India Love Thread

Please post things you like about india
I am tired of people hating on us :(

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No love for Indians?
I-i see..

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Cute girl.

I like India

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Not as cute as Brazilian girls :3

i like you

No such thing. you are either a british colony or a muslim kingdom

my ancestor :)

i love india

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why are east Indian girls so thicc??

T-Thanks user

Bro please give my friend his dad back, he went to Saudi and has never returned yet.

Fuck off.
t. Indian

Thanks :3

Why is South Belize white?

No u

it's the white man best kept Secret

> begging for acceptance and attention on Sup Forums
no u, चापलूस/10.

India it's sorta okay, not good but not bad either.

Most of Indians and East Asians living in the west I met seemed to have inferiority complex.
Real Indians and East Asians didn't give a fuck about whites.

dude honestly just fuck off

how does one acquire a depika gf

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I actually like India but this post is beyond fucking pathetic so fuck India