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International #867
I love winter, it's so comfy!
Almost half the money raised on gofundme are for paying medical bills
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Would you date a girl from another part of the world?
Since WW3 between Russia and world is about to begin. If you're a Russian girl refugee, or a boy if you're cute enough...
I just want brazil and brazilians to be happy
Fifteen hours, Russia
How do I become a refugee in Europe?
I hear them
Why do Western fascists always blame poor Russia? Do they have no conscience?
Nice day isn't it?
You idiots aren't going to elect him for a second term, are you ?
You can post anything here without being banned
The West
Why is spen so much better than latin america?
Why do Chinese people love mutilating wild animal's genitals?
ITT : we discuss about which bois are superior
It's time to pick a side
Olympic in japan?
Use "y'all" in the sentence
Kurva anyátok
Why are Tamils so based?
/Desi/ da general
3rd world shithole chan discord
Japan lost the smartphones battle. Before japanese phones were the best but since the smartphones revolution...
Why is Japan a safe country??
If Chinese gangsters got into a war with Japanese gangsters, who would win?
Why do Mexican/Latin American TV leads look White but the majority of their populations look like the picture on the...
Female int thread
Do you ever wonder why Americans are so poorly educated?
I recently found out that many people in America have houses which are worth over half a million. My God...
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with us?
Anyone here read arabic? can you translate this for me and tell me what region or dialect it is? shakram
I just had a panic crisis
Why are they so annoying?
School hall monitors in America 2019
How can we restore Arab nationalism and eradicate the Islamist menace?
Do you love Korea?
Girl changes her mind about having sex with you after she sees your penis size
White "people"
What country in Latin America should I travel to?
Why is acne only prevalent in North America? I never see people from other continents with skin problems
Wake up
Rate my korean meal
*blocks your path*
Your choice
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Guess the country
What do a Paki's Ancestry tests look like? I assume it would be south asia with a mix of middle eastern
/v4/ + friends
Germany vs the UK
Maria chan and Iesu kun <3
Is it common for Lebanese and Anglo's to mix in Australia?
Japan will raise the age of marriage for girls from 16 to 18
Rate my workplace
Berlin no-go zones
Would you?
ITT your nearest city's skyline
/nachtschicht/, tagsüber /deutsch/
Reminder that the mods let child porn stay up on this board last night
Why do they ALWAYS have to fuck something up in some other country?
Why are we relentlessly mocked
If your cunt's national football team is less white than ours, then you're not white
Hilo latino /lat/
7 inches or 18cm
Any Catholics online?
Daily reminder that Mexicans are the best fighters in the world
Were we right to bully them?
Depressed because im ugly and short
The majority of "black" americans are 25% European
What's the point in European paganism...
How to stop this cancer?
What did they mean by this?????
Teleports behind you
Does your country have respect for trans people?
/kadse :3/ ehemals /deutsch/
Best cuntree
ITT: / int/ during 9/11
Who are the biggest scumbags on Sup Forums? I don't mean real life, just here
Is there any important person (a surgeon or a judge for example) browsing this place?
Today I saw some Russian tourists in my local high street...
/fr/ - fil de la francophonie
Be venezuelan
Are Slavic women marriage material?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Sequel after an underdog Malta win
Why is the scientific world DOMINATED by the West despite the fact Northeast Asians have higher average IQ?
Why are there 1 million people in most big russian cities. Thats very weird
Why are Muslim-Americans bro-tier while the ones in Europe are shit-tier?
This little town is at the heart of a massive international incident
/ita/ - Il filo
What causes someone to be come a socialist?
What is a safe country to live in when WW3 is going to break out next month?
Was the finnish race a mistake?
/aufmerksamer, einsamer Wächter/ ehemals /deutsch/
What sort of "boo" are you?
Posts cropped news article with no sources that reinforce his beliefs
The CHAD Frenchman
India Love Thread
How does the world see Mexico?
Why does Islam get to have countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran where homosexuals are put to death but Christianity...
What does generic brand food in your cunt look like?
Admit it. You wish you were American don't you?
Sverigetråden - God-Nattråden
Depression hitting again
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1981
Moving to Vienna
Dutch “men”
Why are Estonians so dangerous?
When is the UK going to ban acid?
I fuck shitaly
How do you guys deal with the fact that Denmark exists?
Why are the SJWs the more cute?
Please love Egypt
/v4/ + friends
/sino/ - 中文
America, why are you not at our side right now?
Facts about Russia
China love thread
Britain should COWER IN FEAR against KARA BOĞA fucking their women!!!
Why do Persians follow the religion of an Arab? Why aren't they Zoroastrian?
Is this the definitive map of the first world?
/fr/ - Le francofil
/brit/ - shitskins and wogs out edition
Recommend me a good movie to watch, Sup Forums
/balk/+/terra rossa/
Britain appreciation thread
Look in mirror
Kurva anyátok
The war for Sup Forums supremacy has begun
What kind of skull and nose type do I have Sup Forums?
Tfw no bf to spoon with
Paint the Balkans
I want to wear a skirt
How do I get a conservative Russian gf?
Colombia is black
/deutsch/ - Digitalausgabe
Tfw no bf to cuddle with
Pick a side
Tfw 15cm penis
Sverigetråden - Mjölkupplagan
Why do whities make up this bullshit to feel superior?
Do you support gay marriage?
How do we make Japan more diverse?
This is an Italian car. Your move
Americans are huma-
When a white girl dates a black guy
Is your leader any better?
Give it to me straight int
Highly likely Russia behind spy attack, says Theresa May
/fr/ - le francofil
/ita/ - IL FILO
ITT: foreign place names that sound better in
Why is this part of the world so good at making music? What's their secret?
I don't get it, why does the robot explode?
0. ur cunt
Trade war time
/v4/ + friends
/brit/ + /grime/
Finns are not White
When someone tells you to go back to your own country and build it up yourself and that you're a coward for being here
All world capital concentrated in either governments or a few rich people
Why don't they have pop-culture?
Say something nice about the country above you thread
Why are russians so violent?
Surname autism
Post your local church
Which countries in Europe
My Lord I spoke to a Baphomet
Sverigetråden - sverige är säkert
Are they chinese?
Leave the Commonwealth and join the Francophonie!
Prove youre not wh*Te by posting your hand
Post your ideal White GF
/asean/ + /nusantara/
Post your cunt's Presidential Palace or equivalent. Pic related is Carondelet Palace
Would you racemix with an Argentinian girl?
Why don't African Americans and Afro Brazilians go to Africa for sex tourism?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post girls from your country
Why is she holding that turd in her hands?
What do IDs look like in your cunt?
Ew, I don't date uncircumcised guys
European opinion thread
WTF China simply unacceptable it's current year
Kurva anyátokk
The only good woman is the dead one
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
Why are south americans like this?
1. your cunt
No-deal Brexit could cost €65bn a year
/rus/ General
A 14-year-old, said that she became pregnant twice and had two abortions while being groomed and abused...
See a hot blonde girl walking towards you that doesnt look anything like the girls in your country
Sverigetråden - >dkn ingen nationalistisk fv
Are niggers retarded?
Tfw dick is thick but average length
How are MILFs in you country?
What does this tell us about russia?
Why do Russians do this?
1. you're count
Culture Pals /cp/ general thread
Your country
UK is the best country in the world
How would you feel about an American moving in next door to you?
El diablo
Do they really hate each other now?
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
What is this called in your cunt?
Accidentally booked a flight to Belgium
Ive never met a slovakian in my life, how are they like?
I'll be honest. If I was a girl, I would love White men too
/ita/ il Filo
Do they like the cuckstamp on their flag?
Masallah holland
/deutsch/, ehemals /österreichisch/
/lat/ - el hilo latino
Why haven't British men stormed into every territory occupied by the enemy and taken them out yet...
Serbia vs albania, which country do you support?
This is a Polish school
Even though they are stupid, why they don't take effort to be wise
Your country sucks
This man walks up to you
Are they European?
Why are americans fat and stupid?
Shave beard
How strong is your country's military?
G*rman qts speaking in their gross guttural language, that's so hot
What are some stupid fucking laws in your cunt that you're pretty sure no one else has?
I've never seen a hairy pussy
Here is how regular British people live
Two nukes weren't enough
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do so few muslims drink alcohol? do they just hate fun?
Do you love Japan?
How do I deal with being indian?
I don't like black people
Shut the fuck up
Russia is an illiberal criminal regime. Russia needs regime change
Kurva anyátok
Why does russia hate gay people so much? Don't they have more important things to worry about? Rampant drug addiction...
Why the FUCK haven't you invested at least 20% of your assets into any of these countries?
Why does America get called racist for doing literally what every other country does?
Do you have something you wish you were instead of what you are?
How do we stop them
How can one acquire a French gf?
A 16 yo high school girl youtuber let passers-by touch her boobs
/ex-ussr/ general
If you hate America so much, why don't you just go back to Mexico?
Nuke the red part usa
Tell me about the baltics Sup Forums
Post your country's greatest ally and worst ally
This is an American milkman
Left or Right?
Why do Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese hate China so much...
Your cunt
This is the ideal educational environment
The modern korean male?
Bruh, look at this turk, wait till you see-
American police
/lat/ hilo latino
Americans complain because mansions are so common in their country they ruin the neighborhood
You die and you will be reincarnated as an apezilian
Sverigetråden - 2Dupplagan
Your thoughts on Ferrero Rocher chocolate? They are quite tasty in my opinion. I've eaten 6 today
How did Asians create the cutest dog breeds on Earth?
What countries treat black people fairly?
His country doesn’t have their own language
WTF is their problem? Why are they so evil?
How come when people fart, French comes out?
1. You are cuntry
Mom, why is my dick cut if we are not jewish?
What's the spanish word for "no"?
Macron want indian in France but if they choose french language
Why are muricans so friendly with people they don't even know?
Culture Pals /cp/ general thread
Why is this tiny country so over represented on Sup Forums?
Wtf i'm moving to Canda
I wish the real good guys won that war, would would have been better
Wtf I thought Freddie Mercury was British
Flour control laws
Post artillery from your country
Rate my waifu
Why does shitty Abrahamic religions dominate the Earth?
Guess the country
Meanwhile somewhere in a german bedroom
Post the most alpha leader from your country
Why are they so uncivilized, Why do they get anger way too easily??
/fr/ - le francofil nocturne
AMERINDIAN peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian peoples of the Americas and their descendants
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderendraad/
Guess the country
What happens in Australia outside the capital cities? Anything of note?
ITT: Amerimutt cringe
Guess the Country
Is Portugal ashamed of Brazil the same way we're ashamed of USA?
20yo in 6 months
Ya votaron?
Games from 2017 - 2018 that only white people can understand, Top 5
/lat/ hilo latino
His country is a populationlet
I just want to make babies
Post ur cunt's special forces
Fight off muslims for hundred of years
Guess the country
/usa/ - United States of America
Just a normal day in norway
Tfw when you're 100% european but still manage to have dark hair and eyes
Sverigetråden - AfS BARA
Would you racemix with an Anglo?
Go, Sup Forums friends
How do we save Africa?
1. you are a cunt and I don't like you
/deutsch/ Niedersorben-Ausgabe
What happens here ?
Guess the country
Are the ruling class/elites really descended from
Tfw 15cm penis
What was your countries biggest mistake
I want to be a cute 15 yr old girl
Guess the country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Room view
Is the USA a racist country?
What do you think about Mexican hairstyle?
Why do they hate nonwhites so much? Probably 30% of posts that insult nonwhites come from this flag
Seriously if you're white in 2018, you need to grow up
French coal burner
/cum/ - the Canada and United States general
Would you racemix with an Asian girl knowing your offspring will look like this?
You may only post in this thread, if your parents are civilised human beings...
/v4/ + friends
Why do europeans love this type of jacket?
"The absolute state of the market"-Edition
Post things Americans will never understand
/ita/ - il filo
Mfw Sup Forums doesn't like Germany anymore
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
For why do they rape so much?
Post your view
People on the West are smart and rational, unlike people here. Their media are not propaganda and everyone...
Post street pics of your city showing your city's architecture and people
Tfw being kraut
What games do Brits like??
/luso/ fio lusofono
/ESP/ hilo español
/brit/ + /grime/
Why Germans so arrogant? Does your country ever experience German smugness?
Was Band of Brothers well-known in other countries or only in America?
You'll never be 15 and in love
Is Afghanistan basically Poland's degenerate islamist relative full of riceeye and shitskin tribes?
Canadians are Chinks
/asean/ - Stacey edition
Post a your ideal woman
What do you think of Ireland 2040?
No allies thread
Which Japanese girl do you choose?
/völkisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why does it bother people that I found happiness in the West and will never go back to my home country?
Father was purged and imprisoned
Slav """""architecture"""""
What Natural disasters does your country have?
Your cunt
Would you fight for your country Sup Forums?
Asian immigrants are economically productive, atheist/secular since 1200 AD...
The 14 words
/ita/ il Filo
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
/sino/ - 中文
/v4/ + orcs
Anglos rape shitskins for hundreds of years
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
American tourist pretending to be Canadian
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you like protestants ? :3
Why are am*ricans so evil?
/bundes/ ehemals /deutsch
Why are Eastern Europeans so fucking degenrate?
Amerimutt "women"
Marry an American woman they said
Charles de Gaulle
If you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?
Sum up your country in just one picture
Guess the name of the poster above you
ITT: Sup Forums in 1969
What went wrong ?
China is france of asia
Several local governments in Mexico will be airing the final episode of DBS in public squares
Would you buy these batteries?
China doesn't have a culture
I'm beginning to think Indians actually deserve to be bullied mercilessly
What's wrong with British people?
/esc/ Eurovision General
If someone told you he spent 6 months in jail for posting on Sup Forums, would you believe it?
1. Youre Flag
Hey United Kingdom dwellers, why is your country such a hideous den of pedophilia at every level of society?
Why havent you realized that the only way capitalism can truly thrive is through a christian state...
Why so few babies, Europe?
UK in crisis
Anglos killed the abos for this
ITT: We bully gooks for being weak...
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
/Knasti/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do you think English people are ugly?
How would your family feel if you brought home a qt norwegian girl?
Your country
Is this the only thing Romania is famous for?
Have a car
That's right, we should get rid of Assad because he uses chemical weapons to kill his own people
"ok, now its personal"
Which country has the most handsome boys?
1. Your country
Thread for Finnish cuisine
Boy sminem cool
Why is Spain so criminally underappreciated?
Sverigetråden - JÄ HO upplagan
I'm an American in estoina
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Hindi is literally a mix of Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Nepali and English
Do you have distinct face features?
Post in this thread !
Is it true that european coffee cups are much smaller than coffee cups here?
White countries are for everybody(^^
I want asian gf ;_;
Why is anglo cuisine so low-tier?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
What do you get on your Google when you type "Margaret of Anjou" in your own language?
>tfw no Catholic Bavarian gf
What are some typical names in your cunt?
Poland IS first world
Europe SHOULD become one country
1500 underage girls made into prostitutes in rotterham
Half a million women demonstrated against the spanish fascist state while singing revoluntionary songs
Woman was addicted to sex: almost killed herself
New common sense of Japanese workers
K-9 club
There are countries where people take less than 2 hours per day to eat
Why do White always pretend they're nice human being??
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Canadians will brutally murder this helpless and affective creature and be proud of it
Glória para os Portugueses!
What made French people want to eat them?
Is this true, Sweden?
/ESP/ hilo español
ITT average High schools in your cunt
Haha so true
Do you want a monster gf?
Hey! Ivan
Does your country have a subhuman racial underclass like the US?
Fix Syria in one sentence
/balk/ - /mpalk/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Europeans realize that the EU is basically a US puppet state?
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...
Why wh*toid doing this? Are they human? What are they doing in pic related with the interdimensional-looking machine?
Are there any Polish websites like Sup Forums or reddit? On what websites do Polish autists spend most of their time?
How do we fight the anti-scandinavian sentiment in southern europe?
/ex-ussr/ general
Somali Pride Thread
Tfw you have to be back at the barracks at 21:30
Italianons, what are the ethnicities of Italy? Or rather what were they 100 years ago?
/v4/ + friends
Reminder that if you aren't Nordic or Honorary, you are a worthless nigger
What kind of homes do billionaires from your country live in? This is one example from here
Why do most Russians hate Jews?
1. your cunt
Who the fuck is this guy?
/ita/ - il filo
Search on google "your country" + meme
All these anti-EU shills
Kurva anyátok
Straight men:
Spanish thread
1. your cunt
Why do Sup Forums believe holocoast wasn’t happen?? Does it goes for the same with Sup Forums??
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition du matin
Someone insults China
Why are Jews such venemous parasites hell bent on the destruction of the White race?
Moving the clock forward for no fucking reason at all
Why do only the shitholes wanna immigrate here?
Mfw first worlders can go take a walk around the neighborhood at 3 AM whitout the constant fear of getting mugged or...
Why are mexicans so ugly and disgusting?
It is true that the French do not bathe?
What kinda animal rights do your country have?
Is there anything worse than being paki or indian in the west
ITT post shitholes
Mummy brought me McDonald's
White people are disgusting
JewGay hate thread
Hilo latino
This region should all be one federation, desu
How do we stop them
/desi/ or /sag/
Why do colombians think their country isn't a fucking pile of dog shit?
Stop flooding our countries and raping our women non Whites
Chink problem
Why are Asians such fucking atrociously bad drivers?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Homeland
What do people in Korea think of China?
Ummmmmm France?
Why are white people so fucking boring?
Be chink republic
You will never be a young rich gulf Arab male
Would Latin America be better if they were colonized by Japanese?
Hilo latino
Your cunt
Anyone else think this board went overboard with goblinposting...
Do you approve of American male/Mexican female couples?
Why do japanese think themselves as white?
American thinks you care what state he's from
Black person calls me "brotha"
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...