Why do only the shitholes wanna immigrate here?

Why do only the shitholes wanna immigrate here?

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They want to destroy Society as every Barbarian has since the beginning of time

I wish more Spaniards would immigrate here

This is how rome fell, just with g*Rmanics

What is this a map of?

I have never met a Colombian in my life.

they havent taken the green and gold pill like every non complete shithole except maybe Germany and fair enough with Switzerland

>USA to Canada

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Why do only the shitholes wanna immigrate here?

Immigration desire.


Childhood indoctrination of a religion that espouses thinly veiled Arab supremacy?

I never really expected Canada, Sweden, Japan or Indonesia or Finland.

The vibe I got when I was in Japan was that a lot of people I met really wanted to go to Hawaii.

What is the nip obsession with hawaii?

Why would anyone want spain

Feel like a home (shithole) in USA, but with better jobs. Thats it.

>Not a shithole


Meme map, argies wants to go to spain with their italian passport.


Why would Argentinians want to move to Huezil? To get shot?

Does that mean we'll have shitholers larping as the new potus in the future?

We had Obama.

>Swiss eat dogs and cats
>Chinese want to immigrate to switzerland

it's close-ish and has a history of japanese immigrants

I don't think it's an accurate map, we go to Brazil on vacation

Highest percentage of japs outside of japan I think

>Yanks want go to canada
Really make me think

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>tfw there will be a Holy American Empire in the Middle East in 500 years

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Canada is basically USA lite. They descend from Americans who jumped the border in 1776 and 1970.

British one is more likely honestly, America has very little prestige

>Revolt against a worldwide empire and win
>Beat 2 more and take their shit
>Won 2 world wars
>Cash to burn
>Troops deployed worldwide
>Basically the final boss of the world
>Cucks the middle east
What have have the br*Tish done? Take over a few tribes?

>Cash to burn
Literally the only reason third worlders want to live in your country

what is with commonwealth faggots, and sucking off the British

what is it with americans being delusional

u.s never beat britain 1v1

u.s couldn't even conquer puerto rico, spain just sold it and its other remaining shitholes

>0 types of forigners want to immigrate to Malta
Feels good man

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>Living in the Maritimes

You're missing the best type of ass there is, bud

you dont need an italian passport
anyone from latinamerica can freely visit spain i think

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What is it with you Aussie cunts and Finland?

>my yank ass is on fire

>the land of the amerimutts
Fortunately nobody will take pride of your fallen shithole in 500 years.

You've got it wrong my friend
This map represents the desired place to immigrate to, of each given country
It is you who hasn't something up with us.

>seething jelly mutt
Feels good to be liked and have friends.

You will be remembered as what a country should not be. Your cartels outgun your army.

What's the requirements for a spanish visa? my country is part of the "Visa available both on arrival or online" category.

Peru and Brazil has more by far.

I mean they go to Hawaii cause Native American people are similar to asians

I'm pretty sure native Hawaiians and native Americans are different.

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Just more fat

Do you know what percentage means paco?

we haven't finished what we embarked

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polynesians and native americans aren't the same thing

is being retarded a common trait in north america

whats with swissboo?

To feel at home

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most of haiwai is some admixture of east asian or filipiono

Only western country where it's socially accepted to be racist. Never mind the fact that this is why they can never go there.