Black person calls me "brotha"

>black person calls me "brotha"

Attached: CMAOk-AWwAEjxbH-1.jpg (575x556, 33K)

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mi brotha

Be happy he called you a brotha. I’m a mutt and black people i talk and hang out me call me a house negro.

what mix are you?

well, are you?

Swedish/afro-brazilian(=slaverape black)

you father is black and your mother a white angel?

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I worked with a guy from the Caribbean and he called everything rasta. Didn't mind it desu was entertaining if not challenging to figure out what the fuck he was talking about sometimes
"Ey rasta hand me that rasta over there"

>read post
>check flag

every time

Maybe. I have one other mutt friend who never gets called that.

Other way around
No swedes left by 2020, I’m telling you. Its worse than you think.

hey man
we're all one
stop hating

(but yes, they WILL side with a black person against you 9 times out of 10)

wtf is your mother beautiful?

my father is a regular black American and my mom is Egyptian. I guess I literally am an African American. The only people who think I'm a mutt are other blacks (rarely do they notice) but they think I'm half white or something

Insecure dad + mom who want to gtfo of rio

i think i know you, ssuuppp brotha!

You look ethiopian by any chance?

more of a northwestern African but then again those look a little Ethiopian too.
this is a good example, I look kind of like the guy on the left holding the picture but my skin is a little lighter/slightly red

Attached: mauritania.jpg (595x300, 193K)

Visit sweden, dress like the guy in the video and you’ll fit right in among the suburbans

>black american calls me racist for not dropping whatever i'm doing to go fuck them within five minutes of meeting them for the first time

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>american calls me "partner"

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greentext time

It never happened, he’s just mad that his sister fucked some random black guy when she went to Brazil or wherever.

Why didn't you beat them up for that? That's clearly an insult.

Is that a no?

I dont wanna start fights, man. I’m not sinking to hood behaviour. I do carry a flip knife just in case but thats mostly for if i get jumped by afghani/arabs
She was a bit over average

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Do u kno de wey my brudda?