you're saying women have more legal rights than men?
I wasn't talking about "legal rights". Being able to get a child can be seen as right, or as a responsibility. Physically and mentally women and men are very different, and thus can't be always treated the same. This is the reason why it isn't okay to hit a woman, and also the reason for traditional family roles. I'm not the guy saying that it should be okay to hit a woman. I'm saying that it shouldn't be the only thing that's different between the sexes, and for good reason

>saying this, then getting upset at people saying "nigger"


>3 people carry swastikas

The even was set-up by white supremacists. It's not like it was an innocuous right-wing get together that got co-opted by nazis. It was about white nationalism from the beginning, because those were the people who were organizing the whole thing.

What about the massive LARPing with the nazi salute and the torches, sweetie? They weren't buddhists for sure

Because they only learn about the wrongdoings of their side in school, not of all sides. Why do you think so many people still think the crusades started because people just decided they wanted to murder poor innocent muslims?

white nationalist =/= white supremacist

>we need to impeach trump because a democrat at a democrat college raped a bunch of kids
Wow good thinking you must be really smart


>Nazi tiki torches
Why would a person who uses Sup Forums take a few kids doing the salute seriously?