Tell me about the baltics Sup Forums

Tell me about the baltics Sup Forums.

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Second world shitholes. Everyone dies young from suicide or drunken brawling.

not as white as south Belize

G*rman bootlickers and ungrateful creatures that's who they are

Nice place, good universities, the westeners of eastern europe

Even the russians that live there?

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Estonia is Finnish clay

Why would anyone be grateful to r*Ssia?

Not real countries, need to get annexed again

>Everyone dies young from suicide or drunken brawling.
Thats just lithuania


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baltic T I G E R S

How different are they from eachother?

Estonia is more developed than others.
Lithuania is governed by an ex-communist Gribauskaite.
About 1/4 of Latvian population are ethnic Russians.


Estonia is Mongolid
Latvia is cucked by Russians
Lithuania is the true Baltic

The capital regions make up like 50% of the population. The countryside consists of sparsely populated farmlands and forests, where nothing really ever happens. A trip to the Baltic countries usually consists of visiting Vilnius, Riga and Tallin and nothing else. Road conditions can be surprisingly horrible, particularly in Latvia and Lithuania. The main traffic routes are paved but most rural roads are gravel or dirt tracks.
Eesti is a bit better at everything, but it's also a little more expensive for a tourist.

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You don't need to know. That will not change your life, relax, dude.

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i like to bully the latvians

W-well, f-f-fuck you!

I like to have sex with Latvians

>visiting the liberal shithole that is Wilno

Estonia - binkis
Latvia - bunkis
Lithuania - bonkis

I also went to Visaginas. Is that better?

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Your country is shaped like a baby Africa and your flag is Africa tier.

Yes and?

It's laughable. Pause while I laugh.


Eesti: the cutest nation, used as sex tourism haven for Eastern European homos
Latvia: like Russia but nationalists still exist there, as if it's mid 2000s
Lithuania: shitty place for shitty people, was almost unaffected by USSR bullshit, yet they remain the most buttblasted for unknown reason.

Nationalists exists in Estonia also.

>Thread about baltic countries
>bunch of russians shows up
Like leave us alone you scums


I'm honorary baltoid INGERMANLANDIAN

>going to the Russian central of Lithuania

>not a Baltic country

They're part of the EU now.

Is the Skype creator half finn/half swede or half baltic/half swede?

They tend to be enthusiastic about everything western, like NATO and stuff, because they hate Russia.

>Skype division headquarters are in Luxembourg, but most of the development team and 44% of all the division's employees are still situated in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia.[14][15][16]

>Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennström, from Sweden, and Janus Friis, from Denmark.[28] The Skype software was created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn. The first public beta version was released on 29 August 2003.[29]

Economy thriving due to Russian and Finnish alcoholics

>Ahti Heinla (born 2 May 1972) is an Estonian programmer and entrepreneur. He is one of the developers of Skype.

>He was also an organizer of Let's Do It 2008, a civic action with 50,000 volunteers participating in cleaning up the countryside of Estonia in one day.

>He was a recipient of the 2008 Estonian Volunteer of the Year national award.

>He has been a member of the board at the nature protection NGO Estonian Fund for Nature since 2006.

>Heinla speaks Estonian, English and Spanish.[1]

>In 2013 and 2014 he participated on NASA Centennial Challenge as team leader for Team Kuukulgur.[2]

>Heinla and Janus Friis founded Starship Technologies in 2014, to develop small self-driving delivery robots. He serves as CEO and CTO in it.[3]

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No, you dingus, alcohol is cheaper in Russia than in Baltics. It only applies to Finns. We use them as a shopping district, Finland included.

Are there any good places in Lithuania then?


Jaan Tallinn (born 14 February 1972 in Tallinn[1]) is an Estonian programmer, investor, and physicist [2] who participated in the development of Skype[3] in 2002 and FastTrack/Kazaa, a file-sharing application, in 2000.[4]

>Jaan Tallinn is partner and co-founder of the development company Bluemoon which created the game SkyRoads.[5] He graduated from the University of Tartu in 1996 with a BSc in Theoretical Physics with a thesis that considered travelling interstellar distances using warps in space-time.

>Tallinn sits on the Board of Sponsors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and is a former member of the Estonian President's Academic Advisory Board.[6] He is also one of the founders of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk,[7] and the Future of Life Institute,[8][9][10][11] and was[12] co-founder of the personalized medical research company MetaMed.[13]

>Tallinn participates in the effective altruism movement and donated $604,500 to the effective altruism associated Machine Intelligence Research Institute since 2015.[14][15][16]

>He strongly promotes the study of existential risk and has given numerous talks on this topic.[17] His main worries are related to artificial intelligence, unknowns coming from technological development, and biological risk.[18][19] He believes humanity is not spending enough resources on long-term planning and mitigating threats that could wipe us out as a species.[20]

Also lots of qt camwhores. That's all we know.

God, he's mentioned here


I don't know about you

Chiune Sugihara,Sugihara house

>Russian central #2
The good places are smaller cities. The big 5 are pretty shitty

you think every big town in your cunt are Russian?

estonia is glorious finnic ethnic group with swedish influence in olden day
latvia is the inheriting empire of the glorious trade capital of riga
lithuania is the remnant group of the glorious polish-lithuanian commonwealth

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I was there, wasn't that bad tbqh.

Bravo estonia

Your country is like 5% Russian, stop whining like a bitch, I bet even Estonians with their 20% Russians don't whine so much

>The good places are smaller cities.

Like which ones? Been to quite a few smaller towns but most of them are depressing shitholes from what I can tell.

Latvia and Lithuania are Balts, Estonians are Finno-Ugrics

Not Kaunas. Every time I go to Vilnius all around I hear russian

>fucking russians everywhere
>even is this thread

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You can't tell much then. Smaller towns are much cleaner than bigger cities and they're more comfier

There is absolutely nothing to do in smaller cities. What the fuck would tourists even do there?

they are cute

Kalvarija is a shithole though.

Enjoy the scenery and there are plenty of museums nature routes around smaller cities like Anykščiai

Druskininkai comfy af, you come here just to chill out

That's right. And don't you forget about us.

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well obviously

They are the only real europeans.

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>the westeners of eastern europe
Yeah no, they're practically Russian gulags. Except for Estonia, they're alright

>says the mongol

They have an autistic relationship with Russia. On wikipedia in the Balto-Slavic page (a highly likely linguistic theory that the Baltic and Slavic languages used to be 1 language in 1500 BC, for comparision Slavic languages only evolved into separate languages in the 800-1100 AD period) in the talk page there is some Balt autist who thinks the whole theory is just a cover for Russian expansionism (because German 19th century linguists were certainly Putin supporters), disregarding that the theory means Baltic languages are just as related to Russian as to Serbocroatian or Slovak.

What puts me off about Balts is the endless butthurt about Russian and the hatred of all Slavs because "Slavs = Russians" in the eyes of Baltic nationalists. I like reading about linguistics yet can barely find anything about Balto-Slavic linguistics without bumping into some site "debunking the Balto-Slavic theory" because of muh feelings, muh grandpa was in Gulag so I hate all Slavs now. I'd have more sympathy for Baltic butthurt if they didn't spread pseudoscience and endorse Nazism.

But that 1 Lithuanian in /v4/ is really nice, learns Czech too and noticed the similiarities despite not being any sort of linguist.

Why are they even 3 different countries? Their culture is incidental and they don't hate each other because of stupid propaganda like in the Balkan.
If they were one country, they can spend more money on military for defense against Russia.

>Russian flag with some shit added extra
>hurr nazis
>y u h8 us, guise? :(
We don't hage slavs. We hate faggots like you who marginalize what our countries had to go though to get back our independence

I hate all faggots who cannot get over history. Humans have killed each other since the bronze age and don't expect me to have special sympathy for you. What did you get from your independance anyways? All your people are leaving for the West (I think dissolution of Czechoslovakia was a mistake too btw so don't say how mine is a meme country too, I agree it is, and I'd argue it was).

You certainly haven't experienced any of the struggles of fighting for your independance either so stop being a snowflake.

that's literally every country in the world, expect for NEA ones


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Besides, no, Gulags are no excuse for you to be suicidal Nazis. ALL Stalinist countries had the same things. Deportations, Gulags,mass killing of opposition, especially the USSR. Your people like painting USSR as some colonial empire that exploited you to create luxury for Russians, well, no. Nobody lived in luxury in the Stalinist world other than some very highly placed people, standards of living in the USSR was highest in the Baltic states (and I know you got deportations, Gulags and collectivisation, but thats what happened absolutely everywhere under communist rule).

The NKVD took many thousands of people from Czechoslovakia after WW2 even before the communist coup actually occured yet you don't see us being so obsessed by it as you are. Balts and Ukrainian nationalists like to excuse their own crimes by trying to claim to be "special victims" of communism rather than experienced the same shit every country under that red poisonous ideology experienced (at least Ukrainians did arguably suffer more than anyone else because of the Holodomor).

slav shit subhuman
hitler reign best years of my life

I love them
wish best for them

>5% Russian
Lithuanians is pretty much Russians themselves

ungrateful little shits

Lithuania, my country! You are as good health:
How much one should prize you, he only can tell
Who has lost you. Your beauty and splendour I view
And describe here today, for I long after you.

>Commies fucked everyone, Russians included
A lone voice of reason

it's us who fucked up

Lol Hitler who had near 100 percent extermination rate for most Baltic groups is your hero. And don't give me crap about him not exterminating you during the war, he actually treated my nation, supposedly "subhuman" Slavs much better than he did yours. We have more reasons to like Hitler than you did yet I still recognise him as the scum he was.

Why do you like people who always whine about your old empire and are not at all grateful for things you did for them?

Then go to Lithuania (read - Samogitia) and do a blowjob to first peasant faggot you see there, faggot.

we, at some point, started being too arrogant and we messed up, treated them badly

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I'm blonde and blue eyed too

Baм бля бoльшe нeгдe пocpaть кaк в этoм тpeдe. Pюзкe, пиздyйтe в пoлитaч нa хapкaчe и тaм oбъeдиняйтecь c мecтным дayнeнкoм, кoтopый пpoтив Tapacoв и т.д.

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Polonized German

>Generalplan Ost

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>Ally Bolsheviks when they seem to win in 1919
>Ally Germans when they seem to win in 1941
>Ally Soviets when they finally seem to win in 1945
Truly your peasant kind is hesitant in political affilaton, Or maybe simply you are political whores, ready to change your beliefs depending on circumstances?

ahh yes the propaganda made by the soviets to prove to the west that you saved eastern europe and that no record of were found ahh yes

anything to tread on polish trash


50 percent of Latvians, 85 percent of Lithuanians and 100 percent of Latgalians were destined for extermination yet you still suck Nazi dick. Pathetic.

It is a more Czech thing to hate Russians anyways. We were always under some kind of terrible foreign domination, if we hated every nation that spread their unsavory regime to us we'd hate everyone around us 24/7. Life is too short for that, and USSR was spreading the same system abroad that they applied to their own people.

>propaganda made by the soviets
You trying too hard

Nazi historical revisionism. Stay classy Lithuania.

So political whores then
>Please master, I will slurp your cock if you get rid of these Polish Lithuanians out of their Vilnus and give it to me, Samogi-, I mean Lithuanian

Pathetic, and now you beg us on your knees for protection from Russia, because you have too low IQ to fly military aircraft.

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> Lithuania
Ony one of them with a real history, epic and unironically glorious
> rest
meme countries forever spouting about two and half decades after 1918 as the best time ever

>and the full proposal has never been found, though several documents refer to it or supplement it.
we had partisan movement that you wanted to make illigitimate by pretending to make those up
fuck off polish subhuman