
bullying canada edition

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*bullys mexico instead*

good post

Post a song that summarizes your feelings right now



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fuck america

Do you love Japan

current emotion: depression and regret


>"""""Danish""""" (you)'s

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i actually drink testosterone

Not anymore, drink your estrogen

Posted once before,asking for help Bostonians

>Where should I eat?
>Any off-the-freedom-trail must see things?
>Fuck California

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>Fuck California

quite rude

go to fenway

and watch the red sox choke again

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if only the red sox could've done as good as the giants

oh wait


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*pitches the GOAT World series performance*

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*mentions that you forgot to post the pic in the first post*

didn't know the giants played in the world series i thought it was the other california team

>be canadian
>have 0 stan lee's since 1993
>get beaten by Big strong AMERICANS at the olympics
>get SHUSTER'd

lol, dodgers suck ass

>1 pennant in 29 years
>300 gorillion dollars

>state has 5 baseball teams
>all of them are shit

>state has one baseball team
>known for trading away the GOAT and relying on a known roider as a Pinch hitter
>boasts a starting rotation of SIX aces and cant even make the ALCS

Do you guys have seasonal allergies too?
My head feels like shit.

>the performance that ended racism

Attached: 2434634.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

>state has 5 baseball teams
>none of them are known

is trudeau the cringiest leader of all time?

i think he probably is

>none of them are known
>one had a goddamn dynasty over the span of 5 years not even a decade ago
>one has a HoF pitcher
>one has the shittiest(albeit comfy) stadium in the AL
>SF and SD have the comfiest ballparks in the entire sport
>one has the face of the MLB in Mike Trout
>dodgers and giants both have all time greats that went into the Hall as gods

>bombston education

is no fap what is causing my depression??? day 6 right now and the first time ive been depressed since treating my chronic depression

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if you think SF is known for anything besides the busted pussy rule then you're delusional.

your team is known for partially ruining the sport

>posey is solely responsible for a controversial ruling happening since the fucking 1970's

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slob on my knob
like mais on the kolbe

I see you used wikipedia because you didn't even know what I was talking abut despite being a 'fan'

You're referencing amateur leagues, not the majors. Busted pussy is the sole reason the rule got reinterpreted in the MLB.

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and you're an idiot. Posey broke his leg in 2011, nothing happens for 3 YEARS after the collision

>Alex Avila injured in the ALCS in 2013
>Yadier Molina gets a concussion in 2012

but no, lets blame a single incident on Buster because he came out the worst. Clearly it was him and him alone that did it

Please explain "Busted Pussy" to me, google doesn't seem to know what I am looking for and gives me literotica links.

I dont know why I quoted myself, but you know what I meant

It means you should go back to /deutsch/

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So these guys are actually the Canadian police lmao? I thought they're like a tourist attraction while the real police wears turbans.

Was gonna make a new thread but for some reason Finns are range banned again.

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Because you ruin everything you touch. Get lost!

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he's a poltard who unironically objectifies women and unironically has no understanding of how a vagina works


giants player decided to play the only contact position in the sport and then cried like a bitch when somebody made contact forcing the league to change the rules to prevent collisions

I'm a different user, m8. I just want the German to leave.

yes, they're Canadian police but only for race hate crimes


he broke his leg, you jackass. He didnt go to Manfred and demand the rule be made


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>american youtubers


immediately closed it

anyone saved my meme yet?

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We need more epic memes.

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Not like this


lol who can relate

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thanks for not using a proxy today

Its shit
Pic relate is better

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Nope, ugly girlfriends are free in Asia

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im bakc in mexico

what a slinky

you on the left
me on the right

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This is nice post

me on the left

you're not in this picture

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Eating my most complicated dish: sugar rice

ingredients: rice, sugar

Nice clean looking picture. Who gave it to you? I bet it was a nice Canadian fellow


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thinking of a new gimmick. it goes like this

some post
|____dumb post

|____dumb post

italian poster
|___dumb idiot

Watch this:


Notice anything strange?
Yup, the nose is missing.
Isn't it just a tiny bit strange that it would be just exactly the nose that's missing from an unopened coffin?
Why are noses missing on so many ancient relics?
(The answer is: History is being whitewashed and negroid noses are deliberately removed.)

|____ VERY dumb post

who knew there was a natural border between texas and mexico

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2.5 hours moretrainin buds
Then hit the gym and then go home and eat chicken burgers

What is there to do in the suburbs?

what is there to do in cities?

Chill, enjoy a safe, relaxed, and easy life

play baseball or climb trees

shits comfy

did you ever go to that american themed restaurant i told you to go to?

Anyone else found all the anti-racism stuff made them more racist?

i want a girlfriend NOW

no, what was the name?

>be quebec
>cuck the rest of canada

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I don't know, care to explain?

>be the rest of canada
>cuckbec steals your money

pay up piggies

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Had an interesting conversation with my Aramean coworker today.
He was telling me all about his church and their struggle and their community nowadays.
His eyes were filled with joy as he was telling me of the once strong and influential church.
Honestly, I didn't even know there was such a big community in Germany, they even have their own monastery here.
He told me, the reason why Arameans are so devout is that their belief is all they have left. They have been expelled, genocided. What was once their homeland is no longer theirs and what still remains is on the fringe of being lost.
Anyway, intrigued by his stories about their masses I had to google it and what I found was quite bizarre.


Though this exact church does not seem to be quite as traditional and orthodox as the one he belongs to. Women are allowed on the altar and women and men share seats. Unheard of.

At least they're not Muslims LOL

bullys america instead


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I swear Ive walked past one of these before
