Guess the country

Guess the country

Attached: 1510974069024.jpg (1117x860, 309K)

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Some spic shithole

Maybe Azerbaijan?



Give some tips, dumb slav. They could be from anywhere of these countries

Attached: map_spanish (1).png (500x380, 66K)

any curryasian country


they have asian influences.

Estados Unidos de los 56%


Mexico or Paraguay

Uruguay or Argentina


Ohh yeah fag? i say brazil

>argentina gets mad by the fact of them being amerindian


Bolivia or Peru

CARP Jersey on the girl in the middle
It's Argentina, also known as Amerindia

Fun fact: it's from Argentina

That girl in the middle is wearing the sweater of a soccer team in Argentina, they're probably Argentinians

it actually look like the US

>mad by the fact of them being amerindian
i'm mad because he choose my little brother who is proud mulatto/black country

Attached: 1466738016824.jpg (579x576, 34K)

not surprising, Amerindian traits and northern provinces go hand in hand

and here we thought Argentina was white.

meant southern
amerindians have been moving in the Patagonia for decades
at this point the only region with any number of white people is the central one

everything is wh*Te in los ogros unidos de america

Attached: image.jpg (1099x605, 88K)

you thought wrong cracka!

Attached: 1518375203961.png (742x418, 28K)

Unironically, Argentina

how many of your cousins and immediate family live here Paco?

we've been trying to explain you that we're AMERINDIANS but you dumb wh*Toids won't get it through your thick skulls
I've personally stabbed 5 wh*Tes last year, came from eur*Pe or some other shithole, running away from KARA BOGA like the faggots they were, convinced that Argentina had wh*Te people

Oh, I was right

Argies should be proud of being amerindians, I'm 7/8 eurocuck and I'd rather be 100% native than wh*te.

kek why do Argiefags get so triggered when they're called brown?

Patagonia belongs to the Amerindian.

>triggered when they're called brown?
you call us wh*te and we just teaching you,you are wrong

Attached: 1515881104433.png (397x402, 354K)

I only get triggered when people imply we're wh*Te

butttt you're the whitest in latin america, you should be proud and embrace your Euro culture.


but so do spics

>being proud
such thing no exisrt


are you not seeing the pic on OP? I guess not, wh*Toids such as yourself have shitty eyesight due to centuries of inbreeding

I'd unironically believe it if you said it was Sweden.

not everything it's about you mister
