Colombia is black

>colombia is black

Attached: blacks.jpg (407x600, 103K)

>prime property at the coasts, especially the based pacific coast for the KARA BOGA's
>shitty interior provinces for wh*Tes


colombiam niggers are peaceful

>Venezuela is Colombia

I know a few Colombians and they're all BLACK

You're right.
The violent Colombians are either, mestizo or "wh*te" scum

pls gib eboni columbi wifei

Attached: Karen Cano 2.jpg (640x800, 45K)

the weather near the coast is awful

but she's asian

Is there a special reason all of the blacks are living at the coast and none inside the country?

slave plantations were located on the coast

most of them scaped from the suggar plantations and formed free towns called palenques.

>is only populated with nignogs where it is actually populated
like pottery

Those places are almost inaccessible even now. They probably fled there from slave owners.

inside the country you have mountains with altitude that allows cities to have temperate climate even though it's the tropics.
that is where spaniards lived

the coast is tropical jungle = malaria = yellow fever
only kara bogas could survive there

now post the crime map

Maybe if you are a subhuman wh*Toid who hates the sun.

the dark parts of the map are not correlated at all with the main population centers

Attached: coldens.jpg (791x1024, 111K)

The Colombian pacific coast is one of the rainiest regions on the planet. Barely habitable.

never come

Attached: 532143_1.jpg (1000x530, 40K)


Mountains. The weather is colder inland and they don't like it

Venezuela and Colombia have basically the same racial composition, although on average venezuela is still slihty more african but also slightly less amerindian than COlombia . Another difference is that blacks in Colombia are almost pure, while venezuelans are more mixed. Most people in the Colombian and Venezuelan andes look the same because black didn't settle or escaped there.

Ok colombians sorry to interrupt the racebait but i am thinking of coming for a 2-3 weeks vacation in your country next year.
Untill then i will have my greek veterinary degree ,how easy it will be to make some extra bucks with it ?

the only way to make money easily as veterinarian is to go door by door selling the dogs owners that you vaccinate his doggo for some money.

I have a neightbor who is a veterinarian and he does that.

dunno if you need a licence to do that here.

Why do so many colombians own micro doggos?

what do you mean?

big doggos are good for a farm.


south Belize is white

is this a pop density map?



Attached: latest[1].jpg (1500x1000, 318K)

Funny how the biggest city borders area where nobody lives

This micro doggos that fit into a pocket.
I saw many of then in Bogota. It seems like evryone hides one of them in there pockes.

Attached: Micro Doggo.jpg (525x594, 66K)

It's Mountain cliffs and then Jungle downwards.
Bogota is on +2600m height.

dunno, maybe is a bogota thing, where I live there's a shitton of terriers, mutts and french poodles mutts.

people love german breeds here.

Attached: Colombia_population_density_1970.jpg (741x940, 105K)

Bogotá it's the capital only because that's where the spaniards defeated the muiscas

Ayo Colombianos.
How was the Election?
Do you have results already? Candidate rundown?

Learn Spanish, maybe you can sell bracelets like fr*nch and israeli hippie backpackers do

Con que de ahí viene el meme que los costeños son negros. ¿Se supone que todas las plantaciones y haciendas coloniales estaban en la costa?

The southeast and pacific are next to empty. Most people live in the andes (crossing the middle of the country from Ecuador to Venezuela

Attached: mapa densidad demográfica Colombia.jpg (379x495, 41K)

Why hasn't Brazil annexed it? Looks very empty.

La Costa Caribe es mulata-trirracial. La costa pacifica es practicamente negros 100% africanos. Las plantaciones de zucar y la mineria de oro estaban en elpacifico, ahi fue donde llevaron usgtedes la mayor cantidad de esclavos. En el Caribe el clima es de tipo mas desertico/sabana y la economia mas fuerte se basaban en el comercio portuario con españa y el caribe, por eso ahi se establecieron mas Españoles y libaneses que se mezclaron con los africanos

Because of the Amazon. Also we have 50 million people,who don't want to be part o an even more dengerous country

fuck off wh*Toid colombia is BLACK

>the coast is tropical jungle = malaria = yellow fever
the Pacific coast, yes.

The Caribbean coast is savannah. The main city, Cartagena, was located there.

Main city on the Caribbean is Barranquilla, not Cartagena

t. live in Barranquilla now, but I've been to Cartagena

I was talking about Colonial times.