
Italy-Britain edition

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bollock head

so its confirmed, dave is a nonce thats literally defending paki rape gangs

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

>german states
not liking this image

>60 posts early
fuck off

Oo ahh up the RA

Stop using the p word. No need to inject racial prejudice into an already horrible affair.

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is Dave a yank?

>paki rape gangs
>a real thing

Both countries hwve a lot in common

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>unitoil just ended
>next term doesnt start until April 17th
feels good to be free

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despise fat people lads

paki is the abbreviation of pakistani

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"Dave" has become a phrase that means "anybody I disagree with in an argument"
People have been called Dave from literally every political position because nobody who uses the word "Dave" knows what it means. Utterly useless term tbqh

how many terms do you have a year

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t. dave

dave trying to dilute the term dave to throw everyone off. nice try dave

Wish I was a paki so I could get away with raping white girls

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Here we are..........

this looks familiar...

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Getting bored with the chans but I can't remember what I did before.
How should I spend my time? I like to exercise but not for hours on end.

man just crashed a coupe

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muslims are just niggers


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convincing shoppe

You may be aware of the changes to Universal Credit this week that mean up to 1 million poor children will miss out on a free hot school meal in the UK.

You may not be aware the Tories plan to protect Northern Ireland from this disgraceful cut, thanks to their DUP alliance.

Join a climbing gym lad

these nonce catchers on youtube are fucking mongs. they keep qouting this completely fabricated myth that "you can't send more than one sentence communication to someone under 18"

Just think about how dumb that sounds, and imagine anybody beleiving that

political spectrums/dichotomies are a disease of the mind. connecting disparate ideas, attitudes and behaviours. essentially conspiratorial.

thanks can you give me a job

Good idea, thanks.


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the radical middle right here

both of you attempt to define what Dave means then. I doubt you'll agree with each other.

just mongs who can't into moral philosophy

worse honestly

read about a demon race who developed submarine tech

dave is (You)

this is the original dave

David is a poster identified in December. He's anonymous but everyone knows who he is, because of his distinctive posting style. He posts very long winded, argumentative responses, combined with colourful ways of calling you dumb, like "trogolodyte" and "spastic", he continues long paragraph responses thread after thread. We've come to know him as dave. love are dave tho, wouldnt be the same without him

Dave has argued about the following
1. Cars should be banned because everyone uses trains now
2. Teachers have every right to breakdown mentally in front of students
3. Mac is "better" than Windows
4. Tame Impala is a Beatles rip off
5. There's nothing wrong with asking the waiter to bag your food to take home
6. Beleives the NHS is being "cut" despite constantly being proven wrong
7. Thinks secondary legislation with no report stage or vote on EU directives is "democratic"
8. Thinks tariffs are a bad thing
9. doesn't know what a registry on a computer is
10. Thinks £20k a year is "minimum wage"
11. Doesn't know The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a Russian forgery.
12. Thinks that wages haven't kept up with inflation
13. Supports the Scottish National Party
14. Thinks girls over the age of 16 wear croptops, and has deluded himself into thinking young girls he leers at in the park constitute as grown women

Arguing with him is fascinating. Ask if the US or UK is better ? Get a rousing speech about being molded by British streets ? Mention the 90s? Rant about future of Europe!.

moral absolutists are irrational (fucked in the head)

hey guys how is telford? who lives there?

umm lads threads not over

Also uses a 10 year old macbook

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yes it is mong

michael was a dickhead but he was the most interesting character out of all of them

Tariffs are a good thing though

Most of these views aren't even consistent with each other though. These are the kinds of views multiple people would hold rather than one person holding all of them

I was saying this months ago and everybody including dave went mentla over it. Now trump is doing it and suddenly burgers are in favour

no they're not

there may or may not be genuine russian shills on Sup Forums but there are certainly useful idiots that will do their work for them

well my team won and i feel no different

what gives??

Shut up Dave

of course they're consistent. It's not like they contradict each other. The point is these views were collected from a number of anons who have argued these points for HOURS with dave. He just wont stop

t. Dave

just stop

Wish Germany would combine with Austria and Poland and get rid of all the refugees
Would make Central Europe god tier

Going off the cancer sticks

just started smoking

Last night I dreamt up a sci-fi space opera movie where a ragtag team consisting of Jar Jar Binks, Ip Man, Kirby and Donald Trump infiltrate an enemy ship, get caught but break out and eventually get in their small fighters and maneuver to blow up the key leaders and defeat the empire

>just stop

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big fan of dave
he's a man of his convictions and he stands up for what he believes in. admirable

Actually it might have been that thing from Spirited Away rather than Kirby. I just remember it swallowing people
And then Trump was undercover and called him to see where he was but the guards heard the phone call and they got caught

This. I don't, personally, think that /brit/ is quite ready for his heavy redpills though.

drug dealaaaa
i wear nike, not filaaaaa

nobody has worn fila since 1993

Interesting insight into the psyche of a nog

did the virgin rorkes escape to this thread?
can't get away from me when I'm taking you to task

i dreamt of having 9 year old gf. but apparently i was the same age too

Fila is coming back on that 90s retro scene

still own some adidas poppers from the 90s

tais not black lol

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How long until Brexit?


hello dave


Once dreamt of getting captured by the Chinese army and getting changed into a qt girl for breeding purposes

>1. Cars should be banned because everyone uses trains now
>2. Teachers have every right to breakdown mentally in front of students
>3. Mac is "better" than Windows
>6. Beleives the NHS is being "cut" despite constantly being proven wrong
>7. Thinks secondary legislation with no report stage or vote on EU directives is "democratic"
>8. Thinks tariffs are a bad thing
>10. Thinks £20k a year is "minimum wage"
>12. Thinks that wages haven't kept up with inflation
>13. Supports the Scottish National Party
So he's a leftymong?

>11. Doesn't know The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a Russian forgery.
>14. Thinks girls over the age of 16 wear croptops, and has deluded himself into thinking young girls he leers at in the park constitute as grown women
Or is he a rorke?

fix up, look sharp

would love a bottle of poppers

had sex with a girl for 6 consecutive hours last night
and yet i still consider myself 100% gay

it does seem a bit silly now i think about it

stop replying to it you breadbin



check out those charts. when we moved towards a "free trade" policy and lowered tariffs, our deficit increased potentially, and our standard of living dropped and income disparity increased

i'm not an economist but it seems obvious that tariffs/protectionism are a good thing, but really, it's more than just economics, it's political as well. free trade = globalism/rasheed; protectionism = rorke

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noncery is far more leftypol than rorke

. Doesn't know The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a Russian forgery.

Thats just a fact though

.. Thinks girls over the age of 16 wear croptops, and has deluded himself into thinking young girls he leers at in the park constitute as grown women

This isnt rorke though

ever tried sniffing them and wanking

>had sex with a girl for 6 consecutive hours last night
no you didn't

ruud van nistilroy

>offers evidence-based policy
hmm, maybe this guy has a po-
>but really its not about economics its about calling people Rasheed online

thought that was a social conservative thing
hence muslims and rorkes being nonces

It is dangerous to have an erection for more than 4 hours straight, lad. How did your willy feel in the 5th hour?

NOBODY fucking says ‘sheed anymore

Just realized this