Boy sminem cool

boy sminem cool

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Why does he look so strange?

Can I get a speedy synopsis on this guy?

Most anons that look into it think he has celebral palsy:

Bullshit. He is fully normal.

he goes to a "special" school...

He only goes there because he doesn't want his Azeri friend to feel lonely.
In other words, he's faking it.

sminem got big heart

>tfw no sminem to pal around with
why live?

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he is a special boy born with super speed, power and intelligence confined to a mortal world, so he spends his time spreading joy and love to make our world a better place

sminem is a hero

No he's retarded, he can barely type Russian

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i always read that like "boy, sminem cool!" (oh boy! sminem is so cool!)

why do azeri and sminem have that same weird nose despite being from completely different races

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They were both mutated from Nuclear commie toxins

Remember that Sminem has a GF. This fucking sad genetic failure has a pretty good looking gf and is actually happy with his life whilst you virgins make fun of strangers on the internet

You can kill yourselves now lads

Nooooooooooooooooooo take it back


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sorry i cant. id look for a picture i saved but its on my phone and the battery is dead.

i know a lot about sminem

put some respect on his damn name

>implying anyone here looks at sminem with anything but respect
fuck off

>Genetic offspring that combines both Bogdanoff DNA
>created in an underground lab and subjected to the toughest conditions in the known Universe
>heir to the Bogdanoff empire and soon to be Bogdangrad in Mars
>Utilizes Bogdanbots to create an unmatched immune system and cellular regeneration
>IQ of 500, unmatched intellect
>will oversee the rise and fall of Crypto at his leisure, being in position of Satoshi Nakamoto's private wallet
>in charge of multiple conflicts across the World, determines who wins and who loses
>calls the shots for stock market crashes and rises
>Spends his free-time pretending to be a Slav kid

Farid is grown up now.

Attached: sminems friend.jpg (720x1280, 157K)

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>this guy has a kid while you're still wasting away on Sup Forums

You do understand that most of us peoples respects Sminems?

I do too. I'm another eesti user.

you do realise that for a long time sminem was used to make fun of russians and ukrainians?

Jesus was mocked for big part of his life

how come his son is good looking?
probably got cheated

2 estonians in one thread RARE

He is the saviour of the cryptocurrency world, he saves us from the tyrannical boggs

>you do realise that for a long time sminem was used to make fun of russians and ukrainians?
Sminem is a finnic, LOL

That's not his son, lol. Probably a cousin or nephew or something. The moustache makes him look way older, this is him clean shaven 5 months ago.

Attached: VW_myS5hHqY.jpg (854x480, 86K)

(((((Sminemyahu)))) of ((((((Volgograd)))))) is Khazar

Attached: volga.png (610x622, 165K)

>tfw everyone looks good except him

bless his soul

make that THREE

have you ever seen a finnic person in your entire life? They have rounder less defined faces. These sharp edges on Sminems face scream "slavic". Also look at his nose and eyebrows


Please post more sminem. I need bask is his glory

They have never seen 200cm Finnic males in 25 years.

theres actually nothing wrong with him. his mum said he was born like that

chad, chadder, chaddest and aspirant to chad