Left or Right?

Left or Right?

Attached: 1fe41f7eb8beec9189cf2bc2a9caeaa3.jpg (559x324, 32K)


wh*Tes look all the same to me

L E F T 100%


Left is more ayyy, either indicative or greater appearance or of being a disgusting subhuman.
Right has a better body.
Left has better hands.
Left has better hand gestures, displays more confidence, sensuality, and originality.
Hairs are of different styles by neither evoke superiority over the other.

I'd go with middle.


Only one who doesn't look like his face would melt on a hot day

Gibb left plox

How do I get left gf

Out of your league


both girls look like a typical korean but i choose the left one

>putting asia right in the centre

this doesn't make any sense. It should be west to east.

Attached: 175-map-world-political-shaded-relief-robinson-asia-australia-centered.jpg (1800x917, 231K)

left looks like shes had a lot of work done. going for right.

center ;) ;) ;)

both look ugly and unnatural as fuck. especially the left one. I would choose the right one.

oh I'd gladly take both..... guess who has a boner+ this guy


Korean preference
Women choose left, men choose right

I don't give a fuck I'd try for both

Attached: sweet.jpg (430x320, 24K)

She looks a bit like Momonogi kana

west and east are eurocentric terms steeped in pax-atlantica. pax-pacifica is the new thing my dude

Question, can anyone sauce some porn where girls look like either one of these two or they at least are on the same tier?

Everytime I try looking for Korean plastic girls all I seem to come up with is hairy so so amateurs in vids with shit production values.

Its gunna have to be the right, really they're both attractive

Left >>>>>>> right

Right is good too, but too common


right because the left one has had eye surgeries

>tfw crippling sportswear fetish

Attached: sweating.png (640x480, 203K)


Attached: Australia-world-map.jpg (1800x1073, 779K)


Either way of orienting the continents is fine, and under the current geopolitical climate it might even make more sense to use maps centered on the pacific a lot more.

The only reason I don't like this option a whole lot is the huge negative space that is the pacific ocean. Fucking hell, someone create a new continent over there.


(His left.)

Left one looks plastic af

They both look "Korean af".

I just go for the f.

pick one

Attached: 1415926044171.jpg (1280x850, 406K)

left, i prefer darker hair

10 most likely to try anal.

>have two eyes but only one penis
God has truly abandoned us.

>inb4 someone posts that pic of that guy with 2 dicks

right, she's pretty qt
left looks like a tranny alien

Can get all three? Preferably at the same time?

>tfw semi-fridge gf that dresses conservatively
>tfw no hip to waist ratio gf in tight outfits

4, I like surprises.