>Not living under authoritarian regime
What's your excuse, democracycucks?
>tfw my opinion counts only partially
As it should be. Experts and elites are objectively better at making important decisions. An ordinary folk is just too dumb and primitive for that.
Calm down comrade, they will never understand it because democracy has turned them into a bunch of retatrds
notice how all of the dark green countries are the best countries. makes me think ivan
>democracy has turned them into a bunch of retatrds
How is South Africa at the same level of USA, France, and Portugal when they are literally about to steal all the property of 10% of their population and go full Zimbabwe?
I can see your point. my country men asked municipal and city governments to please screen the Dragon Ball Super finale in public plazas
For that kind of shit they follow protocol but for asking for better shit they just fucking LARP
>thinking I was being serious and wrote "retatrds" unironically
Not so sure now if I was actually joking
europeans are such pretentious cunts
Ahhh yes the peaceful hybrid regime of Pakistan is much better than the evil awful authoritarian regime of China.
These maps are basically muh feels
>tfw when kingdomes are more democratic than USA
>somehow more "democratic" than the uk even though our systems are exactly the same
they probally marked us down becuase of our heavy libel laws
Pakistan inherited a lot of British democratic ideals and they're a rare example of a functioning federal system
When the poos are the only break in a sea of authorianism
Why would be an authoritarian regime unstable when stability is its priority.
All it says is that Chinese regime more firmly in control which is true.
too bad i was born 80 years late
Why did they have to make Lebanon green? Now I can't claim it's Jewish propaganda.
>Literal monarchies are shown as the "most democratic" nations.
Good job, econocuck.com
>steal all the property of 10% of their population
That is just socialism in action and has nothing to do with being democratic or not.
>no data
What the fuck is this shit? Does Denmark rule with an iron hand that prevents anyone from researching the political system of Greenland?
that's actually pretty democratic though because the land belongs to a small minority.
The political system in Greenland is called corruption with a dash of danish subsidies and it's all happening under self-rule. Mayan, inca & aztec larpers should look to greenland for what their country would've been like without europeans