China love thread

Are they the most competent and intelligent nation in the world or what? How can other nations even compete? Do they ever ponder on their inferiority and the ushering of the New Chinese Civilization?

Attached: Huawei_at_MWC2018.png (800x450, 776K)

Other urls found in this thread:

*steals your ports*

Steal? No. It was a fair transaction.

why do the chinese slaughter the falun gong for organs on demand?

Why do Greeks love China so much?

Attached: PG-2014-07-14-balance-of-power-2-01.png (310x827, 38K)

Everything good the Chinese invented, the Japanese turned into something better.

Japan may not be creative but they are the master race because they turn everything into the best it can be.

Media hype and western propaganda

Greeks identify with other developing countries

and i should instead trust the government that censors everything up to the letter N

Why not? Greece benefits from China.

>this flag
>this post


hoping for more loans and tourism bucks

meant to be a question mark at the end

your country literally jails people for "objectionable" tweets

The Japanese are another great asian nation. Both are good and necessary for the world.

Don't know my friend but your goverments covers up pedophile gang crimes.

so how are those mandatory porn filters coming along? you apply for your ID yet?

exactly, why should i trust a big government?
britain has a much freer press than china and the administration is more open with things like freedom of information requests and yet i still don't trust it 100%
the chinese government is on a completely different level

if you think this is at all comparable with the way china acts then i don't know what to say

How does it feel to know that future Britons will be second class citizens in their own island, whereas China will forever be the rightful land of the Han?

You also have one of the biggest survailance system and network. Western press always upholds western interests. They are not objective.

i would much rather live in britain without the oppression of the all powerful party

no really, did you apply for the ID yet? are all the red boards here going to require age verification?

you guys almost live in a police state anyways. camera's everywhere, weapons and household objects banned, internet is now censored. comparable to China on their scale? of course not. similar? obviously.

the british press regularly speaks out against the government and against other institutions that are part of the establishment
the same is not true in china
but anyway you are deflecting from the horrible treatment of falun gong practitioners by the chinese government
britain has faults but that is not the focus of this thread

not similar at all from my pov
none of those things have ever effected me much at all

>>none of those things have ever effected me much at all

and that's why the CCP is still in control. the masses are largely unaffected by the control the CCP exerts. you are acquiescent just like they are. more similar then you realize mate.

How the fuck are those things not similar?
In Britain and in China, you have no privacy from the government due to technological surveillance programs, materials the government deems inappropriate are censored, and the government can incarcerate you for wrongthink.

>the british press regularly speaks out against the government and against other institutions that are part of the establishment
So? The press has 0 power. The west is stagnant. No evolution, no progress.
The west has invaded multiple countries and killed millions of people.
Is China repressive? Maybe.
They're more honest to the western illusion of democracy though.

Yeah, you're right. That wasn't a good reply.
are good for catching criminals, not sure of the downside
>weapons banned
there's no need for the weapons most of the time
you can get certification if you want to hunt or you have some other reason
>household objects banned
this is very over hyped on the internet
they don't like it if you are carrying around a knife for no reason but why would you want to do that anyway?
>internet is now censored
not really though, 18+ for porn has been the same for years, even when it was just in print

stop deflecting

Kowtow to the new Emperor of China Sup Forums.

Attached: clippoohstand.png (350x692, 76K)

User lost Chinese citizenship for this post

yeah there are differences, i'm simply pointing out that the variance in the practices are subject to the countries cultures and morals. one may disagree on the shade of green, but you cannot say it isn't green.

in the same way canada is the same as the ussr because you have free healthcare

in some ways yes and in some ways no.

Maybe he was talking about Germany giving your government loans they couldn't pay back and then trying to strong arm you into selling clay/islands to pay for debts.

Attached: german nazi pepe greek feel guy eu plane crash with no survivors.jpg (942x572, 80K)

Do you love Chinese food?

Attached: Chinese food 1.png (600x2446, 745K)


Personally, I'm not a big fan of Chinese food.

Attached: Chinese food 2.png (1148x1325, 965K)

>britain has a much freer press than china
nigel, you fucking joke, talking about nanny states is only going to get you laughed at
i recommend you dont do it, cunt