The Founder

Is this kino or "kek, no"

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If you've got enough time to waste on this site, you have enough time to watch it and decide for yourself.


>time on Sup Forums
Of all the sites out there, Sup Forums is the least waste of time.

It's pretty bad. If you never heard of the origin of McDonalds before I guess it could be considered "informative", but as a movie it's pretty hack.

Time spent doing what you love is never time wasted.

This, essentially. I listened to a script podcast discussing it, and it ended up getting me excited to watch the movie. But the movie itself was a cheesy bore.
Michael Keaton was actually pretty great in it, but the movie was just so sanitized
Unauthorised to see its the director for the Blind Side

I shiggy diggy you actually believe this platitude.

For me? It's the Mcdouble

>Michael Keaton was actually pretty great in it
Okay, yes I did want to also say that there are some pretty solid performances in it, but I didn't want to be to verbose. Some of the acting is definitely good, but the script is just shit and it really doesn't save it.

Take your negativity someplace else, fascist.

>it's a movie where the bad guy wins episode

Nobody loves being on Sup Forums. It's just the least shitty option in our shitty lives.

I don't eat that much Mcdonalds but this movie literally made me decide to never eat there again. Who the fuck at Mcdonalds thought this movie was good press?

>this denial

i feel you have more. please kill my boredom

I don't get it, he didn't make Mcdonalds?

>Hey please help us make our shitty burger stand into a big powerful franchise
>Waaa why did you make our shitty burger stand into a big powerful franchise?!? We'll sue you!

Fuck those guys.

Watched it the other night, decent character study film, with the tone shifting between almost gritty depressiveness and whimsical go-getting. Keaton's character is dillusional and egodrunk towards the end, and while it was a bit of a lame concept, they pulled it off really well.
The scene at the bar when he goes to play the piano hammers home just how far gone he is. from his perspective, it's like a cheesey, larger-than-life musical, but the fantastical aspect i think is all in his head; he's probably being an ass in reality, and not at all suave, and I really liked the tone of that scene after he downs his drink. (reflecting upon the beginning of the film, as he drinks in his motel room and the recording repeats that his success should be apparent)

Idk gave me Burdman feels, would recommend watching instead of shitposting

>california used to be that white

now it's Chicano's taking over, vato. It's okay though Mexicans are good, no?

First real answer

Calling someone a fascist..
I can hear that poor mexican child weeping as he lifts your fat folds and washes your body with a rag that, had it been sentient, would be in a catatonic state wishing for death day in day out right about now.

feels terrible man

It's kino. Hancock is a very good director.

He Found mcdonalds but lost himself

wtf i hate mcdinalds,now

Thats been like.......known for years now.