See a hot blonde girl walking towards you that doesnt look anything like the girls in your country

>See a hot blonde girl walking towards you that doesnt look anything like the girls in your country

Do you try to approach her ????????

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TWIST : She is with her Asian boyfriend.

Do you try to approach now ????????

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but she does look like some girls in my cuntry

No Thank You.

What do you mean she doesn't look like blonde American girls? Because she's not fat?

No, I prefer brunettes



too skinny
i pull down my pants and shout "KARA BOGA" anyways

she has nice body with wide hips

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fuck off /r/asianmasculinity

Why would you approach a random girl on the street you creep let her jog in peace ffs

>put on my best fedora and trenchcoat
>phase shift toward the female
>use a witty Rick and Morty inside joke disguising as a pickup line
>present her a tub of szechuan sauce
>do a 360 and walk away while tipping respectfully
>dematerialises and die

wide for a small penis wH*tiod, maybe

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>that doesnt look anything like the girls in your country

That looks like 75% of the population here

>their arms have the same width
I can bully the riceboi, rough him up, spit, rub my shoes on his face, throw slurs at his pathetic body and race, laugh at him and then leave.

This will make her feel she has a weak and defect male near her, she will start thinking about scenarios where he couldn't protect her, she will lose respect for him after being humiliated and impotent in protecting his own territory.
She will cheat on him and then leave or find another guy to like then tell him it's over and leave after a few months.

t. friend of a friend's experience

Fuck off chink go back to /r/asianmasculinity

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where do you live ... Oregon?

Throw coffee in her face and tell her to go back to her country.

ER threw orange juice in girl's faces

yes, for the bf

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migrodick xD


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He did because he couldn't get laid. I'd do it because whites need to leave.

that's fucking sad.

lmao now I will surely approach her
some low test beta Asian man+dicklet is no competition for me

23% actually

I beat the shit out of him and rape her in the cunt while he jerks his tiny cock, bleeding on the ground.

She was never fucked like that before, I'd let the cuck raise my superior child.

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a prank show on youtube with paid models is sad? you dont think that is real ... right?